Hikvision camera admin password reset tool


Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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Like Maxwell Smart says "missed by that much" - my build on all 8 cameras was 5.4.5 and so the story goes, seems I have no choice after this much time but to bin all 8 cameras and buy new ones. Something this pensioner is not well pleased about causing me to hang off the decision as long as possible in the vain hope one of the genius members of this forum would come up with a solution / work around. :) Certainly HIK Vision have no interest in helping but I still have their NVR apparently in full working order.
For the past year and a half I have left the cameras plugged in and running since the nice little glow from the IR lamp probably acts as a deterrent to some of the community's light fingered trash.
Thanks to those who tried to help anyway, I shall now order 2CD2355FWDI, quantity 8 off and get my friendly local installer to commission as I dare not destroy a second set!


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Oct 28, 2014
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Can you remind me what the model number of the cameras are?
And confirm that you are able to access the NVR and it's just the camera password you don't know?

If there is no reset button, using the Hikvision tftp updater to apply firmware will reset the cameras to default settings.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 15, 2017
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Hi oldman11

As an older man electrician about two yrs ago I did the same as you. Reset the recorder to defaults and turned eight cameras into door stops. Firmware was to new for the password tool to help.
After many hrs of guessing my password I did recovery them.

In your case there’s still hope. Your son the electrician may still hold the missing link.
We just need to know what he did when he first set them up.

I would also like to see a screen shot of SADP readings with only one camera connected to NVR port 1 and a computer connected to POE port 8
(Think I read in one of your posts that all cameras are connected to back of the NVR.)

Also a screen shot from your NVR that shows each channel and its IP address.

As Alastair said using tftp updater to apply the same firmware will reset the cameras to default settings.


Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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Hi Guys. Yes, I think we have been down this or similar path but anything to save "junking" over $1500.00 worth of cameras
Please see attached copy of all cameras and NVR detail
To recap, I have used two separate gentlemen, both of who started out very confident they could fix the problem
Without going into detail, one was a very experienced tech, fully conversant with the product who installed recovery software on the NVR to install a new password - supplied by HIK, so I don't want to say too much. However despite trying he failed to get co-operation from the cameras despite confirming they are all still "active" - we are just locked out, with no picture forthcoming. He took one camera away to a 3rd party whom had "cracked" a similar problem but after weeks of waiting for a result it seems the 3rs party was unwilling to devote his time to the problem and we drew a blank.
The earlier "fixer" spent more than a reasonable amount of time trying everything, contacting various people, all to no avail before he also gave up. (we have a pattern forming here?)
I subsequently tried every conceivable combination of a password that might have been used - word, word in capital letters, upper and lower case, word plus number - as before...………..got nowhere. I /we decided the reset tool had destroyed the password history? Whatever, we never even looked like getting a picture :(
And no - there is no reset button inside or outside of the camera ball, that was another thought the tech had focused on, but declared the cameras "cut down, budget models"
I wished they had been - they cost me an arm and a leg!
My son installed the cameras on P&P protocol which required no password for the cameras but one (don't know what it was) for the NVR- which now works again?
Stuffed if I know, and I am not sufficiently tech savy to try these things on my own. I think I may have worn out my welcome with the second gent as I tried phoning him today, left a message asking him to call back - no response. A case of diminishing returns and he is in business to make a profit? Can't say that I blame him
Please let me know if the attachment does not open- works for me but maybe just 'cause it's on my computer? Thanks for your help


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Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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Interesting that the serial number shows a different model number than the product code.

I'd speculate - though not 100% sure - that the DS-2CD2352 is an R6 series camera, in which case this may be the firmware for it.
If it's not - the camera will reject an update attempt.

My suggestion:
Get an external 12V power supply for the camera, and an ethernet cable to connect it to you r LAN switch/router, and try the 'Hikvision tftp updater' method to apply the 5.4.5 or 5.4.4 firmware from the link above.
The tftp updater and instructions are here :


Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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Thanks Alistair, it is nighttime here now so I will remove a camera in the morning and try to follow your instructions. At worst I turn it into a brick, and it aint worth anything as it is so not a lot to loose. I previously purchased a 12 volt supply -probably on prior advise from you
I think I can do it if I take my time - but shit - there are a lot of instructions to get right :)
My son, the electrician is away, up state on a project for 3 months, so no chance of help from that source


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Oct 28, 2014
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I think I can do it if I take my time
You'll be fine.
My uncertainty is knowing the right firmware to try. It's not a model I'm familiar with.
And knowing if that model still supports the 'Hikvision tftp updater'.

The process is as follows:
Drop the tftp installer ZIP file into a new folder on the PC, unzip the contents.
Drop the firmware ZIP file into the same folder, unzip it which will give the firmware file digicap.dav
The PC and the camera should both be connected to your LAN switch/router.

Set the PC IP address to
Double-click the tftpserve.exe file to start the tftp updater.
There should be a Windows firewall 'Allow' popup. Click OK. This only needs to happen once.
Check that the status window of the tftp updater says 'initiallised on'.
Power on the camera.
Observe the messages on the status window.

Normal would be something like (I forget the exact details):
Device on connected
File transfer completed
System update completed.

Then see what SADP shows.
With luck it will show status = Inactive
If so, that's good, and you should be able to simply plug the camera into an NVR PoE port that's in Plug&Play mode and the NVR will activate it and configure it. If that works, the NVR will have used it's own password to Activate the camera.


Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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Made contact with my Tech this morning - his "expert" had already tried the tftp updater on the camera he took away - it does not work!
Sad but true, so he is going to do me a special price for new cameras under the LTS security brand as sold in the USA, he said he uses them all the time and they are cheaper than anything he can obtain from HIK Vision, yet both are made in the same Chinese factory I understand, just re-branded to get around the stigma on HIK product in the USA
So, I will not see him this week due to other business commitments he has but hopefully next week we can get the ball rolling


Getting the hang of it
Nov 15, 2017
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Suggest you don’t commit to his offer until Alastair replies to you as I have alarm bells ringing here that he may just be trying to sell you new cameras.

There’s other ways to upload the same firmware. Again Alastair is the expert with this.
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Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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Alistair - the original packaging labels (attached) have the serial numbers on them as per the SADP's reading of the devices serial number
They all identify the model as "DS-2DC2352-1" for both 2.8mm and 4mm cameras
I suspect the "-1" component of this is the first number of 12017707...… as in the device serial number from SADP tool
And the lens size is identified by the subsequent number 05 (2.8mm) and 08 (4mm)
So - perhaps the "Device type" in the SADP readout is only generic to a range of cameras?
I hope this helps truly identify the correct cameras?
Meanwhile I have this week at least before I will hear back from the Tech due to his busy schedule
Thanks all



Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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They all identify the model as "DS-2DC2352-1" for both 2.8mm and 4mm cameras
I've had a few of those mini-dome cameras through my hands over the last year or so.
They should work just fine with the Hikvision tftp updater - I have bought / converted to EN / fully updated the firmware using the tftp updater method / re-sold.
You should try it - it's fairly straightforward.

Even if the tftp updater doesn't work, the serial console access is interesting and easy enough to do, the forum will help you with any uncertainty.

Just curious - does the "he is going to do me a special price for new cameras under the LTS security brand" include giving him the existing mini-domes?
They have a good used resale value on eBay, they sell well.

**edit** By the way - these are R0 cameras.
Lots of firmware choices here : R0 series DS-2CD2x32x-Ixx IP camera firmware


Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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I am confused (again) You say these are mini- dome cameras? They are surely HIK Vision 5mp Turret cameras, not mini, not dome
Then your edit adds that they are RO cameras - what does that mean please?
Definitely has been no discussion about him getting / keeping the old cameras


Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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Also, just read the link you gave to "lots of firmware choices here, only to find my cameras are not listed here unless I am going blind (a distinct possibility - awaiting eye surgery)
Not trying to be difficult but perhaps you put the reply to the wrong thread? :)


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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Oops - my mistake, sorry.
I mixed up the 2532 with 2352.
Please ignore what I said above, you are quite right to query it.


Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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Alistair - no problems, you are so much help to people, I don't know how you do it!
A wee bit of background on my cameras and NVR: They were purchased for me "on line" over the internet from a company that showed a Sydney Australia Address so we wrongly assumed with a 7 day delivery anywhere in Australia that they were a legitimate HIK Vision supplier. WRONG!! turns out they were Malaysian company with a storage shed in Sydney and from whence they sourced their product we are not sure but now believe India? At one point we were referred to an Indian Distributor who wanted our "agents identification" - which clearly we did not have so got nowhere.
When we lost the password for the NVR and locked out the cameras our real trouble began, no support from HIK or their distributors, the (now discovered) Malaysian mob just wasted our time until the PayPal agreement expired then left us high and dry.
Moving forward, it would seem, just reading between the lines, that any fix is largely dependent on establishing what "family" these cameras belong to so as to obtain "correct" upgrade material. I am currently trying the internet but so far no joy. As you already can see, I am not computer savy but will struggle on, as the system is utterly useless as it stands and well over $2000 spent for nothing. With these updates, do I need to purchase a method of opening the zip files or can the camera accept them in the packaged form? Sorry, I know it sounds dumb but that is how little I know :)
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Getting the hang of it
Nov 15, 2017
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do I need to purchase a method of opening the zip files
No there are free programs and windows should have it included as standard. Right click the zip file name once and select. Extract All

The correct model is DS-2DC2352-I as per your boxes.
They are cheap cameras and missing smart events like line crossing and Intrusion Detection. Selling now on Ebay ex Sydney for $175.
If this gets too hard for you, I are located a few hrs south of Perth WA and if you post one camera over I could tftp the firmware for you and return it to you at my cost.

However to date I haven’t need to do this to my own cameras yet and would need to do a test run on my spare camera first.
If it helps I could put together a step to step PDF with pictures starting from how to change your pc IP address for you.


Getting comfortable
Jun 24, 2018
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dgwasw - that is a most generous offer from you, and I shall only use it as a last resort so as not to take advantage of your good self. The price of the cameras is probably about right, I purchased the two x 2.8mm on a separate order before things went "pear shaped", but add to that the cost of the NVR, which was bare - no hard drive and the price including HDrive was certainly over the $2000, after which my son put in all the cable, running it all through the ceiling space for me as I was just out of hospital and in no shape to contribute. I learned a valuable lesson at the time about E-bay purchases - never, I repeat never buy anything without first being clear the provider has an ABN and Australian tax file number, or alternately, be prepared to loose it all in the event of any problems.
I would still like to attempt the restoration of the cameras myself, and so await some further feedback from Alistair regards the "family" to which these cameras belong. Implicit in his comments when he pointed me to the update firmware was the thought that it may not be correct. After following comment about "family" origin I have tried and failed to get any nearer to the origins of these cameras, thus my background story about Malaysian supplier and the Indian Distributor in the hope it might "click" with someone and we find the correct firmware.
One thing which does come though in all this - the generosity of spirit in the world community, to help others in time of need. Yes there are crooks and charlatans out there, and large corporations who think only about their bottom line numbers, but there are also a lot of very fine people and I have found this forum has more than a few good souls - thanks!


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Oct 28, 2014
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dgwasw - that is a most generous offer from you, and I shall only use it as a last resort so as not to take advantage of your good self.
That is a most generous and excellent offer - I'd encourage you to take it up.
And it looks like @dgwasw has helpfully identified the official Hikvision information on the camera, including valuable links to the firmware.

@dgwasw - do you by any chance have a USB to serial TTL convertor?
If not - it would be a good addition to your toolkit, they are just a few dollars.
Common are the 'PL2303HX-based' versions, often sold 'for Arduino'.
This may be needed if the tftp updater functioanlity has been removed from the bootloader.
You'd also need the cabled connector '4-pin 1.5mm JST ZH connector' - readily available at low cost on eBay, usually in 10-packs.
I could see your test camera getting its insides explored ...
It's not hard to gain access to the serial console, and it's interesting too.