
  1. T

    Hikvision Camera without NVR Recording to FTP

    I hava Hikvision Cam and i need to record main stream to FTP server or any cloud file server 24/7.
  2. M

    Multiple wireless cameras pushing images to an FTP instance

    Hi there, I'm working on a wireless solution that counts people coming in and out of a few separate locations. The setup so far is quite simple - an IP camera pushes a video when it detects movement to a live FTP instance where we process it. The people - counting algorithm is working well...
  3. cheeser

    Video and snapshot viewing after FTP upload

    I have two IPC-HDW5231R-Z cams connected to Synology Surveillance Station. I configured both to upload snapshots and video from motion detection via FTP to an FTP server on the Synology NAS. I noticed the cam uploads data to the server, but in a format I don't recognize (.dav and .idx). I...
  4. sirius99

    HikVision 5.3.8 / FTP / Netgear ReadyShare USB

    Does anyone have this camera succesfully FTP'ing onto a Netgear (in my case an R8000 Nighthawk) USB drive configured as Readyshare USB ? For the life of me I cant get it to work....
  5. A

    backing up sd card automatically (linux)

    I have a hikvision DS-2CD3132F-IWS (firmware V5.2.5), and would like to record on motion detection to the SD card, and then have a nightly script which backs up any video on the SD card to a linux box on the same network. Recording on motion to the SD card is working. Getting video off the SD...
  6. H

    Dahua HFW5202

    Hello, after much trial and error I have managed to ftp a snapshot to a server where it creates a new directory for each hour then each image image. All I need the camera to do is to FTP a snapshot with the same file name to the same directory (ie overwrite) at a set interval, is that possible...
  7. R

    FTP error 80004005

    I've had my BI running flawlessly for a couple of weeks but now it won't FTP images to Weather Underground. FTP send error: 80004005 I've seen 80004005 error in a few other contexts in other posts on this site, so my guess is that it won't help much troubleshooting here... but just in case...
  8. T

    NVR and IP camera FTP capabilities with encoding/transcoding to a server

    Hey ipcamtalk users, Kind of new to the world of surveillance camera systems and currently doing some research for my company on viable solutions. We currently have an Amcrest DVR system that uploads using FTP to an Amazon Web Services server where we process file transcoding and storage. The...
  9. A

    Impossible to playback recording stored at FTP

    Hi All, After a couple D-Link Cams I recently bought a Dahua SD22204T-GN-W and am playing/experimenting with it. I configured an IVS rule and managed to successfully store the triggered recording onto my FTP server. The thing is that the recordings are not shown in the playback tab. Time and...
  10. D

    DS-2CD2332-I motion detection occrus, but no FTP file sent

    I have configured a DS-2CD2332-I for ftp transfer. I can see motion detection but nothing ends up in the ftp folder. I have done the FTP test and a test file is created. So ftp is working and I can also capture and video, the files are transferred via ftp. Somehow motion detection, line...
  11. M

    SD Card file transfer to PC

    I have DS-2CD2032F-I V5.2.5 build 141201 Camera. I want to copy all or selected images from Camera SD card to PC HDD over a network. On Internet explorer access possible only SD card format. No have copy or download possibility. iVMS-4200 possible download, but picture file time-date attribute...
  12. J

    Upload to FTP on Motion Detection? DS-2CD2432F-IW

    I've got a DS-2CD2432F-IW that I'd like to upload an image on motion detection to my FTP. I know that my FTP configuration is working as I was able to test it successfully (the directory got created and the test file put on the filesystem). My problem is that I've got "Upload to FTP" checked...
  13. S

    Back up Instantly during an alarm event or trigger event?

    Is there a way to instantly backup clips for Blue Iris if let's say it picks up a trigger or if let's say your home alarm goes off? The backup method would be a remote FTP site. Right now I have everything backing up to a local FTP drive within the same home, I'd like to set something up that it...
  14. L

    Increase camera post interval to FTP

    I am trying to post a few images per day to our condo association's web site so that absentee owners can easily view the property. They do not need access to video, live images, motion triggered images, or BI. The camera properties "Post" tab works great for my purpose, however I noticed...
  15. U

    Hikvision (2CD2032 or any other 3Mpx model) FTP resolution

    Hi, I have been using Hikvision 2CD2012 and 2CD4212 cameras. Both are 1.3 Mpx and work just fine. 1.3 Mpx cameras slowly going away, they are harder to get and by now 3 Mpx cameras are even cheaper than 1.3 Mpx. But with the 3 Mpx cameras, there is a problem. I no more can upload snapshots via...
  16. E

    Possible to FTP images from DS-2CD2132F-I?

    I see an ftp tab under network settings and successfully setup ftp server....however, I dont see how to enable ftp upload upon motion detection. I have 'upload to FTP' checked under Basic Event settings with motion detection enabled. Nothing gets uploaded with motion in front of cam. Running FW...
  17. S

    Web Site Still Shots upload help needed.

    :DHello, I'm new to the forum. I found a lot of great info in here so far, thanks. First let me out-line what I was doing: I had an Analoge Camera feeding to a capture device and using ConquerCam I was uploading a picture (still shot) every miniute. My computer running ConquerCam was...
  18. Z

    Post to Sub Folder with FTP?

    Hello, I'm trying to set up my FTP server. I would like to post to a sub-folder within my domain, ie, domain.com/blueiris. When I enter domain.com/blueiris in Base Folder on the Edit FTP server page, I receive an error message (when testing) that says "FTP:550 domain.com/blueiris: No such...
  19. fenderman - March 20, 2015 - March 20, 2015 Tweaks have been made to AAC settings to help prevent crashes some users experience with this format. You have the option of switching to MP3 format instead for audio recording to MP4 files. This is done from the Record tab, format, recording profile window. If you...
  20. S

    FTP backup not working

    I did the 'test' and that worked, but nothing seems to get uploaded to the offsite ftp server. am I missing an option somewhere? can someone walk me through how to get it going!?!?!?!?
  21. scottkeen

    FTP configuration error with Hikvision DS-2CD2032-I

    Hi, I'm new here, hope I can get some help. I have Hikvision DS-2CD2032-I cameras and am having trouble configuring FTP with my server. I get the error message popup, "Failed to connect the test server" when clicking the Test button. I am able to connect to my FTP server with FileZilla just...
  22. technet

    Recommended online FTP services for Clips Backup

    Would you guys have good recommendations of online FTP / Storage services for Clips Backup? Free ones if possible. Some free file hostings could now be offering TBs of free space, why not for FTP? Better safe than sorry, really.