The process works best if the camera and PC are wired to a switch or router as normal, not connected together directly. And WiFi off on the PC.PC/IPcam connect direct cable cat.5e.
Using either the Ethernet ports on a network switch, or the Ethernet ports on your router:how can I connect using switch PC/IP cam?
You can lead a horse to water...First thing I would tell you is don't, you have nothing to gain and a lot to loose in functionality.
my tftp works fine! thank you.
but I do re-firmware update 5.2.0, it change Chinese version again...
what can I do for it?
I need edit mdt5/6 file?
thank you for the reply.
I read already.
I did update my cam 5.1.6(you uploaded) firmware using tftp.
and then my cam is change all to english(also week day).
but i want to 5.2.0 firmware version, so I update 5.2.0 firmware using tftp.
(5.2.0 firmware downloaded hikvision euro website.)
and then version change 5.2.0. but camera return chinese again.:miserable: