Hikvision 2xx2 chinese fw 5.0.2, i want to update, what do?

Oct 3, 2016
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I have some hikvision cams from late 2013/early 2014, bought from aliexpress.
One dome DS-2CD2732F-IS, two bullets DS-2CD2032-I.
Firmware 5.0.2, English included, even the osd day of week.

In the serial number i see the code CCRR, i guess this fw is based on some Russian hack that allows the English language in chinese fw cams (this is a wild guess based on some posts i read here and there).

Also, when i login from the browser i can pick several languages in the small scroll down menu, two Chinese (i guess Mandarin and Cantonese), English, Magyar and another in cyrillic that i guess is Russian, plus most european languages.

I want to update to a newer version of firwmare, after reading some posts i am well aware of the fact that the cam is going to turn to chinese only, and that i could brick it if i use the wrong firmware.
I still want to update because i need some features in the latest firmwares.

So here is the question: what's the best way to go from this point?
From what i gathered so far, the idea is to upgrade to fw 5.2.5, and then use some of the hacks posted in this forum to switch back the interface from chinese to english.

First problem: i cant find the 5.2.5 fw. I dont find it in hikvision.com and i guess i cant use the firmwares from european or american hikvision site? Or is it the same?

Maybe i can even find the 5.2.5 fw if i look better but how do i know whether it's for the chinese or euro/usa cameras, in case it matters?

And last question, which is the best hack to use to switch back from chinese to english once i manage to update to 5.2.5? Or even 5.2.0?

I know this arguments have been discussed in several threads, but most of the guides/issues discussed are based on people upgrading to the wrong firmware and having to resort to hacks to revert it back to a working cam with english menu, in my case i have a working cam and i just wonder what's the best way to go from here.

Any other advice are well accepted, thanks in advance!