Worlds First Review - Dahua - IPC-Color4K-X / DH-IPC-HFW5849T1-ASE-LED - Full Color 4K Camera


Known around here
Nov 26, 2018
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Christmas Island
is there anything against "corridor mode" ? maybe give it a try ? maybe some downside by pointing it more down..

i personally dont like corridor mode... more focal length for the win ;)
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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
@Parley I personally think your 5542Z-E was better in this location.
I can see why as the magnification was better for this location and eventually I will replace this camera with a varifocal that has the 1/1.2" or larger sensor in 4K. I think the 6MM version would be better if it was not for the focal distance.


Known around here
Dec 9, 2018
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All, quick update as I continue to push the camera and look for bugs. I did find a new one that I wanted to bring to your attention for awareness only. This is regarding the ROI (Region of Interest) feature. Now, to be clear up front, I do not recommend using this feature, EVER. There is no situation that this actually provides a real benefit in my experience across many cams as in most cases it causes degraded image (obviously those areas you are not selecting as an ROI) and even when using a small portion of an FOV, camera performance is often impacted significantly. Again this is regardless of cam.

So whats the issue I've seen with this specific camera ? The issue culminates in camera resets and (based on your network infrastructure) potential STP issues due to connect/reconnect loops potentially appearing as a storm. Obviously I can only test this 1 unit as I don't have any more of these yet (but plan on buying some more once stock is available) so this may be isolated. Either way I wanted to document it and I've reached out to Dahua to make them aware of the bug, steps to fix etc and also flagged @EMPIRETECANDY.

Specifically when you go into Settings, Video then ROI, click Enable and draw an ROI area that is the entire camera FOV then click Save. The camera then starts to go unresponsive (you'll see GUI have issues first then drops off network). For those of us using managed switches you can look at a POE switch you will see the camera drop offline then back on again first establishing POE link for power then grabbing IP for connectivity, losing IP, blipping power. It will go through these steps continually. It will do this until you either a) factory reset the camera or b) if you can log back in quick enough (before it drops connection) then disable ROI, it will stop the issue. I've tested this a couple of times now. While I've been successful in logging back in quick enough, it was more luck than science therefore again flagged this as a bug and highly recommend that you don't use ROI period but if you must, then stay clear of it (leave it disabled which is the default) until this is fixed.

Will update when I see this one addressed.


All, I wanted to provide an update on the issues above. I like to give credit where credit is due and again have to applaud Dahua for their speed in getting me a test build for the issue above. I have been working with their devs directly on this and received a build Thursday as an initial test. This definitely helped as it has stopped the camera ultimately restarting using the above scenario BUT ROI still invokes a ton of latency due to performance impact on the cameras (not just this one). This latency is enough that when combined with the other issue could still cause a storm and ultimate trip STP on a switch. Therefore I have documented my findings based on this new test release and submitted it back to Dahua for the next test build iteration. This way should anyone use ROI (again I strongly advocate that you DON'T) that you shouldn't see a problem. So again, definitely a step forward but needs more work. Reported this back to @EMPIRETECANDY as well. Just keeping everyone here up to date on what I'm seeing with regards to the cam bugs filed.



Known around here
Dec 9, 2018
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I can see why as the magnification was better for this location and eventually I will replace this camera with a varifocal that has the 1/1.2" or larger sensor in 4K. I think the 6MM version would be better if it was not for the focal distance.
I'm thinking we're at least 1+ years away from a varifocal of this specific model now due to chip shortage and the focus on other applications. My thoughts are that we will see more 4K 1/1.8" (IR based) pairings including vari's, updates to the 4MP vari's and an update to the PTZ and multi-sensor cams in between times. This will include updates across the board SW wise to SMD 3.0 and additional IVS rule sets such as Object Monitoring and others. This should allow the shortages to be resolved, factory gate prices to fall to reasonable levels while updating the offerings across the other segments in their catalog. Hopefully we see the vari's for this model sooner than that but that will be pushing it for sure. Either way, I know a number of us here will look forward to what the vari of this 4K color at night cam can odder as well as looking forward to larger sensor implementation across the board Parley :)

With regards to your cam dialing in @Parley, I'll definitely jump on when you’re ready and look to see how I can assist.
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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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Boys....we have a winner here! Dahua, along with all the incredible work @Wildcat_1 did with helping them improve the firmware has knocked this thing out of the park.

I haven't adjusted any settings other than shutter, gain, and NR, so there is still some tweaking to be done. But WOW.

Obviously all cameras need light, but this one doesn't need much. I am shocked out how little light this thing needs to produce a workable image. And how faint the LEDs are on this and still produces the image it does.

Now if you have ANY light at all, then this thing really shines.

Here are 3 little clips with shutter at 0-8.33, gain 0-50, NR at 25 and the remaining at default.

This one is with just the lights of the camera. It looks a tad washed out but can be tweaked out with settings and angling the camera a little right to get the light bounce off the house (temporary location where an overview camera is):

This one is using just a cheap $14 solar power 100 lumen floodlight from Harbor Freight with the camera light turned off. This one looks really good. Probably because it isn't getting light bounce off the house.

This one adds a 1,200 lumen floodlight along with the camera LED. This one and the previous one with just the solar lights shows how having any additional light at all is taken full advantage of by this camera.

I am shocked how fast you can make the shutter with this thing and still produce a workable image. I could take it to 1/500 easily and still be a very workable image, even 1/1,000.

Contrast that with my 5442 LED camera that I tested previously at the 0-8.33 shutter and 0-50 gain and it struggled. I had to open the shutter to 0-16.67 to match the brightness of this 4K.

And digital zoom can now actually be a thing. This was the max digital zoom out of blue Iris for the 4K:

4k digital zoom.jpg

And the same digital zoom for the 5442:

4MP digital zoom.jpg

Obviously I have some more tweaking to do and position in it it's final place, but this thing is pretty impressive right out of the box. The first camera that I have seen that you could probably get away with auto/default settings and this could be a game changer to the general public that just keep everything at default.

The video was very good even with auto shutter, which after testing and being able to take it to 1/500 easily, I can see why.

I see many people with the bullet version of the 5442 replacing them with this!

We need a varifocal of this bad boy!
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IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
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Thanks @wittaj , this camera is using the latest new full color tech, a little later than Hikvision, but still not late.
Motorized lens i think have to wait to 2022. Will need a stronger chips to get the best pics.
Later let's see how is the working for the 4mp motorized lens full color working 4MP 1/1.8CMOS
By the way, the first 20pcs stocks we ship 9 amazon to USA, and the left 11pcs stocks all sold in China.
If you find any bugs welcome to report.


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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is the 5442 LED camera without any external or internal light ? otherwise it is hard to believe :eek:
Just the little LED on the camera. The 4 LED and larger sensor on the 4K camera make all the difference.

I have said before in other "full color" type threads that I personally found the LED light on the camera is a gimmick. It helps for a small diameter circle, but it is no different than going outside at pitch black and turning on your cell phone light - it is bright looking directly at the LED light, but it doesn't spread out and reach very far. Fortunately I have enough ambient light at that spot that I do not need the little piddly LED light on and it actually looks worse with it on, but it performs better than my other cameras when tested at the same location due to the better Fstop of fullcolor type cameras.

Before this camera I would say that without some light other than the LED of the camera, a camera with IR capability is the safer bet. This is the first "full color" type camera that I have had where the LED on the camera actually makes a difference in a pitch black location. So if your install location is ok with the LED light on from the camera, this is a very strong contender for getting a camera without IR capabilities.

I am still shocked in auto LED mode how faint the light is on this camera is and gets a usable image. Not that the other full color camera LED is anything to write home about, but when standing out in the yard, the 4k camera LED was running at around 25% the brightness of the 5442 LED at 100%.

In fact, before I got this camera, that just based on @Wildcat_1 videos, I posted earlier in this thread "Finally an LED on a camera that isn't gimmicky LOL. Sure doesn't look like most with an LED light" because I was blown away with how bright his videos were compared to my full color cameras in pitch black just relying on the camera LED. And now that I have this camera, I can absolutely confirm that statement is true!
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Side by side comparison
5442-NI 3.6mm bullet vs Color4K-X 3.6mm bullet

Holy shit :oops:

Just an initial, very preliminary comparison of my existing 5442-NI bullets vs the new Color4K-X
  • Driveway coach lights on as I normally have them
  • Both cameras at 1/120 fixed exposure and 50 Gain
  • Color4k-X LED's on 100% Near/60% Far
  • Most all other settings default. I need to play with DNR
  • I need to play with the X camera LED's vs the coach lights and find a balance. A bit of wash out from too much light!
  • And yes, that car was moving at about 20mph

5442-NI 3.6mm
120-CoachON-4116P_Drive West_main_20210807232453_@12.jpg

Color4K-X 3.6mm
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