Which firmware is the best?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Dont use your illness as an excuse and try to make me out to be the bad guy...it takes the same effort to post an new message. You are not editing mistakes you are adding NEW content. Nice try though,...it becomes a hassle to follow..Just say you like doing that way and be honest.
The op stated that his cameras have 5.2.0 - that is the LATEST update pushed on the hikvision site. Therefore YOU are the one who needs to show there is a reason to update to a firmware version that was not released in the US. If the manufacturer believed the update was needed they would provide it on the USA website - using your logic, since they spent all this money developing the software.
Regardless, the above is irrelevant if the end users doesnt forward the cameras there is ZERO issue - end of story. If you just forward the media port and not HTTP you would be safe from most of the exploits.
Your fear mongering does no one any good.
For the 100th time i have read your "about me" and I am not impressed. If you are going to spew nonsense I am going to rebut it.
Now I am waiting for the sticky on the foscam forum telling users to trash their cams. I have a 9820 for which the latest firmware is 2012.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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You need to stop deliberately editing your posts to reflect and preempt something I say in a later post. Your post keeps swelling....its is NOT the proper method of forum communication and despite what you say, has nothing to do with your illness which YOU chose to air in public - as a ploy...get over yourself already. Stop posting manifestos riddled with misinformation - you can do that over at the foscam forum...


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Yikes. The topic the OP chose reminds me of the "what is the best survival firearm" question which has been asked a million times in every SHTF forum which has ever existed. And the answer is always "the gun one happens to possess when the SHTF." Much to the same point -- IMO -- the "best firmware" is the firmware which best meets your surveillance camera requirements. I believe the axiom is "if it ain't broke don't fix it."

HOWEVER...as MaxIcon once so succinctly postulated..."there are those of us who simply cannot leave well enough alone."



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Mar 9, 2014
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I don't think I was condescending. Nor do I think my post was full of nonsense. The person responded to my post with a "Sigh" in text. I went on to ask for facts and specifics to back up their continued unsubstantiated claims made here in this Forum thread. My post:


Please read your post text here as well:

"There is no reason to be condescending towards other forum members
***-> particularity because your post is full of nonsense
(and you keep adding to it with the no less than 15 edits so far)" <-***"

That said. I think you are and have been very condescending and ignorant toward me. Your response here and in other posts here as responses to me, substantially self document this as fact. Especially about your incessant need to ask about my number of edits to my posts publicly, over and over in the Forum. You have gone so far in prior post responses to me here in the Forum, when mentioning this in other posts here. To publicly call my post editing "Psychotic".

Yet you wish to have an intelligent conversation on what's condescending even with your post text here alone. Besides the multitude of other responses to me here in this Forum that use the same ignorant tone? That can be found easily. When you could and can, PM me instead. I have NEVER as in EVER publicly stated why I edit some of my posts the way I do. But since you continue to be ignorant about it and could and can not send me a PM asking me about it. But need to do it instead PUBLICLY many times here. In the Forum.

I was diagnosed as Brittle Type I diabetic at age 46. One in one hundred diabetics are a Type I diabetic and one in one hundred Type I diabetics are a "Brittle Type I Diabetic". It's one of the worse forms of Type I diabetes to have. I am now 58. I am losing the feelings in all my fingers, especially my fingertips and my eyesight is also getting worse, year by year, because of this disease. Prior to age 46, I had 20/20 vision and could type 100 WPM with virtually no errors. While, I should take the time now to type slower and read what I post better before I click the save button. I don't.

Is that OK with you fenderman? That I continue to edit my posts as needed? If you like, why not tell me what amount of edits I can do per post or disable my ability to edit my posts? Since me editing my posts, bothers you Soooooo much. Yet it's a feature that comes with no limits for the vast majority of Forum software. Including the Forum software used here.

Now that I have publicly for the first time EVER told EVERYONE about my illness? Because you are and have been too ignorant, to ask me about it in a PM here. Instead when you get bored you say it publicly!

Back to the subject of this thread.

You and a few others here, are making a claim that the new firmware, has No value added changes and fixes. The operative word here is "NO". If it's not truthful, then why use and continue to use the word?

The only way to honestly make a claim like that, is to know every change and fix included in the new firmware. Documented and not documented. If you don't have that information in it's entirety. Then state so vs. blatantly lying while acting like you do. By not including words like:

In my opinion
I feel
I think
Most likely

The question is more "why" you and others fail to include words like the above when suggesting that other IP Camera owners not install new firmware provided by the manufacture. IMHO ego is why. For sure it's not being honest by simply saying as was said:

That the new firmware has No value added:

You are also doing the same thing. Your basing your new firmware claim, with no supporting facts. As in Zero, Zip, Nada.

I don't need to support my responses to these claims, that new firmware should be installed due to having more positive benefits than negative benefits. Because it's obvious ("By anyone that knows and understands why firmware/software updates/new versions are released") that the manufacturer of the IP Camera released new firmware not because they were bored, don't need or care about money and had nothing else better to do with their corporate resources and time.

Again, I am not making these unsubstantiated claims you and a few others are here. I am simply responding to these unsubstantiated claims. Asking for specifics and facts.

So, please. In great detail explain all the changes and fixes in the new firmware releases and why they are/were a meaningless waste of time for the manufacturer to produce. This is an expectation that we all deserve for a claim such as this that basically is stating the manufacturer of these IP Cameras is not as intelligent as those that know better than to install the new firmware they provide.

If you can't do the above. Then stop "Acting" like you know about every change or fix in new firmware releases and telling others that they don't need those new firmware releases. When you know you don't know everything that was changed or fixed in that new firmware. Because to do otherwise. Is well, blatantly lying. There is no other term for it. Because you are using a "Gut Feeling" yet not calling it that and more or less "Acting" like you have some "inside information" of everything that was changed and fixed in that firmware release and based on that information you are helpfully informing IP Camera owners. Which we know is not the case here.

Also, please re-read the "About Me" link in my signature fenderman. It might help you to remember that my technical background goes back many decades and has little to nothing to do with my recent use of and help with Foscam IP Cameras. Which started in 2012. I'm more than sure you are capable of doing this math if you choose vs. acting like my technical background started with Foscam. LOL! Yet you seem not able to let that falsehood go.

If you want to claim the earth is flat, then prove it. Because it's not! I'm not making the claim that the earth is flat, you and a few others are. So, asking those making this claim to substantiate it. Makes common sense and is very justified.

Meaning, the manufacturer in this case released new firmware. If you say that the firmware is not needed. Then please also explain, all the changes/fixes which are in the new firmware. Documented and not documented so that it will help substantiate your claim. That the manufacturer wasted their time, money and corporate resources to create this new firmware, for their IP Camera owners. As you tell IP Camera owners NOT to install that firmware. Because you are "All and knowing" or just smarter then anyone else in this field. Including the manufacture who designed, created and maintains these devices.

Again, it's not asking much to do that vs. somehow trusting that you are technically capable to have dissembled and evaluated the new firmware in it's entirely and other IP Camera owners should believe you over the manufacture. Because somehow, you and a few others are "All and knowing".

That's not sarcasm or being condescending on my part. It's stating things as they are being written by you and a few others here and asking for validation to back up those claims with all the specifics and details that you should already have available beforehand, to be making such claims.

Additionally, if you only wish to focus on the security fixes in new firmware vs. all the other things which are generally also included in new firmware releases. It matters little how long ago an exploit was initially published. Since virtually all exploits continue to be exploited in the future. When there are devices that continue to be exploitable using that exploit. So your logic is flawed about that and that's not my personal opinion. It's documented and a well known fact on how hacking communities work.

As one Example. XP as an operating system continues to be exploited using exploits initially published many years ago. The same applies to any software/firmware.

You are totally missing the point...so let me reiterate...
1) a firmware update is NOT NEEDED OR RECOMMENDED if the cameras are not port forwarded. End of story. If they are working fine leave them be.
2) The OP has the latest firmware from hikvision USA- there is nothing to update to- pay attention.
3) Only forwarding the media port eliminates most of these "vulnerabilities".
4) if you believe there is a security risk why dont you have all the folks over at the foscam forum that you moderate throw out their cameras that are no longer receiving updates like the 9820 which hasnt been updated since 2012.
You have been a pompus know it all since day one and on other forums, the difference is on this forum you cannot have me banned for speaking my mind.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Please disable my editing. Since I am only simply using a feature of the Forum software which as stated in my prior post is a feature included in virtually every Forum software package like this.

That is not how we operate here. We dont ban or disable. The function is there to correct mistakes - you know that. YOU ARE ADDING NEW CONTENT. Stop being a smart ass.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
Reaction score
Megatroplis, USA
Please disable my editing...
Don, I've noticed here on IPCT.com, and at other forums, that your posts are often quite long and quite drawn out. And truth be told I often find them too argumentative and obfuscated to bear reading them in full. But being a bit of a writer myself I believe I have a reasonable understanding of just how much time, how much energy and how much work it takes to craft such proclamations. So I have to ask, do you have a day job?


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Please disable my editing. If it offends you. Since I am only simply using a feature of this Forum software which as stated in my prior post is a feature included in virtually every Forum software package like this.

As for your claims of when IP Camera owners should or should not install new firmware produced by the manufacture. I will wait for your specifics and details on the fixes and changes to these new firmware releases. In their entirety vs. simply taking your word.

You edited this post anD added that last paragraph..to a reader it would seem that i did not respond to it. STOP being a jerk and doing that.
Like I said, EVEN if there were 500 security flaws fixed THERE IS NO REASON TO UPGRADE. You gloss over the fact that upgrading is pointless if the cameras are not forwarded.
You are a total hypocrite - by your logic all foscam cameras that have no new firmware updates should not be sold or used. Where is your post about that on the foscam forum which you moderate!


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I am using a Forum software feature. Please disable that feature which has no "Abuse Level" for me. If you choose.

I dont need to disable a feature, you need to stop being an ass. Its as simple as that! See my above post as to why its important. Shame on you for playing the illness card.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I explained why I edit some posts as I do. If you don't or can't believe my answer. That's your problem. No shame here. Just somewhat embarrassed is all.

Stop lying. See my post 31, with a great example of what you do. It has NOTING TO DO WITH YOUR ILLNESS. You should be ashamed of yourself. Your lying is an affront to those with disabilities who need accommodations.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I am not going to continue to take this topic off thread.

I can say that I can prove what I said is fact.

So, I have been honest about my editing and the reasons why. Anything I say more won't change you continuing to be ignorant about it.

Enough said by me about this.

If I only had a nickel for every time you said enough said and then added 5 paragraphs to the post....


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Staying on topic.

It's beyond obvious that while you say you read my posts on this subject here. That you have not done so in their entirety.

This is about installing or not installing new firmware provided by the manufacturer of the IP Camera.

This has nothing to do with a manufacturer not providing new firmware for a IP Camera.

Because then, there is no new firmware to install.

Get it?

Like I said, EVEN if there were 500 security flaws fixed THERE IS NO REASON TO UPGRADE. You gloss over the fact that upgrading is pointless if the cameras are not forwarded. You cannot rely on manufactures half baked security updates that come months after the exploit is released.
Please post a sticky on the foscam forum telling users to toss out their older cameras that are not being updated. Tell foscam to stop selling older cameras that are not being updated.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Hey, got any ideas for lotto ticket numbers? I mean you must be pretty good if you can make claims like this with no supporting evidence of any kind minus:

Like I said

That's a fair assessment of what you are trying to push on myself and others here.

If they wish to buy into this. That's their business now.

They can decide on where the facts are?

With the person who says Like I said don't install the new firmware without any supporting evidence of why?

Or the manufacturer who produced the new firmware for the cameras owners who also designed, created and maintain said IP Cameras.

Like I said. Keep trying to substantiate your claim without any supporting evidence. That anything in this new firmware, won't help any IP Camera owners.

Without any need for specifics and details of course. Because your "word" trumps logic and anything the manufacture says to do, of course.

The details are this. If the camera is not exposed to the net there is no way a firmware update is going have ANY effect. IF you cant understand that then you have a problem. Dont just rant about upgrading firmware that may brick cameras just because there is a "update"...Im not going to draft a manifesto...you simply dont know what you are talking about and enjoy fear mongering.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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THERE IS NOTHING NEW IN THE "UPDATED" FIRMWARE other than alleged "security" updates...THERE IS NO NEED TO "UPGRADE"If the camera is working fine there is no point in the upgrade..STOP relying on half baked patches for your security.
And no, im not going to reread you manifestos after you edit them over and over.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Please stop. I'm laughing enough already!

If the camera is not exposed to the net there is no way a firmware update is going have ANY effect.

So, you are saying then that there are no performance fixes of any kind or additional features or fixes to the IP Cameras UI or functionality when being used locally in this new firmware? I can quote you on that?

You missed the part where I said that if the camera is working properly...I have many of these hikvision cameras with EVERY firmware iteration...there is no noticeable performance improvement from one to the other (there is some added internal functionality with respect to motion detection in 5.1.6 but some of that was removed in 5.2.0). You simply have no idea what you are talking about. Again if the camera is performing well THERE IS NO REASON TO UPDATE IT. You can quote me on it, get a bumper sticker....
New updates often create problems, not something your want to introduce in a security camera...


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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** COUGH **

Performance fixes in the new firmware release mean that the IP Camera will work better even when used locally and never remotely.

You do understand that right?

If so, why do you need to continue to use nebulas phrases like "If the camera is working properly"?

Because if the camera was working properly at its fullest potential. Then there would be no need for the performance fixes in this new firmware release. Now would there?

Secondly, there would be no need for the UI fixes in the new firmware release as well "If the camera is working properly".

Get it?

So your list of what's in the new firmware release is not complete and you should not be making the false claim you are until you have the complete list of what's included in this new firmware release vs. making it up as you go along. as you have been and as you continue to do.

You make no sense....just because a manufacture issues a patch doesnt mean every user is experiencing the issue....it may only be something that affects a specific scenario - can you get that?
UI interface? how does that make a camera work better....
If it aint broke DONT fix it..yes it applies to cameras...
You started with fear mongering about security issues..then when you I explain that its a non issue you come back with some lame crap about there are "improvements" that we didnt even know we needed because our cameras a working fine..
All my cams are working to their fullest potential even my 5.1.0 cameras.
Go take you fear mongering someplace else....


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I make plenty of sense.

The rest is up to the IP camera owner. They can decide on what the manufacture suggests or use your Ego word based suggestions are, with no supporting evidence.

Good day.

Yes well let them decide whether they want to read your useless drivel or not....please let them know when you are doing editing the posts so they can read the final drafts...
Please post a similar post to this on your foscam forum...the users need to know that they must stop using the unsupported firmware...:rolleyes: