US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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Another shining example of how this senile stupid f@@@@g moronic prick in office does not understand foreign policy.
I mean, you don’t placate crapholes like Iran with cute words. The only thing these animals understand is force. Kind words and planes full of cash did not do the trick when the obama scum was in office. Trump’s continued sanctions crippled them to the breaking point. This shows that Biden once again is turning his back on Israel and mollycoddling “people” that would do anything to destroy us and Israel. But why should I be surprised based upon his decisions in the past few months? This country is now the laughing stock of the world now.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
I watched the whole statement and news conference yesterday. Dementia Joe was reading off a teleprompter during the statement. Nothing wrong with that and every President does that.

But I noticed a severe difference in the cadence of his words during the news conference portion. He was very slow and unsure of the words as he spoke. It was very obvious if you watched it. I wonder if he was reading off the teleprompter as it was typed in or if he was repeating what he was being told via an earpiece. His cognitive abilities have gone downhill very rapidly since he was installed to Office.

Anyone else notice that, or am I crazy? (well it's is a given I'm nuts, but not crazy)
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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The level of incompetence and stupidity of this whole affair on the part of our government is beyond belief…

The Taliban has mobilized a special unit, called Al Isha, to hunt down Afghans who helped US and allied forces — and it’s using US equipment and data to do it.

Nawazuddin Haqqani, one of the brigade commanders over the Al Isha unit, bragged in an interview with Zenger News that his unit is using US-made hand-held scanners to tap into a massive US-built biometric database and positively identify any person who helped the NATO allies or worked with Indian intelligence. Afghans who try to deny or minimize their role will find themselves contradicted by the detailed computer records that the US left behind in its frenzied withdrawal.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Taliban reminds us that Drake is real

Clap that @$$ (Lyric of the day) :rofl: :facepalm:
Aug 3, 2015
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Apologies for today's late delivery...

August 27, 2021

Good News Friday

Dear Patriots,

We know that you are as concerned and disturbed as we are by the events in Afghanistan and what the future implications will be. We know that everywhere you look you are seeing signs that will lead to disastrous results.

We ask that you hold fast. Hang in there with us. Pray for us and pray with us that there IS a solution.

There are subjects that we are not addressing with you. Please know, while in a battle it is often better to be quiet. Be assured that there is a lot of work being done behind the scenes on many fronts.

1- Sometimes The Supreme Court surprises us, rather than disappoints us. They ruled that an unelected bureaucracy does not have the authority to mandate.
(Just The News)
U.S. Supreme Court hands Biden another loss, strikes down eviction moratorium
The Supreme Court blocked the Biden administration's COVID-19 eviction moratorium, allowing evictions to resume.

On Thursday, the Supreme Court said in an unsigned opinion that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) did not have the authority under federal law, without express congressional authorization, to reimpose the eviction moratorium on Aug. 3.
2- Another important ruling by the High Court. William Jacobson goes into detail here.
(Legal Insurrection)
Trump's "Remain In Mexico" Policy To Be Reinstated After Supreme Court Ruling
In 6-3 ruling, SCOTUS refuses to stay lower court injunction reinstating the Trump policy, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan would have granted a stay.

The Supreme Court ruled Tuesday night on the "Remain in Mexico" policy. It's an important ruling and throws back in Democrats' face their successful litigation to keep DACA in place despite Republican attempts to end that illegal Obama policy.
3- The Trump Team produced an ad that sums up the current administration. It is important to let everyone see this. We do not have a Fourth Estate (Journalism) that will tell any part of the truth. This is the truth.

4- We do not know how many times this polling has to look like this before WE THE PEOPLE get what we want from the Democrats who continue to block and lie about this issue.
(CNS News)
Poll: 81% of All Voters Support Voter ID, Including 77% of Black Voters

A new poll shows that 81% of voters in the United States support laws that require "every voter to show a photo ID when they vote," according to Honest Elections Project Action (HEPA), which conducted the survey of 1,200 registered voters in mid-July.

Among those surveyed, 77% of black voters support requiring a photo ID to vote, as do 78% of Hispanic voters, 67% of Democratic voters, 97% of Republican voters, and 82% of independent voters.
5- Within this article are SEVEN reasons you should not despair. Read it all and pass it along!
'Trust Not In Princes': 7 Reasons For Hope While The Ruling Class Lights Dumpster Fire After Dumpster Fire

Watching the dumpster fire Joe Biden and his team lit with U.S. dollars and materiel in Afghanistan is demoralizing. Realizing we're facing at least three more years of such catastrophic ineptitude, even if Biden is nominally replaced, is almost too much to absorb.

Yet chaos presents many opportunities. The moment all hell breaks loose is the precise time to press in. So here are some ways that's happening. Think of your own, and join in.

While it appears we're in for an extended season of disruption, hardship, and confusion, this is not the time to despair and hide. It is time to pray harder, pick up a shovel, and get to work."
Joy Pulman

You may have heard about a legal situation regarding Sidney this week.

A Michigan federal district court judge wrote a 110 page opinion granting motions by non-parties to sanction nine lawyers for exercising their First Amendment right to petition a court for redress of grievances, raising constitutional issues of national importance following the election.

Sidney Powell and team will be pursuing an appeal promptly.
We know it is redundant but, just keep doing all the things: Pray. Share. Know.
Much more coming.

Hold Fast,
Sidney & Team Kraken


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This email was sent by Defending the Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).
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Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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Finally, someone (outside of Marjorie Green) from this state I can enthusiastically vote for. Problem is they are already trying to smear his name by talking about past concussions and trying to harp on them owning a home in Texas. I honestly hope and pray he can beat the living $$$$ out of Warnock the scumbag lowlife SOB warlock.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Finally, someone (outside of Marjorie Green) from this state I can enthusiastically vote for. Problem is they are already trying to smear his name by talking about past concussions and trying to harp on them owning a home in Texas. I honestly hope and pray he can beat the living $$$$ out of Warnock the scumbag lowlife SOB warlock.
Excellent ad he put out. I really hope the people get behind him.