US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Was the attempt to remove Trump a Coup attempt? Media, FBI, democrats...
Control of main stream media.. disappearing of right news sources... washing of 'history books'

Stop arguing with low information voters...
Without doubt a Coup attempt, he sent Rudy to Ukraine in an attempt to defend himself against the coup and they turned that into an impeachment. Hunter was just a happen chance byproduct of Rudy looking into other things related specifically to the Russian collusion hoax.

I've got a niece who is a diehard CNN/MSNBC watcher and Trump Hater. She still believes that Trump colluded and all the evidence shows that he did. She knows nothing about all the coup evidence.

Totally agree with the low information voter. It just amazes me how many people have no idea when all they get are the MSM Narrative that hides facts and evidence, and outright lies about what happened. But still remains to be seen if it will be in the history books, and much of that would be dependent on if Trump is reelected and if Republican politicians start raising hell and get more assertive to expose the truthful narrative.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Another Democrat controlled Utopia.

Police: At least 18 shot, with 4 dead, across Cincinnati

At least 18 people were shot, including four killed, as gunfire erupted in several places around the city overnight, authorities said Sunday.

Officers responded just after 12:30 a.m. Sunday to the Avondale neighborhood and found 21-year-old Antonio Blair with gunshot wounds, police said in a statement. He was taken to University Hospital and died there, they said. Three other gunshot victims were also taken to the hospital.

At about 2:15 a.m., officers responded to a report of gunfire in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood where 10 people were shot, police said. One died at the scene and another at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center; they were identified in a statement as 34-year-old Robert Rogers and 30-year-old Jaquiez Grant.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
A CNN poll no less. :)

CNN Poll: Biden Lead Shrinks on Convention Eve with Double-Digit Shift Trump’s Way

Presumptive Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden’s lead has evaporated in the past two months, a new poll from CNN shows.

Biden leads President Donald Trump by just four points nationally — 50 percent to 46 percent — and by even less across 15 battleground states that will determine who wins the electoral college. In those 15 states — Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wisconsin — the new CNN poll has Biden leading by just one percent, with Biden at 49 and Trump at 48.

The top line national number of a four-point race represents a double-digit shift in Trump’s direction from CNN’s last national poll in early June. That survey, two months ago, had Biden up 14 points — meaning this latest survey represents a ten-point swing Trump’s way as the summer has progressed heading into the conventions.

The Democrats begin their virtual convention, during which Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) will be formally nominated as the presidential and vice presidential candidates, this week. The Republicans hold their convention the following week.

In an article explaining the significant movement in Trump’s direction against Biden, CNN’s polling director Jennifer Agiesta wrote that the president has shored up several demographics that he was slipping in before.

“The movement in the poll among voters nationwide since June is concentrated among men (they split about evenly in June, but now 56% back Trump, 40% Biden), those between the ages of 35 and 64 (they tilt toward Trump now, but were Biden-leaning in June) and independents (in June, Biden held a 52% to 41% lead, but now it’s a near even 46% Biden to 45% Trump divide),” Agiesta wrote...

Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
I am so tired of the MSM talking about 'gun violence'. I am tired of police chiefs, mayors, governors, etc. calling it 'gun violence'. It is 'People Violence'. Guns are not committing 'violence', people are. Would it be better if it was 'knife violence' or 'baseball bat violence'? Is the deaths and injuries worse because the perp used a gun?

Another thing. This whole 'the left does not understand that criminals don't obey laws' is bullshit. Of course they do. They just don't care. They want to take the guns away because once it is done, the political power that gun enthusiasts have will be gone. There will be no gun lobby, no NRA, no other gun groups that will make the liberal political landscape harder to beat the conservatives.

I really worry that we are on the road to becoming just like Great Britton. Brits now have a very different view of what is 'personal responsibility' and what is the government’s responsibility, or what is 'proper self-defense'. The English Bill of Rights (1689) was a 'right to arms guarantee' which has been castrated over the years, but was very influential to the framers of the US Bill Of Rights (The 2nd amendment giving every citizen the right to keep and bear arms). So way back when, there was not much difference in opinion. Don’t kid yourselves; Great Britain is generally a more dangerous place than the United States, except for homicides, but that is due to the creative way the Brits ‘count’ homicides (“A single case of homicide is counted for each act of murder or culpable homicide irrespective of the number of perpetrators or victims.” So five killed together is one homicide.)

Technically, self-defense is still legal in Britain, but in practice, any act of self-defense is subject to a prosecutor’s second-guessing of what is “reasonable.” For example, Brett Osborn is serving a 5-year sentence for manslaughter. In order to protect a friend, “He stabbed a blood-covered, drug-crazed intruder…”. His prosecution stemmed from the fact that he failed to warn the criminal that he had access to a knife. The government tells Britons that when they are attacked, they should not fight back, but should instead curl into a ball or take a similar defensive posture and yell “Call the police!”.

End of rant.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Why the big fight over mail-in ballots, the USPS, and the debates...

Trump’s campaign unsuccessfully lobbied for an additional debate, arguing there needed to be an earlier September debate because the expansion of mail-voting means voting can begin earlier. But the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates rejected that idea, noting the “difference between ballots having been issued by a state and those ballots having been cast by voters, who are under no compulsion to return their ballots before the debates.”



Getting comfortable
Nov 8, 2019
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Beacon, NY
The Liar in Chief Quote of the day:

TRUMP, on China’s adherence to the trade deal his administration negotiated with Beijing: “They are living – they’re more than living ... up to it. ... Because they know I’m very angry at them.” — “Fox & Friends” interview Monday.

THE FACTS: That’s not true. China is falling well short of its commitments under the trade deal.

The Peterson Institute for International Economics, which has been tracking China’s purchases, found this month that U.S. exports of goods to China should have totaled $71.3 billion from January through June to be on track to reach this year’s target under the Phase 1 deal. Instead, they topped out at $33.1 billion, only 46% of what they should be.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
The Liar in Chief Quote of the day:

TRUMP, on China’s adherence to the trade deal his administration negotiated with Beijing: “They are living – they’re more than living ... up to it. ... Because they know I’m very angry at them.” — “Fox & Friends” interview Monday.

THE FACTS: That’s not true. China is falling well short of its commitments under the trade deal.

The Peterson Institute for International Economics, which has been tracking China’s purchases, found this month that U.S. exports of goods to China should have totaled $71.3 billion from January through June to be on track to reach this year’s target under the Phase 1 deal. Instead, they topped out at $33.1 billion, only 46% of what they should be.
So is Joe Biden going to do better with China than President Trump? I don't think so. President Trump has been harder on China than any President in recent history.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Declines Extra Federal Unemployment Aid

South Dakota turned down extra federal unemployment aid Friday due to the high rate of job recovery in the state.

“Gov. Kristi Noem (R), a vocal ally of the White House, said South Dakota did not need the additional funds because workers in her state have been rehired and that its economy is rebounding after suffering economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic,” according to The Hill.

In a statement, Noem praised President Donald Trump’s leadership during recovery and said her administration was “very grateful for the additional flexibility that this effort would have provided, but South Dakota is in the fortunate position of not needing to accept it.”

The governor continued:

South Dakota’s economy, having never been shut down, has recovered nearly 80% of our job losses. South Dakota is the only state in the nation that didn’t have extended benefits kick in because our insured unemployment rate has been the lowest in the nation. We have the third best housing construction market in the country. And many, many businesses are looking to relocate to South Dakota because of the decisions we made during the pandemic. South Dakota is open for business — that applies to our business owners and their employees.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
‘Antifa’ protesters trash Williamsburg Whole Foods, Apple over weekend (Biden/Harris rally)

Dozens of protestors, including suspected members of the anti-fascist group Antifa, rampaged through Williamsburg over the weekend, trashing several national chain stores and spraying anti-police graffiti, according to police and sources.

The rowdy mob marched through the Brooklyn neighborhood late Saturday, with police first receiving a 911 call at 8:20 p.m. about vandalism at an Apple Store on Bedford Avenue — where they found broken windows and the words “FTP” — typically meaning “f–k the police” in this context — spray-painted on the wall, cops said.

The protestors, who also targeted a Whole Foods store in the neighborhood, tagged one building with the message, “Murder Bezos,” according to reports.



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Those wacky peaceful “organic” protesters at it again ...

They ain’t peaceful
They ain’t protesters
They ain’t organic

But liberal leadership and CNN would have you believe that, and the low information Democrat voters who follow them believe it.
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