US Elections (& Politics) :)

It is my fervent hope (and I'm serious) the Republi-cants in the House and Senate will vote against any action to remove Bidumb, just to force the Dimocraps to suffer their public defeat. My only concern is, how much worse will things get in these five months leading up to the election? They are cornered rats, and they're bound to lash out, somehow.
I wonder which poll that was, considering Trump currently is pulling high-50s and low-60s in most polls.
IMO the purpose of these polls is NOT to report accurate data, but to influence thinking. A poll saying kamala or hillary could beat Trump, but FJB can't,could sway people into demanding FJB step aside, which might be the whole purpose. If you don't know exactly what the poll asked, and who they asked, you're at the mercy of however that stacked the deck and spun the result.
Republicans are spineless jellyfish. Always afraid or too polite. Dems always kick their sissy asses and take their lunch money.
Republicans are blowing smoke up your ass

BOTH GOP and Dems are not interested in being leaders that represent people. Instead they are into gaslighting and manipulating power to undermine American's rights and way of life for corporate interests. Their current model is a twisted game of good cop Vs. bad cop. The Dems and the corporate driven left wages terrorism (bad cop) while the GOP point out what is wrong (good cop), but don't do anything but make it appear to be a struggle so that they appear to represent the people's interests. But when it comes to do something about it, they go against it by doing no action. This type of corruption is called nonfeasance. The United States wasn't designed to be ran by political parties. It was designed to be ran by representatives of the people. Over time, the commoner's political parties that keep people at bay in monarchies were introduced by loyalist of the crown. To simplify politics back when there was no technology of same day communications. Now these days the people of the United States have out grown the political party's usefulness but are stuck to see these political parties turn the United States into a corporate oligarchy where the people are never represented and are indentured to working for the corporations that manipulate the government for their own profiteering. They just got finished of committing global mass murder with bioterrorism so they will resort to anything to accomplish their goals.

The WEF has been manipulating things since the 70s and I have been keeping tabs on them since the 90s when I found out about them. They been the 'conversational venue' that is off record between the corporate globalist and political party representatives. In 2009 the WEF started plotting their made up pandemic that they had to change the definition of it to start the medical emergency and bioterrorism with the media. Even threatened the Pope with it back then. They are the ones that consolidated mass media so independent journalism would appear to be tabloid journalism full of conspiracy theories. Because real conspiracies are happening.
Crazy Trump Hating Liberal Nut Gotta Go, LOL

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