US Elections (& Politics) :)


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Meanwhile while roughly 10,000 people are out of work, with no place to go to work, and possibly 1000s dead, and 1000s had their houses burn down to the ground in Americas worst natural disaster on Maui, and those affected receive $700 each....



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September 18, 2023

"You will be held accountable."

Dear Patriots,

"I can promise the Biden Administration the following: buckle up because your lawless policies will not go unchallenged. We will not allow you to shred the constitution and infringe on the rights of Texans. You will be held accountable."

These are words that warm the hearts of patriots across the fruited plains.

They were written by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton after he was acquitted on sixteen articles of impeachment.
We can not wait to see the next moves by AG Paxton!
Meanwhile, we start off another week with....
  • more background on AG Ken Paxton and his fight in Texas.
  • a list to debunk the Democrat talking point that there is no evidence against Biden.
  • continued work by warrior Kari Lake on election fraud in Arizona.
  • a shocker in Wisconsin.
  • advice from the sensible Florida Surgeon General.
  • the lie the IRS and Biden told us has been revealed.
  • why the Navy is having recruiting problems.

THANK YOU to our Donors and Paid Subscribers. We sincerely appreciate your support.

1- We could not hold this back until Good News Friday.

Texas AG Paxton Acquitted on All 16 Impeachment Articles

QUOTE: The Texas Senate on Saturday acquitted Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton on all 16 articles of impeachment he faced before that body, allowing the conservative firebrand to keep his state office.
Paxton has been dogged by corruption allegations since taking office in 2014. He still faces a state trial on securities fraud and is under investigation by the FBI.
But Paxton was vindicated Saturday by easily winning acquittal on the various allegations of corruption contained in the articles of impeachment, which the Texas House passed by a wide margin in May.
Paxton, an ally of former President Donald Trump, repeatedly insisted he was innocent and that the impeachment trial is a political witch-hunt.
"Today, the truth prevailed. The truth could not be buried by mudslinging politicians or their powerful benefactors," Paxton said in a statement.
After closing the impeachment proceedings, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a Republican who as president of the Senate presided over the trial, criticized the entire process as a rush job that lacked transparency.
"Millions of taxpayers dollars have been wasted on this impeachment," Patrick said."Our founders expected better. It should have never happened this year, and hopefully it doesn't again."
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, said in a written statement that "the jury has spoken" and that Paxton "has done an outstanding job representing Texas, especially pushing back against the Biden administration."

2- Here is just the start of the list of corrupt actions taken by the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It is a long list, so tap on the link to see it all. Use this when people try to claim there is no evidence.
America Insider

GOP Reps Release 22 Examples Of Biden's Corruption After Dems Claim There's No Evidence
QUOTE: Democrats and left-wing operatives in the mainstream media say there is "no evidence" that Joe Biden did anything wrong to warrant impeachment.
This key Democrat "talking point" has been carefully crafted as the evidence and seriousness of Biden's corrupt actions is enough to make your blood boil.
In response, the House Oversight Committee has compiled a startling list of 22 pieces of evidence that show Joe Biden's involvement in his son's influence-peddling scheme that raked in millions.

3- Warrior Kari Lake continues to unearth evidence of election fraud and take the fight to the courts.
The Gateway Pundit

It's Not Over Yet: Kari Lake Files 74-Page Lawsuit Against Katie Hobbs, Election Officials
QUOTE: After 10 months of court battles over the 2022 election, Arizona Republican Kari Lake still has some fight left.
Lake has claimed that the election for governor, which she narrowly lost to Democrat Katie Hobbs, was tainted by misconduct that included malfunctioning election systems and improper signature verification of early voters' ballots. She launched multiple efforts in Arizona's state court system to have the results overturned but has not been successful.
She filed her latest appeal of a court ruling that went against her in May, according to the Arizona Republic. That appeal, which dealt with election issues in Maricopa County, was transferred to an appeals court based in Tucson.
Lake's opening brief in the case says there is new evidence to support her allegations.
"New evidence demonstrates that Maricopa falsely certified its 446 vote-center tabulators passed mandatory L&A certification testing prior to Election Day and strongly suggests Maricopa planned the Election Day debacle," the brief filed with the court said. L&A stands for "logic and accuracy."
That matters, the filing said, because "misconfigured and defective BOD-printed ballots caused Maricopa's vote-center tabulators to reject tens of thousands of ballots, which would have been prevented by proper L&A testing." BOD stands for "ballot on demand."
As a result, the filing said, "The ensuing chaos led to massive lines and wait times, thereby impairing or depriving the right to vote of tens of thousands of predominately Republican voters."
"Arizona elections are now in uncharted territory," the filing said.

4- The Democrats in Wisconsin tried every trick they could dream up to stop this but, the warrior Republicans in Wisconsin held fast. They are removing a very bad actor from their election process
The Gateway Pundit

Wisconsin Senate Republicans Unanimously Vote to Finally End the Nightmare of How Elections Are Administered by Removing Administrator of Elections Meagan Wolfe
QUOTE: As promised, the Republican Senate Leadership Team and all 22 Senators voted unanimously on September 14th to end the nightmare that has been haunting Wisconsin voters for many years by accepting the September 11th recommendation of the Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection to "not" reappoint the current Administrator of Election for a new 4-year term to end on July 1, 2027. The 11 Senate Democrats voted no on "not" reappointing the Administrator of Elections.
The Democrats have continuously repeated their attempts to conflate and confuse the matter of appointing an Administrator of Elections which is required per Wisconsin State Statute 15.61. The Democrats will use any means necessary to secure Wisconsin's 10 Electoral College Votes in 2024 with many of those aspects of securing those electoral college votes already in place. Keeping "their" Administrator of Elections indefinitely in place, while totally disregarding what the law says, is one of the major components of the democrats' collective effort of securing Wisconsin's 10 Electoral College Votes.
This process is not complicated and appears to only be used by democrats to make sure they have "their" Administrator of Elections in place during the 2024 Presidential Election to garner Wisconsin's prized 10 Electoral College Votes. No democrat candidate can win the Office of President of the United States if they don't win Wisconsin's 10 Electoral College Votes in 2024.
A new Administrator of Elections must possess and have demonstrated during their professional career the qualities of administration, cyber awareness, finance and an in-depth knowledge and understanding of election law.
The Wisconsin Republican Senators showed tremendous courage (no matter the cost), conviction (is this the right thing to do?) and commitment (we're all in) when they patiently and politely listened to the exaggerations and truth-stretching democrats on September 14th who attempted a minor coup to keep "their" Administrator of Elections in place indefinitely.
These Senators need to be recognized and profusely thanked for their respect and admiration of the constitution, state law and their statutory authority by doing the right thing regarding the appointment process of nominating an Administrator of Elections.

5- Since we know you will not hear this in the rest of the world, we wanted you to read this point of view. Of course, this makes too much sense for the injection pushing crowd.
Sharyl Attkisson

Florida Surgeon General contradicts CDC's Covid booster recommendations
QUOTE: Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo is one of the few public health officials providing accurate and fact-based guidance on Covid vaccines.
His latest recommendations factor natural immunity into the Covid equation, and recommend that healthy people under age 65 not get another jab.
There has been a flood of serious adverse event reported after Covid vaccines. The government frequently fails to balance the risks versus benefits when discussing the vaccines. To date, the vaccines have failed at preventing infection and spread of Covid, contrary to what officials originally claimed. Some authorities say the vaccines may lessen the severity of illness in some. However, for the vast majority, Covid is a mild disease anyway. In addition, the effectiveness of the boosters wears off after a matter of a few weeks, and the latest version does not target the variant of Covid that is currently most predominant.
Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo, speaking during a roundtable that DeSantis hosted, said that after three years of Covid, most healthy people don't need to worry about getting infected from a virus that has killed more than 1 million people across the country.
"With the amount of immunity that's in the community — with virtually every walking human being having some degree of immunity, and with the questions we have about safety and about effectiveness, especially about safety, my judgment is that it's not a good decision for young people and for people who are not at high risk at this point in the pandemic," he said.
In his new guidance, Ladapo wants doctors to inform patients about alleged risks found in studies. "They should not be misled into thinking the clinical trials of the boosters are indicating that they'll benefit," Ladapo said

6- We are shocked, just shocked, that the Biden Regime and the IRS have lied!

IRS watchdog rips into Biden's false pledge that $80B would not be used to audit average Americans
QUOTE: A new report has been issued by the official watchdog of the Internal Revenue Service unsurprisingly admitting that the $80 billion given to the IRS by the Biden administration potentially means more audits for average Americans.
The watchdog claims the audits will occur if the IRS doesn't take immediate action to prevent it and there is little indication they are inclined to do so.
"In response to criticism from Americans of all political views, the Biden administration promised that none of the money would be used to increase the number of audits on American households or small businesses earning less than $400,000 per year," the media outlet continued.
That is apparently turning out to be yet another fib told by the Biden administration.
The official IRS watchdog, the US Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA), is claiming the IRS can't fulfill its promise. TIGTA asserts that this is because the IRS defines high-income taxpayers as those earning in excess of $200,000 a year.

7- First rule of marketing: know your audience. We are thankful for warrior Senator Tuberville for holding fast on matters involving the military.
The Federalist

Navy Puts The Kibosh On Digital Recruiting Program After Discovering Enlistees Aren't Into Drag Queens

QUOTE: The U.S. Navy confirmed on Tuesday it has discontinued an online recruiting initiative featuring an enlisted drag queen that was aimed at bringing new sailors into the service.
In May, The Daily Caller revealed that the Navy brought on Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley — an active-duty drag queen who goes by the stage name Harpy Daniels and identifies as non-binary — to be a "Navy Digital Ambassador." The Digital Ambassador Pilot Program, which ran from October 2022 to March 2023, was reportedly "designed to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates" for military recruitment.

In a letter sent to Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., on Tuesday, Erik Raven, the under secretary of the Navy, confirmed that the branch's Digital Ambassador Pilot Program "will not be continued."
"The Navy learned lessons from the pilot program that will inform our digital engagement and outreach going forward," Raven wrote. "Our digital outreach efforts will maintain the important distinction between Sailors' official activities and their personal lives."

Tuberville — who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee — previously sent a letter to Admiral Michael M. Gilday, the chief of Naval Operations, in May, demanding to know the identities of the officers tasked with funding and promoting drag queen shows aboard naval vessels. The letter was sent the same day the Alabama senator and his Republican colleagues submitted a separate communique to Navy Secretary Carlos Del Toro on the branch's embrace of Daniels and whether Navy leadership is encouraging its "digital ambassadors" and public affairs personnel to use TikTok — which the Pentagon banned its members from using on government-issued devices — "on their personal devices" in order to skirt the agency's prohibition.

The Navy's embrace of Daniels — which generated backlash among many military veterans — comes amid the branch's failure to meet existing recruiting targets. On Thursday, acting Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti confirmed that the Navy is expected to miss its fiscal year 2023 recruiting goals by roughly 7,000 sailors. The revelation came days after the Air Force announced it would miss its "active-duty recruiting goals for the first time since 1999."

PRAY for divine intervention. PRAY for Sidney and all warriors. KNOW the truth. SHARE the truth.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

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To have confidence in the outcome of any election, we must continue to demand (1) real paper ballots, (2) hand counted in a bipartisan transparent process, and (3) citizen voter ID.


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San Antonio, TX