Unable to Reset Passwords on ECI-T24F2 (kit) Hikvision Cameras

Dec 7, 2023
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Dear Forum Community,

I am reaching out in a time of need for our church. We're struggling with a technical issue involving six ECI-T24F2 Hikvision cameras that are crucial to our building's security. Our limited budget as a religious organization means we cannot afford professional services or new equipment, making community advice our best hope.

Issue at Hand:

  1. Failed SDAP Tool Attempts: Both our team and Hikvision technical support have unsuccessfully tried resetting the passwords using the SDAP tool and XML files.
  2. No Reset Button Available: On inspecting the cameras, we confirmed there is no internal reset button.
  3. Ineffective Use of Batch Configuration Tool: This tool did recognize all cameras but failed in the password reset process.
  4. Firmware Information: The cameras are running on firmware version V5.5.3 build 180629.
  5. Direct Connection to NVR: In a recent attempt, we connected the cameras directly to an NVR system belonging to a friend, which also supports Hikvision cameras. Unfortunately, this method too did not lead to a successful password reset.
  6. Network Configurations Checked: All possible network and firewall issues have been ruled out.
Given these challenges and our financial constraints, we are earnestly seeking advice, suggestions, or any form of guidance that could help us navigate this problem. Any innovative solutions, tips, or shared experiences with similar issues would be incredibly valuable to us.

We are grateful for any assistance you can provide and thank you in advance for your support and kindness.

Warm regards,



Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Failed SDAP Tool Attempts: Both our team and Hikvision technical support have unsuccessfully tried resetting the passwords using the SDAP tool and XML files.
I'm assuming you have lost the admin password for the cameras, is that correct?

Generally, the use of the Hikvision tftp updater tool to re-apply the same or similar firmware will result in a camera settings being reset to default values, 'Inactive', at which point the device can be 'activated' with a new password.
This would be worth trying.

A Google search suggests that the camera are from the E8 series, though that is not guaranteed.
Does the model number have a bracket after it with a letter inside, such as (C) ? This would only be for quite new cameras.
If not - this firmware may be a match to the camera :

The Hikvision tftp updater, and instructions, can be found here :

Good luck!