Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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@mat200 The cartoon is a little off! The inventions that came of the program
more than off-set the dollar cost!

BTW Ronny was pres till king George the 1st, took over in Jan 1989!


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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USSR map for ya.........which shows Ukraine being part of the USSR.

View attachment 158942
Yes .. Ukraine was the one who made the famous Soviet T-34 ..

and Yes, while Ukraine was a part of the USSR everyone who was a part of USSR military wore Soviet uniforms ..

1) HOWEVER since this war started, Ukraine is not wearing VDV uniforms

2) This is a recent video .. thus the soldiers in the video are most certainly Russian and not Ukrainian.

yes I know you and some others buy into the Russian propaganda to denigrate Ukraine in attempts to prolong this war so that Russia can win.

That is part of the total multi-domain / hybrid war that Russia is fighting, happens in every war .. during Vietnam for example Jane Fonda did her best to help the Communists.

Ukraine has the will power, and the West is providing the means for a Ukrainian victory ( recovery of territory ), a high possibility .. Russia is attempting to use informational warfare(*) to keep the occupied territory.

( * - such as that video you posted and claimed is of Ukrainian Soldiers using American money to throw grenades while drunk .. note, currently the USA is spending but a small fraction of their budget for this, and much of that goes to pay US companies and suppliers for military goods .. so much of those profits goes to US defense corporations and the pension funds which hold those stocks )

notice that information warfare is at the base of this pyramid and supports the actual operations of the war.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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@mat200 The cartoon is a little off! The inventions that came of the program
more than off-set the dollar cost!

BTW Ronny was pres till king George the 1st, took over in Jan 1989!


and ref:

"The cartoon is a little off! The inventions that came of the program
more than off-set the dollar cost!"

Yes, absolutely and to the point .. and we can state the same of @Smilingreen Russian Propaganda ..

Still if you are going to paint Zelensky as a highly paid actor getting $18B for Ukraine .. then Ronny was much much better ..

1) $18B is about 2.2% of the USA Defense budget ..
(FY) 2024 Budget request of $842 billion

2) $18B .. much of that will go to pay for the over priced USA Defense goods "sold" / "leased" to Ukraine ..

3) USA is not providing their own soldiers to fight this war, .. just funds ..

4) This will turn out to the one of the cheapest struggles the USA has with a near peer adversary ...

5) Once the occupied territories are recovered by Ukraine, you can bet there will be a significant rebuilding effort which Western companies will get great benefit from.

6) USA + EU vs. Russia / China / Iran right now .. do you want the enemy strong or weak ??

7) Putin had a choice not to start this .. if Putin wins, this will cause significant "moral risks" .. China would have gone for Taiwan if the West did not respond forcefully, and Putin would have gone for Moldovia ( it was already in the plans ) .. The Baltics would have been next .. not unlike WWII ..

imho the money Ronald Reagan spent to combat USSR imho was well worth it .. freed many people from the USSR ..

Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
Oh cut me a break commie. Yes atrocities and mistakes happen in war...always has, and no matter the side it is horrible. But lets remember who started this war of Genocide, NIKSUN, so you can take your communist justifications and shove them where the sickle doesn't shine. I respect those that stand by their homelands...but NOT when murder is being committed on a daily basis in an unprovoked war just so that Putin can get his little red pecker hard again for Stalin and Marx.

And this is as nice as I can put it, comrade NIKSUN.


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Iraq, Libyan, Kosava bombing by nato was all unprovoked, practically condemned by the majority of the nations world wide.

The Pentagon itself has distanced itself from the international criminal court ruling on alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine, since the Pentagon doesn't want to open a can of worms that will find US troops who have commited war crimes. US has in the past threatened the court members with sanctions.

So outside the MSM, Neo Con narrative. Everyone knows that blame for Ukraine war equaly lies with the West.

Simple fact is majority of the world population finds the west equally or primarily responsible. Which is why de-dollarization and the world order is changing at a unprecedented rate.

Good luck defending taiwan, by US law we are supposed to defend Taiwan. But the idiots in DC are busy emptying the ammo for a useless war with Russia.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Which is why de-dollarization and the world order is changing at a unprecedented rate.

That should be easily accomplished with 3 day special operation :rofl:

Plot spoiler - it's going to take a lot longer than 3 days to destroy America or make it submit. Furthermore if it does happen it will not be Russia or China that will accomplish it.

It will happen from within

I'm not sure if this term is still used but have a read.

"A fifth column is any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nation"

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Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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I just watched the video of the drunken troops chucking grenades and was wondering did anybody pick up on the 1 and at most 2 second fuse on that antiquated grenade. I have to ask who would be clever enough to pull a consignment of these out of deep storage for use in a supposed 3 day special operation by personnel likely to be heavily intoxicated?

Answers on a postcard :rofl:
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
Iraq, Libyan, Kosava bombing by nato was all unprovoked, practically condemned by the majority of the nations world wide.

The Pentagon itself has distanced itself from the international criminal court ruling on alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine, since the Pentagon doesn't want to open a can of worms that will find US troops who have commited war crimes. US has in the past threatened the court members with sanctions.

So outside the MSM, Neo Con narrative. Everyone knows that blame for Ukraine war equaly lies with the West.

Simple fact is majority of the world population finds the west equally or primarily responsible. Which is why de-dollarization and the world order is changing at a unprecedented rate.

Good luck defending taiwan, by US law we are supposed to defend Taiwan. But the idiots in DC are busy emptying the ammo for a useless war with Russia.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Added footage of aftermath and apparently this guy is able to update his telegram channel from the after life

I find this event intriguing. More details in the way of video footage is emerging and I'll gather a few tweets starting with the recipient who will not be goose stepping anymore. There's also an award from the Fuhrer and suspect. I know it's a lot to take in but I'll finish with a picture off a new incendiary device that's trending :rofl:


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