Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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1. Russian media, 2. Western media 3. People who lived in Donbass and came to Siberia. 4. People fighting in Ukraine who came on vacation and then will go there again. I believe 3 and 4, but you personally do not have access to such sources, and you do not believe the Russian media at all. Russophobic propaganda is now with you. Ukraine shows you its atrocities, but says it is Russia. Ukraine is destroying Russians living on their territory. Ukraine is destroying its Russian-speaking population. This is genocide. This is said by the people who lived there, who are fighting there.

About mobilization. My colleague was drafted. This is my partner. We work together in the office. Now a lot of the work has fallen on me. Of course, it's much harder for him there than it is for me here. He has the necessary specialty, so he was invited. A person from another department was in Syria last year. Therefore, I really see that only the necessary people are invited. There are no escapees to Kazakhstan among my friends. But information comes from friends that those who did not serve in the army, those who are not fit for health reasons, are fleeing. Why are they running away? Idiots, probably. I hope they stay there forever. I wouldn't want to live next door to such people.

About the situation at the front. You like to link to wikipedia and movies). "Lions for Lambs", 2007. We have the same as you. Or vice versa.

About democracy. Yes, we cannot hold rallies without permission. But the police don't shoot people here. If you do not resist, then the maximum penalty is a fine. By the way, single pickets are not prohibited. Sometimes someone stands near the administration with a poster. We have widespread appeals via the Internet. Petitions are being created. People sign them with their real names. If the petition gets a lot of signatures, then it is considered. It really works. And even if I sign some kind of petition against the government, no one will come to me and put me in jail. You see in us an image that makes your media. I do not know how else to explain. I have already written about information about Ukraine. It is impossible for multimillion bloggers to post information for hype in this situation. This is what the Western media is doing right now - blood, murders, shocking statements, forecasts. This only escalates the situation.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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Just keep signing those documents....makes them perfectly legit and legal, right? So I am going to use my 10 year olds colored markers and sign a bill saying all of my bills are paid for. Perfectly Legal I guess.....if I was a corrupt Communist Pig named Putin.

View attachment 141642
Does your government have nothing to do with your bill? Do we have communism? Why don't I know?


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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1. Russian media, 2. Western media 3. People who lived in Donbass and came to Siberia. 4. People fighting in Ukraine who came on vacation and then will go there again. I believe 3 and 4, but you personally do not have access to such sources, and you do not believe the Russian media at all. Russophobic propaganda is now with you. Ukraine shows you its atrocities, but says it is Russia. Ukraine is destroying Russians living on their territory. Ukraine is destroying its Russian-speaking population. This is genocide. This is said by the people who lived there, who are fighting there.

About mobilization. My colleague was drafted. This is my partner. We work together in the office. Now a lot of the work has fallen on me. Of course, it's much harder for him there than it is for me here. He has the necessary specialty, so he was invited. A person from another department was in Syria last year. Therefore, I really see that only the necessary people are invited. There are no escapees to Kazakhstan among my friends. But information comes from friends that those who did not serve in the army, those who are not fit for health reasons, are fleeing. Why are they running away? Idiots, probably. I hope they stay there forever. I wouldn't want to live next door to such people.

About the situation at the front. You like to link to wikipedia and movies). "Lions for Lambs", 2007. We have the same as you. Or vice versa.

About democracy. Yes, we cannot hold rallies without permission. But the police don't shoot people here. If you do not resist, then the maximum penalty is a fine. By the way, single pickets are not prohibited. Sometimes someone stands near the administration with a poster. We have widespread appeals via the Internet. Petitions are being created. People sign them with their real names. If the petition gets a lot of signatures, then it is considered. It really works. And even if I sign some kind of petition against the government, no one will come to me and put me in jail. You see in us an image that makes your media. I do not know how else to explain. I have already written about information about Ukraine. It is impossible for multimillion bloggers to post information for hype in this situation. This is what the Western media is doing right now - blood, murders, shocking statements, forecasts. This only escalates the situation.
As a reminder the ultimate escalation was the aggressive invasion of a neighbouring country when the answer can only be and will ever be a political solution. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine it could not carry out or be accused of ethnic cleansing and other war crimes. The real victim in this is Ukraine.

those who are not fit for health reasons, are fleeing. Why are they running away? Idiots, probably. I hope they stay there forever. I wouldn't want to live next door to such people.
The people are not idiots. The reality is they flee because of a real or perceived danger. For your information under these circumstances you are dehumanizing people.

Has it occurred to you that your neighbours might not want to live next door to you. Has it occurred to you that they might not want you there forever. Has it occurred to you that you must learn to live in peace with your neighbours including Ukrainians.

We can't turn the clock back but Russia can prevent any future war crimes and allegations in Ukraine and gain support at home by immediately withdrawing its forces from all Ukraine ( including illegally occupied Crimea ) and declaring and end to the war. A politic solution can then be discussed including how Russia is going to pay the bill.

If this is too much I would suggest you tell those who are drafted to pack a white handkerchief in their kit to wave it as soon as they get to the frontline.

Winter is coming. This is not a bluff :)

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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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1. Russian media, 2. Western media 3. People who lived in Donbass and came to Siberia. 4. People fighting in Ukraine who came on vacation and then will go there again. I believe 3 and 4, but you personally do not have access to such sources, and you do not believe the Russian media at all. Russophobic propaganda is now with you. Ukraine shows you its atrocities, but says it is Russia. Ukraine is destroying Russians living on their territory. Ukraine is destroying its Russian-speaking population. This is genocide. This is said by the people who lived there, who are fighting there.

About mobilization. My colleague was drafted. This is my partner. We work together in the office. Now a lot of the work has fallen on me. Of course, it's much harder for him there than it is for me here. He has the necessary specialty, so he was invited. A person from another department was in Syria last year. Therefore, I really see that only the necessary people are invited. There are no escapees to Kazakhstan among my friends. But information comes from friends that those who did not serve in the army, those who are not fit for health reasons, are fleeing. Why are they running away? ..
Hi Lyudmila

This is how your friends and / or neighbors who are drafted need to behave as below to survive this war .. otherwise there is a high chance of meat .. and some Russian Units which have been sent .. only 1/3 are left ..

Russia has killed for more Civilians / non-military people in Ukraine than Ukraine has killed Russians Civilians Living in Ukraine .. the evidence is 100% clear on this ..
"Ukraine is destroying Russians living on their territory"


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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As a reminder the ultimate escalation was the aggressive invasion of a neighbouring country when the answer can only be and will ever be a political solution. If Russia had not invaded Ukraine it could not carry out or be accused of ethnic cleansing and other war crimes. The real victim in this is Ukraine.
1. Ukraine began to ban the Russian language, the Nazi movements received support at the state level. I'm too lazy to look for links, but it started long before 2014. There is a great Zelensky concert on this topic.
2. Russia began to protect its people.
Don't switch places!


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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reports from Eastern Russian Empire .. looks like the minorities are not getting proper help ..
Hi, @mat200 !
He just asked questions. There are no answers to the video. The questions are the same for everyone. Each region has its own laws. I can't speak for Omsk. Everything is fine in my region. Payments to families are made immediately. Kindergartens are free, psychological and social assistance if necessary. At work, a salary is paid while a person is in the training center. In the background, they called my region, what they pay there.
The situation is unexpected. There may be mistakes somewhere. Now these mistakes will be shown to you grotesquely.
Eastern? No! Omsk is West! ))))
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Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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This is how your friends and / or neighbors who are drafted need to behave as below to survive this war .. otherwise there is a high chance of meat .. and some Russian Units which have been sent .. only 1/3 are left ..
A completely incomprehensible video. They surrender from both sides. The other day I watched a video where a Ukrainian soldier told about the order to throw grenades into the cellars and kill all the inhabitants of the villages recaptured from the Russians. They will show later that the Russians did it.
Russia has killed for more Civilians / non-military people in Ukraine than Ukraine has killed Russians Civilians Living in Ukraine .. the evidence is 100% clear on this ..
No. The people who lived there and fought there say something else.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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Here the Ukrainian speaks about the order to kill everyone. The military refused to execute such orders and recorded a video appeal to the high command with a request to deal with it. But someone was following these orders.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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Может быть получится что-нибудь разобрать и понять смысл). 2014 год.


Pulling my weight
Apr 25, 2022
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Hi Lyudmila

This is how your friends and / or neighbors who are drafted need to behave as below to survive this war .. otherwise there is a high chance of meat .. and some Russian Units which have been sent .. only 1/3 are left ..

The video is staged. The first and most obvious blunder - the video was filmed completely “accidentally” long before the appearance of the BMP-2 in the frame. At the same time, it is clear that the Ukrainian military are sitting in ambush, and the operator is clearly standing on a hill, not fearing the "unexpected" appearance of the enemy. In addition, no gunshots or explosions can be heard in the background, indicating that the filming is taking place in a war zone or in its immediate vicinity.

As soon as the BMP-2 appeared in the frame, the Ukrainian soldiers with only machine guns headed for the "enemy" and potentially dangerous combat vehicle. None of the heroes of the video armed themselves with a grenade launcher and did not cover their comrades in case of an attack by the BMP crew. Also, the Armed Forces of Ukraine unanimously ignored the tactical gestures of their "commander".

In turn, the "crew" got out of the BMP-2 without headsets, but in balaclavas and sunglasses. By the way, the Ukrainian military also hid their faces, which is usually not done in commercials with captured equipment. Probably, all the participants in the shooting wanted to remain incognito.

In addition, before shooting, someone painted over the inscription or drawing on the BMP-2. This is usually what the Ukrainian military does after capturing enemy military equipment.

Comparing all the facts, it becomes obvious that the propagandists filmed and distributed the video on the Web in order to discredit the Russian Armed Forces.

Russia has killed for more Civilians / non-military people in Ukraine than Ukraine has killed Russians Civilians Living in Ukraine .. the evidence is 100% clear on this ..
"Ukraine is destroying Russians living on their territory"
We are still waiting for 100% evidence that Russia shot down the Boeing MH17 and that Putin personally applied a chemical warfare agent to Navalny's underpants.
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
Was always taught to give credit where credit is due. I believe as well Nikson that the video is 100% staged. Now, was it staged for propaganda or for training? IDK and I certainly don't care. But yes, indeed I believe it is NOT actual footage of Russian invaders peacefully surrendering to the Ukrainian's.

Pretty sure it would never go down this peacefully. Not to invaders anyways, nor should it.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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We are still waiting for 100% evidence that Russia shot down the Boeing MH17 and that Putin personally applied a chemical warfare agent to Navalny's underpants.
Evidence regarding Boeing MH17 is over whelming and from the perspective of most of us it would be good enough in a court of law to get a conviction.

Not certain, why those in Russia are so blinded ..



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Was always taught to give credit where credit is due. I believe as well Nikson that the video is 100% staged. Now, was it staged for propaganda or for training? IDK and I certainly don't care. But yes, indeed I believe it is NOT actual footage of Russian invaders peacefully surrendering to the Ukrainian's.

Pretty sure it would never go down this peacefully. Not to invaders anyways, nor should it.

idk .. for a reported $250k .. I can see a lot of sellers in this market .. of course, as the war is waging still .. never know 100% what the real story is ..


note: seen some reports it is only $50k ..
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Glad to see our BILLIONS of hard earned tax money being put to good use!
yes .. Well, this is how it goes when the card player at the table for Team USA is unable to perform the game well to force the main opponent ( Putin ) to fold before everyone is forced to put more money on the table ..

Team USA should have stopped this war before it became a war .. imho failure of those in command to do the proper threats ..