Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Laos, Vietnam... Where are your Indians? After that, you tell us something... Time will tell.
Hi @Lyudmila

One case and point: Nazino Island aka Cannibal Island .. ( ref see below ) - This was Russians / Soviets incident on their fellow Russians / Soviets ..

OK, let's point out the following:

Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Laos, Vietnam...

1) Iraq - many of us in the USA were against this one ..

2) Libya - Oil issue .. World Order issue .. Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi wanted to challenge the post WWII trade order established to increase global trade and reduce global conflict. In exchange for the USA enforcing the rules of trade ( the costs ) the USA gets to play the US Dollar is the reserve currency. This allowed the world devastated by war to recover as it gave them the US as a market to sell their goods. This actually helped many countries do much better by entering the global trade system. Unfortunately, this also means those challenging the trade system need to be addressed. Gaddafi did so when he wanted to sell Oil for Gold.
Note, a lot of us have issues with the concept of the USA being the worlds policeman .. of course there is a benefit as well as a price to pay for that role.
The question is.. who would you want to be acting as the world policeman? The USA is probably one of the better options.

3) Syria .. this conflict has a lot to do with Russian attacks of their neighbors and the attempt to control oil / natural gas pipelines, as well as the Iranian natural gas pipeline proposal.

So there is a lot more going on here, as many do not want Iran with nukes, and Russia does not want Europe to buy natural gas or oil from anyone else.

4) Afghanistan .. Taliban protect Bin-laden .. this war was imho a good reason to get into .. not happy with the corruption associated with it. But 9/11 attacks were key to this one .. even Russia supported this one.

5) Laos and Vietnam .. all about the Soviet-China vs the Western World conflict.

Probably would not have happened if Soviet Union and China did not support Communists.

I am not happy with how it turned out.

6) American Indians ..

Many in the USA are not happy about much of this ... even when it was happening, many not happy with it.


Nazino tragedy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tomsk Oblast with Nazino labelled
The Nazino tragedy (Russian: Назинская трагедия, romanized: Nazinskaya tragediya) was the mass deportation of about 6,700 prisoners[1] to Nazino Island in the Soviet Union in May 1933. The deportees were forcibly sent to the small, isolated island in Western Siberia, located 540 kilometers (340 mi) northwest of Tomsk, Russian SFSR, to construct a "special settlement" and to cultivate the island.[2] They were abandoned with only flour as food, most of which was used during the journey, little to no tools, and virtually without any clothing, or shelter necessary for the harsh Siberian climate.[2][3][4] Those who attempted to leave were killed by armed guards.[3][4] The conditions of the island deteriorated quickly and resulted in widespread disease, abuse of power, violence, and cannibalism. Within thirteen weeks, over 4,000 of the deportees sent to Nazino Island had died or disappeared, and the majority of the survivors were in ill health.[5][6]

The Nazino tragedy was virtually unknown until 1988 (more than five decades after the incidents), when an investigation by Memorial began during the glasnost reforms in the Soviet Union. The events were popularized in 2002 when reports of a September 1933 special commission by the Communist Party of Western Siberia were published by Memorial.[7][8]

The original report on the incident was made by Vasily A. Velichko, a Soviet propaganda worker, and remained classified up until 1988.[9][1] The report was originally passed to Joseph Stalin and to other members of the Politb
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Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
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Really? How many MILLIONS of people were killed by people with the same mentality as this asshole?

I'm sure he's proud of you though.

View attachment 133329

We are not proud of it. It was inside the country. All our indigenous peoples are in place. The conversation of the blind with the deaf.
But we are proud of the victory over fascism. This would not have happened without Stalin. In what year did the United States join the fight against Hitler? USA sat and waited until more Russians died. Nothing has changed since then. In your mind.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, @mat200 !
We see that both you and we were wrong. You have excuses for bombing other countries. For you. And we have excuses. Let's go back to Ukraine. 1. US laboratories in Ukraine. 2. An attempt to create nuclear weapons. 3. Increase in the number of the army of Ukraine. At the beginning of 2022 - the largest army in Europe.4. US military instructors. 5. Numerous Nazi movements. I have only one question - what was the US doing in UKRAINE?

Interesting news?... waiting for confirmation :
A Ukrainian artillery detachment has now reportedly sold to Russian military a HIMARS unit for $880 000 as well as a set of rockets to it for additional $330 000. The HIMARS has been left in an old warehouse in a neutral zone for the Russians to pick up. It will be used by Russian defence manufacturers to reverse engineer and see if it contains any interesting and useful technologies.

Saturday, July 9, 2022
Destroying the “Mother of All Proxy Armies” in Ukraine
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Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
We are not proud of it. It was inside the country. All our indigenous peoples are in place. The conversation of the blind with the deaf.
But we are proud of the victory over fascism. This would not have happened without Stalin. In what year did the United States join the fight against Hitler? USA sat and waited until more Russians died. Nothing has changed since then. In your mind.
But we are proud of the victory over fascism. This would not have happened without Stalin. In what year did the United States join the fight against Hitler? USA sat and waited until more Russians died. Nothing has changed since then. In your mind.

Someone has forgotten that they were allies with Hitler. Fuk Poland, right?


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
Reaction score
If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances.
Harry S. Truman
Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
'although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances'

And what was Stalin's view when he let Germany rape and pillage Poland? Need I talk about Stalin allowing his troops to plunder and rape Berlin for how many days? Without question?

Nazis and communists divvy up Poland The rape of Berlin


Pulling my weight
Apr 25, 2022
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'although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances'

And what was Stalin's view when he let Germany rape and pillage Poland? Need I talk about Stalin allowing his troops to plunder and rape Berlin for how many days? Without question?

Nazis and communists divvy up Poland The rape of Berlin
1. This topic repeatedly mentions the partition of Poland in 1939. But I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about the Curzon Line of 1920, as well as the Soviet-Polish war of 1921, as a result of which Poland seized significant lands in the East, inhabited by ethnic Belarusians and Ukrainians.
2. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about Russian prisoners of war following the results of the Soviet-Polish war, out of 200 thousand of whom more than 80 thousand died in concentration camps in Poland.
3. Also read about concentration camps in Poland, for example, Bereza Kartuska Prison, which contained opponents of the ruling regime: communists, leaders of the Jewish, Ukrainian and Belarusian national movements, Polish political opponents of Jozef Pilsudski.
4. Also, let me remind you about the Munich agreement between Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy, according to which Poland occupied and annexed the Teszyn region of Czechoslovakia.

How Poland unleashed World War II with Hitler
Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
How long must we pay for the sins of our fathers?
I agree 100% Niksun or Lyudmila had nothing to do with Stalin and his war crimes. They had nothing to do with it. None of that has crap to do with what Putin is doing to the Ukraine. Systematic slaughter of military, innocents, infrastructure and a culture. Basically genocide.

If you have a conscious at all, a moral compass that knows right from wrong, then you KNOW what Putin has done and is CONTINUING TO DO SO, is wrong. If you do not know this, then it doesn't matter. You never will.


Getting the hang of it
Jun 16, 2022
Reaction score
I agree 100% Niksun or Lyudmila had nothing to do with Stalin and his war crimes. They had nothing to do with it. None of that has crap to do with what Putin is doing to the Ukraine. Systematic slaughter of military, innocents, infrastructure and a culture. Basically genocide.

If you have a conscious at all, a moral compass that knows right from wrong, then you KNOW what Putin has done and is CONTINUING TO DO SO, is wrong. If you do not know this, then it doesn't matter. You never will.
First, find out what is "genocide".
Are you sure that your moral compass is correct? Can Russians be destroyed? Is that right?
1. US laboratories in Ukraine. 2. An attempt to create nuclear weapons. 3. Increase in the number of the army of Ukraine. At the beginning of 2022 - the largest army in Europe.4. US military instructors. 5. Numerous Nazi movements. I have only one question - what was the US doing in UKRAINE?

What is there interesting in Ukraine from your side? How much does gasoline cost?
Aug 19, 2020
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
Lyudimila, you have now made my ignore list. You can't even admit that Putin is wrong. So you are the problem as well and really no different then the Germans that turned a blind eye to what the Nazi's were doing. Have a great life.
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Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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Actually, it was not the "US Government" that was in Ukraine! It is the SWAMP The very same people that President
Donald J Trump was trying to get rid of! The corruption was amplified by the Obama administration. Go look
at the parties at the 1st. Impeacment

None of this crap was done by "WE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE" just like every other country, even in __ (fill in the blank).
Each side is being fed a bunch of HORSE:poop:. We fight over BS that the news told us to. If one needs the names of the
bastards of the Ukraine swamp, they can be found as witnesses in the 1st. impeachment of DJT.
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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1. This topic repeatedly mentions the partition of Poland in 1939. But I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about the Curzon Line of 1920, as well as the Soviet-Polish war of 1921, as a result of which Poland seized significant lands in the East, inhabited by ethnic Belarusians and Ukrainians.
2. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about Russian prisoners of war following the results of the Soviet-Polish war, out of 200 thousand of whom more than 80 thousand died in concentration camps in Poland.
3. Also read about concentration camps in Poland, for example, Bereza Kartuska Prison, which contained opponents of the ruling regime: communists, leaders of the Jewish, Ukrainian and Belarusian national movements, Polish political opponents of Jozef Pilsudski.
4. Also, let me remind you about the Munich agreement between Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy, according to which Poland occupied and annexed the Teszyn region of Czechoslovakia.

How Poland unleashed World War II with Hitler
Great points @N-i-k-s-o-n

1, 2, 3 ) .. Soviet-Polish war of 1921 .. ethnic Belarusians and Ukrainians .. 200 thousand of whom more than 80 thousand died in concentration camps ...

Anyone familiar with European history knows:

Europe is a very long history of inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic violence which have devastated Europe for ages ... goes back further than WWII ..

Furthermore, we can add inter-religious and intra-religious violence.

In 1914 the match which launched the massive amount of destruction was the assassination of the leader of one of the many multi-ethnic states of that time ( Austria-Hungary ) .. which quickly because a Russian vs Austria-Hungary battle and the rest became WWI ..

So, WWI we saw the downfall of numerous multi-ethnic states into what eventually because more focused major ethnic nation states.

During this time we saw massive attempts to re-establish older political states, as well as newer states, as well as Red vs White civil wars, as well as Soviet attempts at expansion ...

Destruction of the multi-ethnics states brought massive amounts of death and destruction in Eastern Europe. It was not good.

Thus, with this history of violence in Europe is why the design of stable state boundaries as well as interdependence on trade was so critical in our time to help create stability and allow for resources to be put into the betterment of society and people instead of constantly spending money on potential wars / defense.

Pay close attention.. which leader started this with talk about ethnicity / race ... which leader decided to move to the direction of instability and war, to change the borders, to create friction between everyone ..

In terms of the history of Poland, which is long .. it is 100% clear and certain that The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany made an alliance to split Eastern Europe between the 2 of them .. Poland being the big pie which got split between Hitler and Stalin.

Germany would not have attacked Poland without Russian alliance .. Germany needed Russian Oil and Food ..

This is why what Putin's Russia has done to start this was is so troubling .. this is NOT GOOD for the world. This is not good for peace, this is not good for Europe, Ukraine, Russia .. just bad for so many. Not unlike the start of WWI ..

4) .. "How Poland unleashed World War II with Hitler"

This is absolute Putin Bull Sh*t .. if you believe this, then there really is no help for you .. and we're just going to have to keep giving the Ukrainians better weapons.

First, find out what is "genocide".
Are you sure that your moral compass is correct? Can Russians be destroyed? Is that right?
1. US laboratories in Ukraine. 2. An attempt to create nuclear weapons. 3. Increase in the number of the army of Ukraine. At the beginning of 2022 - the largest army in Europe.4. US military instructors. 5. Numerous Nazi movements. I have only one question - what was the US doing in UKRAINE?

What is there interesting in Ukraine from your side? How much does gasoline cost?
Hi @Lyudmila

1. US laboratories in Ukraine.

Logically the related conspiracy on these makes no sense ... why on earth would the USA put such important labs in territory which is filled with pro-Russian spies?

There's no need to answer this, as I do not believe these stories ..

2. US is a key part of NATO .. and USSR needed to be countered .. isn't this what Putin has claimed?
He wants to restore USSR ?
Most of those nations which were a part of USSR does not want to be USSR .. they want to be part of EU .. simple enough .. living as a Soviet slave is bad .. remember the wall was to keep people from fleeing USSR ..

Hi, @mat200 !

Interesting news?... waiting for confirmation :
A Ukrainian artillery detachment has now reportedly sold to Russian military a HIMARS unit for $880 000 as well as a set of rockets to it for additional $330 000. The HIMARS has been left in an old warehouse in a neutral zone for the Russians to pick up. It will be used by Russian defence manufacturers to reverse engineer and see if it contains any interesting and useful technologies.

Saturday, July 9, 2022
Destroying the “Mother of All Proxy Armies” in Ukraine
lol .. Ukrainian had only 4 HIMARS when this news came out:

"A Ukrainian artillery detachment has now reportedly sold to Russian military a HIMARS unit for $880 000 as well as a set of rockets to it for additional $330 000. The HIMARS has been left in an old warehouse in a neutral zone for the Russians to pick up. It will be used by Russian defence manufacturers to reverse engineer and see if it contains any interesting and useful technologies. "

So, do you really think I would sell 25% of the Ukrainian HIMARS systems to Russia for sooooo cheap ???

Heck no, Putin is loaded to cash ..

But we are proud of the victory over fascism. This would not have happened without Stalin. In what year did the United States join the fight against Hitler? USA sat and waited until more Russians died. Nothing has changed since then. In your mind.

Someone has forgotten that they were allies with Hitler. Fuk Poland, right?
100% spot on here .. USSR people always claiming the right of defeating Nazi Germany, when they had no issues helping Nazi Germany come to power and split Europe between them ...

1. This topic repeatedly mentions the partition of Poland in 1939. But I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about the Curzon Line of 1920, as well as the Soviet-Polish war of 1921, as a result of which Poland seized significant lands in the East, inhabited by ethnic Belarusians and Ukrainians.
2. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about Russian prisoners of war following the results of the Soviet-Polish war, out of 200 thousand of whom more than 80 thousand died in concentration camps in Poland.
3. Also read about concentration camps in Poland, for example, Bereza Kartuska Prison, which contained opponents of the ruling regime: communists, leaders of the Jewish, Ukrainian and Belarusian national movements, Polish political opponents of Jozef Pilsudski.
4. Also, let me remind you about the Munich agreement between Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy, according to which Poland occupied and annexed the Teszyn region of Czechoslovakia.
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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In Russia even holding a blank piece of paper in protest can get you arrested ... guess there a more reasons now why former Soviet States do not want to live under Russia ..




Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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1. This topic repeatedly mentions the partition of Poland in 1939. But I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about the Curzon Line of 1920, as well as the Soviet-Polish war of 1921, as a result of which Poland seized significant lands in the East, inhabited by ethnic Belarusians and Ukrainians.
2. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information about Russian prisoners of war following the results of the Soviet-Polish war, out of 200 thousand of whom more than 80 thousand died in concentration camps in Poland.
3. Also read about concentration camps in Poland, for example, Bereza Kartuska Prison, which contained opponents of the ruling regime: communists, leaders of the Jewish, Ukrainian and Belarusian national movements, Polish political opponents of Jozef Pilsudski.
4. Also, let me remind you about the Munich agreement between Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy, according to which Poland occupied and annexed the Teszyn region of Czechoslovakia.

How Poland unleashed World War II with Hitler
The difficulty of providing a link to Russian propaganda is that it inevitably reads like something out of Joseph Goebbel's playbook and is picked apart after a few sentences.

While there maybe an element of truth in some of it I feel originator of this particular fairytale could taken a rubber dingy and sell it to you as an ocean going liner with the only truth being that both float on water :D

Admittedly I only spent 10 minutes researching before i had enough. I prefer the more open source wikipedia and offer some links on your chosen subject.

Interestingly this open source gives different fatality figures than the over egged numbers quoted. Russian pow 85k fatalities 20k. Fatality rate 23.5% versus Polish pow 51k fatalities 20k. Fatality rate 39.2%. The numbers tell a different story but why let facts get in the way of playing the victim :D



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
The difficulty of providing a link to Russian propaganda is that it inevitably reads like something out of Joseph Goebbel's playbook and is picked apart after a few sentences.

While there maybe an element of truth in some of it I feel originator of this particular fairytale could taken a rubber dingy and sell it to you as an ocean going liner with the only truth being that both float on water :D

Admittedly I only spent 10 minutes researching before i had enough. I prefer the more open source wikipedia and offer some links on your chosen subject.

Interestingly this open source gives different fatality figures than the over egged numbers quoted. Russian pow 85k fatalities 20k. Fatality rate 23.5% versus Polish pow 51k fatalities 20k. Fatality rate 39.2%. The numbers tell a different story but why let facts get in the way of playing the victim :D

I found the following 2 channels to be very good on the topics around WWI and in between the wars ...

TimeGhost History

The Great War

Clearly the history taught by Russia is very biased .. so logic probably does not help those who are in the pro-Putin camp ...


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
Reaction score
First, find out what is "genocide".
Are you sure that your moral compass is correct? Can Russians be destroyed? Is that right?
1. US laboratories in Ukraine. 2. An attempt to create nuclear weapons. 3. Increase in the number of the army of Ukraine. At the beginning of 2022 - the largest army in Europe.4. US military instructors. 5. Numerous Nazi movements. I have only one question - what was the US doing in UKRAINE?

What is there interesting in Ukraine from your side? How much does gasoline cost?
This reads like bullet points from a Russian approved news channel but i also notice a Freudian slip. While the headlines are easily explained I find the choice of words interesting in that it reveals a state driven psychology of fear, insecurity and control. This black ops is usually harder to quantify but judging by your choice of words its paying dividends.

Can Russians be destroyed? Is that right?

The answer to these two questions is no and no. It's also not the question that should asked but Russia would like to pretend otherwise so its people do whatever / whenever is asked with no questions.

Can Russians be defeated? Is that right?

This is the question you should be asking and the answers are yes and yes.

If we look to history as an example we can see that Nazi Germany was defeated but Germany was not destroyed. From this point in history it has transformed to an open, successful, modern and progressive country and so can Russia.

Those pictured below were fed the same psychology of fear, insecurity and control. They were lectured and told about the enemy without. History has shown them and us the enemy was within.

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