Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Pulling my weight
Apr 25, 2022
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Would be nice to get a perspective from @N-i-k-s-o-n and @Lyudmila

Seen numerous reports that despite official declared exceptions .. just about any male from 18-60 / 65 can be given a "welcome back to Army" card .. even those who are fathers of young children, those working in IT, those with no Army experience ..

This clearly is not a good plan for Russian people .. then we knew Putin did not plan much good for Russian People .. he should have had clues after his invasion of 2014 and the sanctions which that brought to Russia that resistance getting stronger against a next possible invasion. Ukrainians over threw their government for a better one .. and the Ukrainians were more likely to resist .. Putin took the gable when he invaded, he had perhaps 1-3 weeks to make it .. and literally ran out of gas on that push ..

Can this mobilization turn the tide .. yes, however not without modern weapons .. sanctions will hopefully stop that.

All of this however, does mean Economic War .. Germany especially, the engine of Europe, is getting hit very hard.

View attachment 140860

FYI - I believe this is an Owl .. beautiful creatures and would do great hunting in the fields at night ..
Hello. So, the opinion "from the other side".
1. This is the first mobilization since the Second World War, and yes, there are mistakes. But you need to understand the difference between "they sent a summons to a man at 60" and "they took this man to the army", and the military registration and enlistment offices may not have all the data about the place of work of people.
The state has created a special hotline to deal with such situations. A man - an employee of an IT company was sent to work further, a 60-year-old man with diseases was also not taken into the army.
2. Similarly, there are problems with weapons, which are also quickly resolved. I have not yet seen in this thread, but I am sure that a video will appear soon, as the soldiers were given rusty AK assault rifles.
Firstly, this video is not from the combat units, but from the training unit, where all the mobilized will first get.
Secondly, these machines were only from one box, which was stored incorrectly. By the way, I learned an interesting thing that it takes only 1 minute to produce 1 new Kalashnikov assault rifle.
Thirdly, the very appearance of this video and the prompt reaction to it is a confirmation of the existence and development of civil society in Russia.
3. Regarding the German economy. Above I gave a link to an article from a newspaper that this is a pre-planned US action to destroy the German economy as an economic locomotive of Europe: Chockerande dokumentet: Så planerade USA kriget och energikrisen i Europa energikrisen-i-europa/
So far everything is going according to plan.
4. The owl is cool! I believe the next military aid package for Ukraine should include flying brooms and magic wands.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Hello. So, the opinion "from the other side".
1. This is the first mobilization since the Second World War, and yes, there are mistakes. But you need to understand the difference between "they sent a summons to a man at 60" and "they took this man to the army", and the military registration and enlistment offices may not have all the data about the place of work of people.
The state has created a special hotline to deal with such situations. A man - an employee of an IT company was sent to work further, a 60-year-old man with diseases was also not taken into the army.
2. Similarly, there are problems with weapons, which are also quickly resolved. I have not yet seen in this thread, but I am sure that a video will appear soon, as the soldiers were given rusty AK assault rifles.
Firstly, this video is not from the combat units, but from the training unit, where all the mobilized will first get.
Secondly, these machines were only from one box, which was stored incorrectly. By the way, I learned an interesting thing that it takes only 1 minute to produce 1 new Kalashnikov assault rifle.
Thirdly, the very appearance of this video and the prompt reaction to it is a confirmation of the existence and development of civil society in Russia.
3. Regarding the German economy. Above I gave a link to an article from a newspaper that this is a pre-planned US action to destroy the German economy as an economic locomotive of Europe: Chockerande dokumentet: Så planerade USA kriget och energikrisen i Europa energikrisen-i-europa/
So far everything is going according to plan.
4. The owl is cool! I believe the next military aid package for Ukraine should include flying brooms and magic wands.
@N-i-k-s-o-n what are they saying here?



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Hello. So, the opinion "from the other side".
1. This is the first mobilization since the Second World War, and yes, there are mistakes. But you need to understand the difference between "they sent a summons to a man at 60" and "they took this man to the army", and the military registration and enlistment offices may not have all the data about the place of work of people.
The state has created a special hotline to deal with such situations. A man - an employee of an IT company was sent to work further, a 60-year-old man with diseases was also not taken into the army.
2. Similarly, there are problems with weapons, which are also quickly resolved. I have not yet seen in this thread, but I am sure that a video will appear soon, as the soldiers were given rusty AK assault rifles.
Firstly, this video is not from the combat units, but from the training unit, where all the mobilized will first get.
Secondly, these machines were only from one box, which was stored incorrectly. By the way, I learned an interesting thing that it takes only 1 minute to produce 1 new Kalashnikov assault rifle.
Thirdly, the very appearance of this video and the prompt reaction to it is a confirmation of the existence and development of civil society in Russia.
3. Regarding the German economy. Above I gave a link to an article from a newspaper that this is a pre-planned US action to destroy the German economy as an economic locomotive of Europe: Chockerande dokumentet: Så planerade USA kriget och energikrisen i Europa energikrisen-i-europa/
So far everything is going according to plan.
4. The owl is cool! I believe the next military aid package for Ukraine should include flying brooms and magic wands.
Find attached screens of the document you mention so that others can analyse. It is obvious to me this originates from a bedroom in Russia. My previous comments also included.

Seems to me your happy enough with poor performance. Don't come crying when some henchmen beats your back door and hands you a rusty Kalashnikov. Perhaps you can keep us updated from the front.

Winter is coming :)



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Safe treatment is assured for those not willing to participate in ethnic cleansing. I would go a little future and ask they bring with them as much useful military equipment and machinery as they can safely manage. Please note a rusty ak47 and substandard kevlar based on balsa wood is better left behind.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Google translate:
Mogilization of the Russian military commissar directly in the military commissar: the success of the mobilization

An unknown military commissar came to Ust-Ilimsk of the Irkutsk region and opened fire there. In local telegram channels, they write that the boy buried the military commander, shooting him six times.

Могилізація російського військкома прямо в військкоматі: успіх мобілізації

de-militarization of military commissar of mobilization ..


others scatter ..



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Another day and another report of a mass grave or 2 :(



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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This chap pops up on my YouTube from time to time. I quiet like his manner and presentation style. It looks like there are lot of worried young men heading for the border before they potentially close.



Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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Shades of the '60's in the USA!! I'll dust off all of those "HELL NO WE WON"T GO" signs in the garage
and put them on Russian E-Bay. :smash:
You risk the stop list.

I couldn't resist rehash of a guardian article. Me bad :rofl:

"include on the Russian ‘stop list’ a number of forumites, enthusiasts and experts who contribute to ipcamtalks hostile course aimed at the demonizing of our country and contributing to its international isolation,” the Russian foreign ministry said in a statement published on its website on Monday.

“Given @garycrist destructive drive to spin the sanctions flywheel on far-fetched and absurd sign selling on ebay, work on expanding the Russian stop list will continue,” the ministry added.

Original unedited version linked below



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Russian Lend Lease Supply Chain to Ukraine activated .. sending Ukraine 10 T-80 tanks and some older ones ..

A Large Echelon With RU Tanks Comes From The Irkutsk Region || 10 T-80 Tanks And 21 T-62 Tanks
Odo Puiu Events

Odo Puiu Events invites you to watch a ….A Large Echelon With RU Tanks Comes From The Irkutsk Region || 10 T-80 Tanks And 21 T-62 Tanks.
A large echelon with tanks comes from the Irkutsk region.
Muscovy is dragging tanks to Ukraine from the Far East.
In this video, an eyewitness filmed a train with ten T-80 tanks and twenty-one T-62 tanks.
