Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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How much does the USA contribute at a global level to all other countries vs the above listed countries?

How much does the USA contribute towards the security of those other countries?

And how many votes does the USA get compared to those other countries at the UN?

How many who want the USA to contribute more will personally contribute from their personal treasure chest to match their convictions?

How many of those countries are helping with our immigrations problems and costs?

Many other countries in that region (South America) should step up.

Why does the low-life who is a burden on the USA get the same number of votes as someone who contributes greatly to society?

Should we now pass a law that mandates individuals contribute to charities based on income?

Should the restaurant bill be divided based on what I consumed or how much I earn or maybe everyone can vote on who should pay the bill?

Who contributes the most based on the distance from that troubled region and should those closer and more threatened contribute more?

A lot of questions there and many more. There is no "fair" because life isn't "fair". So, is there a "fair share" bill that every country should receive?
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Apr 2, 2015
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When those countries that have years of paid maternity/paternity leave step up, we can talk. Good that some are pitching in, but there’s plenty more blood in the turnip in the EU.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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When those countries that have years of paid maternity/paternity leave step up, we can talk. Good that some are pitching in, but there’s plenty more blood in the turnip in the EU.

Well .. How about Denmark ..

looks like lots of paternity leave .. AND they are giving a significantly higher % of GDP than the USA .. 0.51% vs 0.33% .. so that about 1.54x of the USA or 54% more than the USA ..




IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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How much does the USA contribute at a global level to all other countries vs the above listed countries?

How much does the USA contribute towards the security of those other countries?

And how many votes does the USA get compared to those other countries at the UN?

How many who want the USA to contribute more will personally contribute from their personal treasure chest to match their convictions?

How many of those countries are helping with our immigrations problems and costs?

Many other countries in that region (South America) should step up.

Why does the low-life who is a burden on the USA get the same number of votes as someone who contributes greatly to society?

Should we now pass a law that mandates individuals contribute to charities based on income?

Should the restaurant bill be divided based on what I consumed or how much I earn or maybe everyone can vote on who should pay the bill?

Who contributes the most based on the distance from that troubled region and should those closer and more threatened contribute more?

A lot of questions there and many more. There is no "fair" because life isn't "fair". So, is there a "fair share" bill that every country should receive?
yes, and also remember after WWII the rules and world order were set so that the USA could dominate the security arrangement to contain the Soviet Union ..

Remember, being the Hegemon has pros, and cons. This is not a system of equals .. it is a system designed on purpose to reduce major conflicts and allow global trade to the advantage of the USA in principle as well as those who are willing to play by the new global rules after WWII to stop Stalin from taking over.

Just as the woke amongst us want to claim that "equity" ( equality of results ) is a reasonable goal, so do some believe that "equity" of nations is possible .. it simply is not the case, and can not be the case.

The real question we should be asking now :

Is a "Russian Victory" of some sort in the best interest of the USA? of the EU?
or is a "Ukrainian Recovery of territory" ( hate to call it a victory .. they are really getting screwed by Russia still .. ) is the best interest of the USA? of the EU?

Honestly, I believe a solid case can be made that it is in the best interest that Russia ends of losing it's objectives .. this is how China will get deterred. ( we really do not want a China attack on Taiwan .. )

Some have said, that the Peace dividend period is now over .. and nations will need to spend more on military expenditures .. sad to think of this, but I guess this is where we are now.
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Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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Dear Tulsi Gabbard;;

You are stupid as FUVK! Too bad you do not know the history of the state you represented.
During WW2 in Hawaii, there was martial law, the military exercised total control. American
citizens were rounded up and put into concentration camps. Their possessions, land and wealth
were stolen by YOUR PRECIOUS GOVERNMENT you worship.

Yoiu are a 2 faced government lackey no more no less.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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War is messy ..

Remember, to compare Russia with Ukraine when doing this analysis ..

Is there more freedom in Ukraine vs Russia ?
Is there more of an authoritarian regime in Ukraine or in Russia ?
Would EU membership move Ukraine more towards democratic institutions ?

Looking deeper, some of the opposition parties are agents of Russia .. as was the Russian Orthodox Church .. where the Head of the Russia Church blesses the Russian Military vs Ukraine. During war for your existence unpleasantries happen ..

Is Ukraine as ideal as we'd like to see .. no, but then Again neither is Israel, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, .. also we can look at past Allies .. was the Shah of Iran someone we should have supported vs the Ayatollah ?? I suspect in hindsight we should better supported the Shah ..

Also, investigate the USA on the same grounds ..

Did the powers in the USA basically censor media during US wars ..
( WWI, WWII, Pandemic War .. )

Did the powers in the USA basically ensure only approved political parties make it into seats of power ?? ( Democratic Party, Republican Party .. ) ?

Is Biden to be trusted ? No .. absolutely not.

Also investigate the UK during WWII ..

Did the UK censor media during WWII ?


Recall the US had "The Sedition Act of 1798 criminalized the “writing, printing, uttering or publishing [of] any false, scandalous and malicious writing or writings about the government of the United States.” " ( see ref below )

with regards to Tulsi ..

Denys covers these topics well ..



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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MSM Admits "Magical Thinking" Guided Its Reporting On Ukraine... Many Thousands Of Deaths Later
MSM Admits "Magical Thinking" Guided Its Reporting On Ukraine... Many Thousands Of Deaths Later | ZeroHedge

A very short while ago, any US politician or media pundit publicly calling for peace negotiations in Ukraine with Russia's Putin was branded 'pro-Kremlin' and somehow compromised. For example, mainstream media has sought to isolate and cancel thinkers like John Mearsheimer for his realism toward Moscow and the conflict, and urging immediate ceasefire which would require territorial concessions from Kiev. It was only in September that one prominent publication branded him "the world's most hated thinker."
But now, at a moment Ukraine's leadership itself has become more desperate while admitting its forces are facing almost insurmountable odds, the D.C. beltway consensus has clearly and drastically changed, and now it's apparently okay to admit the following...
The War Street Journal acknowledges that the narratives it’s been pushing for months — of a successful Ukrainian counteroffensive, a possible palace coup in Moscow, a Russian economy in tatters — are “Magical Thinking.” In other words, their coverage has been a fraud.
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) November 16, 2023


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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I noticed by my expired "Pink ID Card", that I'll be one of the first to go.
Right after the women and children.... ;)


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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US Mission To NATO Signals Zelensky Must Sit At "Negotiating Table" In First
US Mission To NATO Signals Zelensky Must Sit At "Negotiating Table" In First | ZeroHedge

In yet another major indicator and sign that Washington policy has drastically change, after it's become clear that Ukraine's forces won't be able to push back Russia from the frontlines and with most of the Donbas firmly under Russian control, the US Mission to NATO has published the following message...
The West is now telling Zelensky, more or less explicitly and right out in the open: time to wrap this up. — Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 20, 2023
The official X account of the US Mission to NATO wrote Monday, "In this tough and dynamic battle, Ukraine’s soldiers are fighting bravely every single day, and they continue to inspire the world with their bravery and courage."

"We will continue to support them to be in the strongest possible position at the negotiating table when the time comes," the statement said.
This marks a drastic shift in public messaging. Up to a short while ago, the Biden administration had essentially banished the words "negotiating table" from its public discourse.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald has commented of this narrative shift: "The West is now telling Zelensky, more or less explicitly and right out in the open: time to wrap this up."


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Just saw a video taken by a Russian soldier of a trench some where on the frontline full of dead female soldiers of Ukraine armed forces. They where all KIA presumably by artillery or mortar drone.
Average age of UKRAINIAN male soldier is now 45, plenty of 60 plus year old being forcefully drafted.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I found this analysis to be logical ..

Ukraine: Quick Victory is Possible!

Just saw a video taken by a Russian soldier of a trench some where on the frontline full of dead female soldiers of Ukraine armed forces. They where all KIA presumably by artillery or mortar drone.
Average age of UKRAINIAN male soldier is now 45, plenty of 60 plus year old being forcefully drafted.
in terms of age ..

Not unlike the demographics of Russia either .. even higher if an officer .. 'Russia's parliament on Tuesday extended the maximum age at which men can be mobilised to serve in the army by at least five years - in the case of the highest-ranking officers, up to the age of 70 "

Demographically Russian and Ukraine are very similar with lower birthrates prior to the war ..


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Ukraine had a few miles of success when they first started to use the Stryker wheeled vehicle. After painfully demining they use the speed of the vehicle to charge through. Unlike the slow moving tracked armor which are taken out by laser guided artillery. The speed of Stryker meant that Russians started using suicide FPV drones.

The way the offensive works on ukraine side is use limited artillery, use mechanical armored trust, when hit with a mine or ATGM take cover in trees.

Unfortunately for those taking cover in trees, Russian air force started to use GPS/Glonass/INS glide kits strapped to bombs with cluster warhead that drop from 50000 feet altitude, allowing them to hit targets 30 to 40 miles away, well beyond the short range air defenses of Ukraine.

Ukraine now only has long range air defenses to protect Kiev.

F16 won't help. Fly higher then 1000 feet it will be shot down by long range air defenses.

Just this week British intelligence updates state that Russia has now managed to now integrate their AWACS to give target coordinates to the S400 system. This means the earths curvature will no longer give cover to low flying aircrafts.

So unless they have F35 none of F16, F18, F15 variants will make a difference.

Also most of barrels of artillery guns have worn down which cause them to have poor accuracy and reduced range. This is why pentagon started supplying them with Excalibur 125mm rounds. But this to was reported to be jammed by russians.

While the same problem of worn out artillery barrel applies to russians. They now use laser guided shells which cannot be jammed.

So without direct NATO intervention, Ukraine has zero chances.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Russia is a far weaker nation than the USSR was ..

USA and EU can easily supply enough to Ukraine for Russia to not win .. it's really a question of just a question willingness ..

At this stage, the question for the USA and EU states is "If Russia is allowed to keep the territories it has captured .. how does that effect the EU, USA, and the Global situation?"

Numerous good arguments that if Russia is given a chance .. it will rearm and attack Ukraine and other European states in the future as Russia is currently an expansionist state.




IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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William has done good videos on this topic, recommended

Defensive Lines & Free Riding: A Retrospective of Ukraine's 2023 Counteroffensive in Five Acts
William Spaniel

Economics ..

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Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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No idea whats the context but its sad.
Edit: "Ukrainian media outlet Strana reported that Batryn had recently been highly critical of local officials, accusing them of failing to address people’s problems while rewarding themselves with lavish cash bonuses."
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