[tool] [tutorial] Free AI Person Detection for Blue Iris

Nov 20, 2016
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Can someone help me understand the AITool service? I've set up the service according to the instructions, and it appears to be active. But I'm not sure how to monitor it when running as a service. Is there a way to open the UI so I can look at the history/logs? If I double click and start the program manually, does that create another instance of the program that might interfere with the service, or does it just bring up the UI for the already running program? What is the best way to take a look at the UI when the service is running?


Getting comfortable
Jul 31, 2014
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Washington State
Can someone help me understand the AITool service? I've set up the service according to the instructions, and it appears to be active. But I'm not sure how to monitor it when running as a service. Is there a way to open the UI so I can look at the history/logs? If I double click and start the program manually, does that create another instance of the program that might interfere with the service, or does it just bring up the UI for the already running program? What is the best way to take a look at the UI when the service is running?
I don't know if this is still true, but at one time the answer was that you can not view the interface while running as a service, and opening AI Tool while the service is running will open another instance and it can interfere with the service. If things have changed in a later version then I'm sure someone will chime in.

I don't run as a service. My BI machine doesn't have a Windows password so upon reboot it goes directly into Windows and I have AI Tool start automatically. I suppose a disadvantage to not running as a service is that you can not have the service automatically restart or perform some other function if it fails. I use zone crossing at my most critical point just in case AI fails for some reason.
Nov 10, 2020
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Afternoon all and thanks for all the work both creating the software and answering questions. I am brand new at all of this, but I am gradually getting the hang of much of it (I think). However, there are a few questions I haven’t really been able to answer, and I’d appreciate it if someone was able to steer me in the correct direction. Please forgive any ignorant terminology!

I have BI5 and VorlonCD’s version of AITool running as a service on a dedicated PC. I also have DeepstackAI (cpu-x3-beta) running within a docker container and it is set to auto restart as per GentlePumpkin’s instructions. My setup consists of 6x Hikvision 4MP ColorVu G1 turrets, and I will soon be adding 3x 4MP ColorVu G1 mini bullets.

Initially I set the cameras up in the HD/SD configuration described in The Hook Up’s post, but it seemed that the motion detection using the SD substream was a bit unreliable at detecting motion. I have since found some info suggesting that the number of pixels travelled to trigger the motion on the lower quality substream may need to be reduced, but I am not sure whether that was my issue. I do like the fact that this setup provides a continuous substream recording, just in case there is something important which was missed (even if the recording quality is poorer).

I then decided to switch to the ‘single camera’ setup explained on the FamilyTechExec’s post. It seems to be working quite well, although I’d prefer it if there was a way to avoid getting recordings that ultimately don’t contain any objects of interest (I am only interested in ‘persons’ on my property).

1) I setup DeepstackAI in a docker container using GentlePumpkin’s original instructions. They refer to cpu-x3-beta which is what I ‘pulled’. The Hook Up’s post refers to pulling deepstackai:latest, and the Deepquest website also refers to cpu-x4-beta.

I was wondering whether it would be worth pulling the latest version of DeepstackAI using the ‘latest’ option (or the x4 option I presume)? I could do this and set it up to run on a different port so that in the event I stuff it up I can simply remove it and point AITool back to my currently functioning ‘cpu-x3-beta’ version.

In the event I need to remove a DeepstackAI server, is it simply a matter of deleting it from within the Docker for Windows GUI?

2) Under my current single camera setup, I was originally sending full sized JPGs from the mainstream to the aiinput folder. These files were 2688x1520 and 2-3MB in size. This was causing huge processing delays, so I changed the JPG quality to 50% which has retained the 2688x1520 dimensions but dropped the file to size to 200-600kb (according the JPGs currently sitting in my aiinput folder). Processing time has dropped to the point that the queue doesn’t build up, although if I end up with 9 cameras firing at once, I’m guessing I’ll have an issue.

I have seen recent references to using the BI JPG resize option, so I was wondering whether there is some sort of recommendation as to what sort of dimensions, quality or file size is best for the JPGs which are sent to the aiinput folder for analysis?

3) I have set up motion zones within BI as I initially found that sometimes I was getting headlights rapidly moving across some external walls on my front porch which was triggering the motion detection. I am aware that the masking option within AITool works opposite to BI in that the highlighted areas are areas within which to ignore motion. I haven’t really found any definitive instructions as to how to set up a custom mask. From what I can gather though, I need to trigger the relevant camera so that a JPG is sent to the aiinput folder, then go to the custom mask option within AITool and draw on the areas I want ignored before selecting OK and saving the camera?

Initially I was getting info at the top of the AITool dialog box saying that the camera.bmp file was missing, but I think that was because I was yet to draw the custom mask. I’m presuming the .BMP file refers to the file created by AITool once you’ve defined your custom mask areas?

Apologies for the lengthy post, but I figured it helps explain my questions better.

Thanks in advance.


Aug 14, 2020
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New guy here. Sorry if this has been explained already - I could not find anything.... :confused:
Looking for AITool / docker HELP running deepquestai/deepstack:gpu and deepquestai/deepstack:latest - the cpu version (latest) works fine in docker (WSL2/Ubuntu). I cannot get the gpu version to receive data from AITool. I configured AI Server URLs as localhost:8383,localhost:8384 for cpu and gpu respectively.
I am getting this error in AITool ...Problem with AI URL: All is running on the same WIN10 PC. Why is the cpu version connecting fine on port 8383 but not the gpu version on port 8384 ???
Thank you for any hints... !
I have it working exactly like this. However I think you need to have a Windows Insider build to enable WSL to access the GPU as per here.


Aug 14, 2020
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See above...
I did similar to start with. I have evolved now to having this per camera:
  • Low res substream - 24/7 recording with no motion detection.
  • High res main stream that records video when triggered by AITool.
  • A second high res main stream that records JPEG resized to 1280x720 (and not video) on motion detection that saves to the aiinput folder to trigger the tool.
Works well so far, but only a few days in to this way. Like you, the low res image recognition was not good enough.


Aug 14, 2020
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Odd question. For others running AITool as a server, do you stop the server in Task Manager before opening the AITool program to make changes, see the history, etc?


Getting the hang of it
Sep 19, 2020
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Afternoon all and thanks for all the work both creating the software and answering questions. I am brand new at all of this, but I am gradually getting the hang of much of it (I think). However, there are a few questions I haven’t really been able to answer, and I’d appreciate it if someone was able to steer me in the correct direction. Please forgive any ignorant terminology.....

I will do my best to answer your questions, Since you have not told us the configuration of the computer(s) some of my answers will be based on assumptions, If you have a working set-up make sure and do a back-up, know what version of what you are using etc. so if it does not work you can go back, I am not an expert and there are much smarter folks on here than me but here goes..

1) I setup DeepstackAI in a docker container using GentlePumpkin’s original instructions. They refer to cpu-x3-beta which is what I ‘pulled’. The Hook Up’s post refers to pulling deepstackai:latest, and the Deepquest website also refers to cpu-x4-beta.

A: Unless you are trying something that is in beta I suggest you use deepstackai:latest, since this will give you…well the latest version each time. If you have the ability (I don’t) to use the GPU version I would try that, it seems top be much faster according tohose that use it.

In the event I need to remove a DeepstackAI server, is it simply a matter of deleting it from within the Docker for Windows GUI?

A: Not sure how you set it up, I am Not the guy to answer Docker questions, if you have it living inside a container in Docker then if you deleted that container that would get rid of it as far as I know.

2) Under my current single camera setup, I was originally sending full sized JPGs from the mainstream to the aiinput folder. These files were 2688x1520 and 2-3MB in size. This was causing huge processing delays, so I changed the JPG quality to 50% which has retained the 2688x1520 dimensions but dropped the file to size to 200-600kb (according the JPGs currently sitting in my aiinput folder). Processing time has dropped to the point that the queue doesn’t build up, although if I end up with 9 cameras firing at once, I’m guessing I’ll have an issue.

A: Since I don’t know what your processing times were / are it is hard to tell you how to fix that- “fast processing” is a bit relative fast to me with my ancient Dell optiplex vs fast to you on a custom built machine will be different but the odds of all the cameras firing at one time would be minimal I would think, unless you have them all lined up in a row or you live on busy street or something. There have been folks here that dumped 1000+ images into the AI folder to test the system and it worked just fine, the system will queue the images so they will get checked, with the newest AI-tool changes there is now the ability to use multiple deepstack server address’ plus AWS plus DOODS, you will need to look on Github or compile the latest builds yourself as that part is having daily changes/updates and there a couple different forks, I use the VorlonCD version myself

I have seen recent references to using the BI JPG resize option, so I was wondering whether there is some sort of recommendation as to what sort of dimensions, quality or file size is best for the JPGs which are sent to the aiinput folder for analysis?

A: Not that I am aware of. I do not use that option as it was causing me errors, Not saying it is not possible I just did not mess around with it long enough to see if it would work sans errors.

3) I have set up motion zones within BI as I initially found that sometimes I was getting headlights rapidly moving across some external walls on my front porch which was triggering the motion detection. I am aware that the masking option within AITool works opposite to BI in that the highlighted areas are areas within which to ignore motion. I haven’t really found any definitive instructions as to how to set up a custom mask. From what I can gather though, I need to trigger the relevant camera so that a JPG is sent to the aiinput folder, then go to the custom mask option within AITool and draw on the areas I want ignored before selecting OK and saving the camera?

A: In AI-Tool You use masks to block a item, in BI a motion zone A-B would cause an alert if the “thing” crossed from one zone to the other, maybe I misunderstood you if so then just igmore me. But yes if you went to the camera tab in AI-Tool clicked on draw Mask if no image came up you would need to trigge that camera so one would be the to draw your mask on, if there is one already there then just drive on and mask out the areas you need to, click save and your done. You also have the option (depending on which version you are using) to use Dynamic masking which works very well.

Initially I was getting info at the top of the AITool dialog box saying that the camera.bmp file was missing, but I think that was because I was yet to draw the custom mask. I’m presuming the .BMP file refers to the file created by AITool once you’ve defined your custom mask areas?

A: Correct.


Young grasshopper
Aug 28, 2020
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Low res substream - 24/7 recording with no motion detection.
Thanks for sharing your setup! I was curious, why record 24x7 on the low res if your taking hi-res jpegs from the HD Main stream and motion recording from the HD Main stream?

I currently use the method in the hookup with 24x7 recording from the substream as well as jpegs and then recording the hi-res Main stream when alerts are identified with AITool but I would, at least, like to switch the jpegs to hi-res images to increase accuracy. the dream set up would be hi-res jpegs triggering hi-res motion clips and no substream except to view in small thumbnail in BI to save cpu resources....


Young grasshopper
Aug 28, 2020
Reaction score
I don't know if this is still true, but at one time the answer was that you can not view the interface while running as a service, and opening AI Tool while the service is running will open another instance and it can interfere with the service. If things have changed in a later version then I'm sure someone will chime in.

I don't run as a service. My BI machine doesn't have a Windows password so upon reboot it goes directly into Windows and I have AI Tool start automatically. I suppose a disadvantage to not running as a service is that you can not have the service automatically restart or perform some other function if it fails. I use zone crossing at my most critical point just in case AI fails for some reason.
I'm not sure if this helps but on the github page i noticed someone mentioning a similar issue to mine, which was related to the original way i set up the service (per the instructions on the first post). I have since migrated to the method VorlonCD mentions in this post: Awesome! Just a question about the service and desktop tool - 2 instances running? · Issue #100 · VorlonCD/bi-aidetection


Aug 14, 2020
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Thanks for sharing your setup! I was curious, why record 24x7 on the low res if your taking hi-res jpegs from the HD Main stream and motion recording from the HD Main stream?

I currently use the method in the hookup with 24x7 recording from the substream as well as jpegs and then recording the hi-res Main stream when alerts are identified with AITool but I would, at least, like to switch the jpegs to hi-res images to increase accuracy. the dream set up would be hi-res jpegs triggering hi-res motion clips and no substream except to view in small thumbnail in BI to save cpu resources....
The 24/7 recording is in case the AI fails to notice something, as I want something recorded. And I don't want to dedicate disk space resources to storing 24/7 4k streams.


Dec 15, 2020
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I have it working exactly like this. However I think you need to have a Windows Insider build to enable WSL to access the GPU as per here.
Thank you for the hint!
Still no luck with the GPU version. I did read somewhere that the CUDA/gpu version does not support Docker desktop? - is that my issue? Not sure how to run docker in the linux subsystem (Ubuntu).
I went through the steps in the link. Downloaded a ton of packages ... a little beyond me I admit. I did install WSL2 - re-installed docker for desktop. It recognized the WSL2. AITool is still getting the error message when trying to connect to docker gpu.


Aug 14, 2020
Reaction score
Thank you for the hint!
Still no luck with the GPU version. I did read somewhere that the CUDA/gpu version does not support Docker desktop? - is that my issue? Not sure how to run docker in the linux subsystem (Ubuntu).
I went through the steps in the link. Downloaded a ton of packages ... a little beyond me I admit. I did install WSL2 - re-installed docker for desktop. It recognized the WSL2. AITool is still getting the error message when trying to connect to docker gpu.
Do you have the technical preview build of Docker? GPU support in Docker Desktop is a new feature not in the main release yet:


Getting the hang of it
Jun 7, 2020
Reaction score
Thanks for sharing your setup! I was curious, why record 24x7 on the low res if your taking hi-res jpegs from the HD Main stream and motion recording from the HD Main stream?

I currently use the method in the hookup with 24x7 recording from the substream as well as jpegs and then recording the hi-res Main stream when alerts are identified with AITool but I would, at least, like to switch the jpegs to hi-res images to increase accuracy. the dream set up would be hi-res jpegs triggering hi-res motion clips and no substream except to view in small thumbnail in BI to save cpu resources....
This is perfectly doable. Instead of doing the Low res camera as per Rob's video, make a clone camera for triggering. IF you use the Clone method in Blue Iris the clone uses no extra CPU resources and can also be hidden so you don't two of each camera. It all depends if you need to record 24/7 as well. There is no need to setup the trigger camera to record 24/7 if you do not need 24/7 recording. The trigger camera can be set to only record jpegs, and in that situation you can use HiRes jpegs. You can limit the JPEG's store (aiinput folder) to only save images for even as low as just 1 hour unless you need to monitor what is triggering the camera over an extended time period. The images are only used once by DeepStack and the AI Tool.


Dec 15, 2020
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Do you have the technical preview build of Docker? GPU support in Docker Desktop is a new feature not in the main release yet:
Thank you! Tried that - still no luck. Thinking it might be that I don't have the Windows Insider build? Currently on Win10Pro 10.0.19042 (20H2). I might need 20145. At this point I don't want to reinstall. Just running 4 cpu docker containers helps with the "no available URLs" message. My times are around 300ms/pic.


Young grasshopper
Aug 28, 2020
Reaction score
This is perfectly doable. Instead of doing the Low res camera as per Rob's video, make a clone camera for triggering. IF you use the Clone method in Blue Iris the clone uses no extra CPU resources and can also be hidden so you don't two of each camera. It all depends if you need to record 24/7 as well. There is no need to setup the trigger camera to record 24/7 if you do not need 24/7 recording. The trigger camera can be set to only record jpegs, and in that situation you can use HiRes jpegs. You can limit the JPEG's store (aiinput folder) to only save images for even as low as just 1 hour unless you need to monitor what is triggering the camera over an extended time period. The images are only used once by DeepStack and the AI Tool.
Thanks so much for that response! 20 or so pages back i had a big back and forth with a few people as I struggled to grasp the concept of clones. Thanks to their help, I think i eventually grasped it (had conflated it with dual stream), and I think the confusion was that I followed The Hookup's video and in that tutorial, there is no mention of actually cloning the camera and I never selected any option that explicitly said "clone". So I THINK i just added every camera twice. If you know of a way I can check that, I'd love to finally put it to rest. I also, later, followed the DaneCreek tutorial, and added the substream to the 4k mainstream cameras, which it's my understanding, saves cpu by showing the low res feed when Blue iris has the camera displayed at a size where the higher resolution would be unnecessary (but maybe I'm mistaken).

On to your description of my dream scenario, why would I even need to clone the camera in that instance? sorry if this is a dumb question, but If I'm recording 4k clips when a 4k jpeg is identified as relevant by AI Tool, what would I need the low res stream for?

I don't think I NEED to record 24/7, especially if AITool is doing a good job of identifying correct alerts and then beginning the recording or flagging the existing one but I wouldn't mind some buffer period where I have everything in case something is missed. I asked this much earlier in the thread, but maybe if I just lay out the perfect scenario you could tell me if it's possible and I'll go from there. I'd like to record 1 days worth of 24/7 in 4k on the Blue Iris's internal HDD, then save/move ONLY the relevant clips that AITool identifies as relevant alerts (from 4k jpegs) for, say, a week or a month to another folder on the internal HDD, then after that week or month, move the clips to my unraid server for another month or so before deleting. I'm brand new to ALL of this, and in particular Blue Iris so I apologize if this is a dumb/obvious question. I feel like most people here have some experience with Blue Iris before they discovered AI Tool but I jumped in with both feet.

In the past i was under the understanding that I either needed to flag video clips of specified length (e.g. 1 hr chunks) as I recorded 24/7 and thus need to save every hour that was flagged if I wanted longer term storage, OR save just the relevant clips of video based on triggering of the 4k stream from a AITool positive alert, but not be able to do both.
Nov 10, 2020
Reaction score
I did similar to start with. I have evolved now to having this per camera:
  • Low res substream - 24/7 recording with no motion detection.
  • High res main stream that records video when triggered by AITool.
  • A second high res main stream that records JPEG resized to 1280x720 (and not video) on motion detection that saves to the aiinput folder to trigger the tool.
Works well so far, but only a few days in to this way. Like you, the low res image recognition was not good enough.
I was just thinking about trying a similar setup to this today, but I was considering a slight variation. If I don't want 24/7 recording (HI or LO res), can I just have a single HD camera which is set to continuously send resized JPGs to the aiinput folder, and set the video recording to 'when triggered'. Motion detection would be turned off.

I would not be relying on the motion detection capability of the camera to begin the process of sending JPGs to the aiinput folder, it would just be happening 24/7. When AITool found an object of interest it would trigger the camera with the appropriate pre-record and break times.

I figured there may be a CPU usage issue as DeepstackAI would be processing images from every camera, all the time, but I wondered whether resizing and reducing the quality of the images might bring the file size down far enough to overcome that issue. Maybe I could use a pair of Deepstack servers on the same machine to speed up the processing?

I also wondered whether I would need the flagalert trigger URL and cancel URLs in AITool with this setup, as recording would only ever be triggered when AITool identified something in a JPG worth recording. There wouldn't be any false alert recordings would there?

Last edited:


Aug 25, 2020
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Now getting the following errors:

Got http status code 'Unauthorized' (401) in 88ms: Unauthorized
Empty string returned from HTTP post.
... AI URL for 'DeepStack' failed '6' times. Disabling: 'http://{Local IP}:8383/v1/vision/detection'
...Putting image back in queue due to URL 'http:{local IP}:8383/v1/vision/detection' problem
But I can still access the URL in a browser and it says that Deepstack is activated