Tariffs and Dahua


Known around here
Nov 1, 2014
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From my understanding, most of the tariffs are focus on products that come into the USA in a large scale like metals, large qualities items, or manufacturing goods to go to another manufacturing in within USA for final stage.

I doubt that they are going to try to collect tariffs on products that was ordered for personal uses or on anything that considered for personal uses. It not worth the custom agent time and paper work to chase after and collect tariffs on every single product that come through them. They are already too busy scanning it for drugs and nukes. They are more focus to collect tariffs on something large in the millions dollars range. They are not going to care about that 5 dollar tariffs on each camera we ordered.


IPCT Vendor
Nov 8, 2016
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@TechBill is right, for my packages to US never have problem, because we ship in small qty, guys can ship goods to other country and then ship to USA. This also can escape the tariffs.
But not effect overseas purchasing, but if the Trump do on 450 Billion, then will be disaster. lol.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
...anyway, Trump make US great again, lol...
Well, that’s the thing...I can’t seem to remember when America wasn’t great. So you can take your MAGA hat and wipe your ass with it because anyone who suggests that the United States of America wasn’t always great is a traitor.


Known around here
Nov 1, 2014
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My grandmother had 11 children all who is married and each had 3 children or more. When my grandmother passed away, she left behind 37 grandchildren and 66 great grandchildren. Only few of us including myself have a college degree so pretty much all of my relatives are or were blue collar workers and most of them work in factories which they were paid very good. Every one of them brought and own their home. Even, several of my relatives worked at the auto factories but that was all pre-80's.

Every one of my relative would meet together in their hometown every summer for family reunion and Thanksgiving for a get together and we all could afford it but when factories started moving outside of USA which cause many of my relatives to lose their jobs one by one, the relatives would continue to try to help each other get back on their feet and bring them to get together. Until it became to almost near impossible to support each other due to more of my relatives losing jobs and rising cost of living. We had to wonder if America had lost it touch because living in America as a huge family, we can see the huge difference when America was the best place to live in for the last 100 years (most of my families lives to be over 90s) to today where relatives had to relies on each other just to be fed each day and no longer can afford to get together to stay bonded as a family.

Have America lost its' greatness back in the early 80's, I don't know but I can only see the tears in some of my relatives eyes when they have lost a great job and how it tears them apart because companies are getting taxes heavily which they felt that moving outside of the USA was the only way to stay afloat and complete with other oversea companies also to avoid tariff imposed by other counties by manufacturing the goods there.

I really miss those days where every relatives really bonded to each other but now days it more like every person for himself/herself because every pennies counts to pay the bills.

Is that what America is all about or have it lost its' greatness?


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
So let me get this right, you’ve got a problem with the American capitalist system which found the lowest cost of production in order to maximize profitability. So now you want to what? Change our Capitalist economic system and free trade agreements which over the past 300 years have made America great? Maybe your relatives should wipe the tears from their eyes go to school to learn a new skill and perhaps understand that to survive one needs to embrace change, or go the way of the dinosaurs.

On second thought, let’s just pretend it’s going to be 1960 again.
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Known around here
Nov 1, 2014
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So let me get this right, you’ve got a problem with the American capitalist system which found the lowest cost of production in order to maximize maximize profitability. So now you want to what? Change our Capitalist economic system and free trade agreements which over the past 300 years have made America great? Maybe your relatives should wipe the tears from their eyes go to school to learn a new skill and perhaps understand that to survive one needs to embrace change, or go the way of the dinosaurs.

On second thought, let’s just pretend it’s going to be 1960 again.
Most of all my relatives are in their 50's to late 80's and we all are on the way to our graves however our young generations which are mostly graduated college students with student loan debts are struggling to stay afloat. I went to college and recently graduate several year ago when I was in my 50 so I could continue to work with my "new" skill to built a fund nest for my future generation however the "new" skill I have recently earned diploma in are at risk now and those jobs starting to move out of USA as well too.

I have a problem with government finding a new way to add more taxes and regulation fees that they can impose on the cooperations which forces cooperations move outside of USA to reduce those burden to maximize its profits at lesser taxes and regulation fee impose by other countries. More taxes and fees for what? So they can feed to "the people" who are jobless? homeless? In the last paragraph when I mentioned about my job being at risk, when I first look into it, this job was available everywhere and it was in demand so I went back to college to learn it and now with government running out of cooperation to tax on they go after new jobs that haven't been taxed to death yet and those "new skill" are being chased out of the USA as well too.

And with all that cooperations that paid America people good money are moving out of USA, we all can go learn a new skill of running a cash register at McDonald or Taco Bell or better yet be a door greeter at Wal-Mart. The method on how products are manufactured today haven't really change in the last 30 or 40 years, it just been moved out of America so there are not really new skills when it come to working in a manufacturing, it's just not in your neighborhood anymore but at some place so far far far away that it's out of reach for almost all America people.

With government "new" taxes earned all tied up in food stamp and welfare, who will help us move to a city that actually have real jobs with new skill since they are the ones that forces cooperation to take alternative method and move out of USA? Are there really anything left in USA that can actually pay your mortgage and feed your family?

Today, it every cities for itself to a point that cities won't help other cities anymore. My own city are begging other cities to take criminals into their jails because ours are so full of people who are stealing at local retailer just to be able to eat tonight but other cities refused to take them or help us out. The city had to pass an ordinance requiring retailer with 5 or more reported shoplift per day to hire their own rent a cop or the police will not come out and arrest shoplifter to take them to jail. It's gotten so bad here that I have seen people who shop lift walked out with stolen goods that retailer's employees can't touch them or they will cry out "assault" so it cheaper for them let people to steal the goods and pass the cost on us honest hard working customer than it is to settle out of court on frivolous lawsuit. It's easier to scam America with dream of having full refrigerator of foods for a couple of bucks now days.

With all those jobs moving out of USA but yet at the same time, USA exploding with more people every day, it's becoming dog eat dog when it comes to finding a job and learning a "new" skill will not stop cooperation moving out of USA.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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So let me get this right, you’ve got a problem with the American capitalist system which found the lowest cost of production in order to maximize profitability. So now you want to what? Change our Capitalist economic system and free trade agreements which over the past 300 years have made America great? Maybe your relatives should wipe the tears from their eyes go to school to learn a new skill and perhaps understand that to survive one needs to embrace change, or go the way of the dinosaurs.

On second thought, let’s just pretend it’s going to be 1960 again.
There you go, that statement right there evidences your misunderstand of why the administration is employing the tarrif. It has noting to do with china's lower cost of production. Its has everything to do with china cheating on trade, including currency manipulation, deliberately dumping steel, unabashed theft of our intellectual property, and most importantly CHINA's own tarrifs on OUR goods. There is a 25 percent tarrif on cars built outside of china - just one example. We finally have someone in the white house with a pair of balls who has had enough of America taking it up the ass. Lower taxes and lower operating costs due to deregulation have also brought jobs back here.


IPCT Contributor
Feb 16, 2015
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Megatroplis, USA
Ummm...we’ll certainly see, won’t we. And @fenderman is right, I don’t know a lot about tariffs, trade, and the economy. But what I’m hearing sure as shit sounds like sniveling liberal “someone take care of me and give me a job” snowflakeism, instead of pick yourself up by the bootstraps and make a place for yourself in the economy conservatism.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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FYI - Re stock market... be cautious numerous warning signs here and in China w/regards to what appears to be a major bubble - just a question if the Chinese government can keep their bubble from bursting like a bomb. If it blows - we'll see a significant impact world wide.


Getting comfortable
Nov 24, 2014
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The last year the US had a trade surplus was 1975. Think about that. 43 years of taking it up the ass.
When you no longer can produce more than you consume, you are forced to sell off assets. And that can only spell disaster.
Let's hope our President succeeds for the country's sake.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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The last year the US had a trade surplus was 1975. Think about that. 43 years of taking it up the ass.
When you no longer can produce more than you consume, you are forced to sell off assets. And that can only spell disaster.
Let's hope our President succeeds for the country's sake.
FYI - Hint - that's about the time when the Petro dollar kicked in


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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FYI - Re stock market... be cautious numerous warning signs here and in China w/regards to what appears to be a major bubble - just a question if the Chinese government can keep their bubble from bursting like a bomb. If it blows - we'll see a significant impact world wide.
That bubble has been building since 2010. The level of debt and over-inflated assets worldwide are a huge problem. China is sitting on an even worse bubble than the West. The world has been printing money and living on credit for a very long time and it wont likely end well, regardless of who's in the White House.

Re Trump: We had two choices in 2016, a continuing of the slow death spiral of our great country, or taking the problems head on. It aint gonna be pretty either way in the short term, but I'm glad we have someone in the White House willing to call out the cancer of corruption that is eating away at the core of our government and at least try to "drain the swamp".