Review - TOP-201 Super Mini 720P HD IP-Cam (The Cheapest IP Cam So Far !!)

Apr 18, 2015
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I'm sorry, I can't give you the screenshots right now. I've dismantled this test installation and moved that to the target location. So the cam is not installed. To get the possibility to upload the pictures to FTP you should update the manager app and upload the latest firmware (from march this year). Then just enter IP address without ftp:// prefix. Plus in motion detection - enable FTP sending. Be sure that the folder you are going to upload has necessary rights.
OK, no problem. I just managed to get pictures on FTP server. After I enabled Snapshot at every time at Setting->Record->Snapshot, upload to FTP started.
Although Settings->Record->Record is enabled same way as Snapshot, video of event wont upload. I suppose problem could be insufficient internal storage in camera (actually non existing storage) so video can't be recorded in camera and then nothing exist for upload to FTP (this is my presumption only).
Apr 21, 2015
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You are very welcome.

Currently, the mini IP Camera boards manufactured by Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology Co., Ltd don't support sending video via FTP during motion detection. Only snapshots/images can be sent via FTP during motion detection.
Do we have a hope that exactly these models will support video to ftp transfer or it would be better to look to other models?
Apr 18, 2015
Reaction score
You are very welcome.

Currently, the mini IP Camera boards manufactured by Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology Co., Ltd don't support sending video via FTP during motion detection. Only snapshots/images can be sent via FTP during motion detection.


Thanks for this information and links with details. I hope FTP video upload will be enabled in future firmware update (my camera board is produced by Hangzhou Xiongmai Technology Co., Ltd).


Getting the hang of it
Nov 18, 2014
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By coincidence I ordered a board today

IPC IPG 1080P SONY IMX222 Hi3516

So give it a few weeks and I'll let you know


Getting the hang of it
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Very cool! Looking forward to hearing of it.

I mostly like the potential of it because of the pinhole like lens as I'd like to build it pseudo covertly (for less likelihood of vandalism) into an entrance door frame at eye level. And it seems like a good possible. Nonetheless, the 720 cams have a fine enough picture for other uses want it for. Seems I saw something on the Amazon comments a guy couldn't get IP Cam viewer(Android) to work on it. Can't imagine what that is about. I'm about to pull the trigger on a couple of the 720's to play with tho...


Getting the hang of it
Nov 18, 2014
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IP Cam viewer
I have tried that app on my phablet and using the info from wayyyyyyyyyyyy back in this thread, it works fine.

Stream can be selected to be 0 or 1

into an entrance door frame at eye level.
Test the height and angles before attacking the frame :rolleyes: (but eye level may be a bit high)


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Getting the hang of it
Nov 18, 2014
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Just to add....

Not sure about the 'pin hole lens' as posted above, but it may be IR pass which means that the color (colour) could be affected, IMHO IR block and a small amount of additional ambient external lighting is the better method

The whole concept of the 'TOP-21' variants give a kinda complicated outlook on the subject.

The small depth of the case (13mm) means that a switchable IR filter wont fit, so a IR blocking (filtering) lens should be used, also the POE module don't fit either.

For building purposes, the deeper 21mm case should be more accommodating (but maybe still have a problem with using an IR filter and POE... but I'll know later, lol)

The easy availability and cheapness of the boards .. 720, 960 and 1080 / cases / leads and so on, make it an ideal diy project.


Getting the hang of it
Aug 26, 2014
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Cleveland, Ohio
Yeah, I couldn't imagine why (Android App) IP Cam viewer would have issue with it. Although they were mentioning the issue in relation to the 1080 unit as opposed to the 720. I doubt it would be much different. User error I imagined.

I may just have to get one and see exactly what is up with the "pinhole" looking lens. I could run with the 720 there as well of course, as either could be securely built into a metal electrical box but the larger 720 lens would make it obvious as to what it was, the smaller looking lens of the 1080 might not be so obvious as to what it is. Less attention drawn to it the better at that accessible height.

Thanks for the input!


Getting the hang of it
Nov 18, 2014
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The pinhole lens it self is nothing special as far as sticking a pinhole lens into a 'TOP-21' type of camera goes, apart from ensuring that the case has a short threaded projection, and using something like blunted tweezers for adjusting the focus... the trick would be to use an IR cut version (which none of mine are... hence having to get a wider case to put the ir cut filter in... thats after removing the threaded bit off of it)

Edit: Maybe something like this could come in handy ...
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Getting the hang of it
Nov 18, 2014
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Tech Support for this mini IP Camera series manufacturer has now stated that none of their mini IP Camera boards that don't included a SD card currently can send motion detection alarm video via FTP and only can send snapshots via FTP.
Which on balance (all things and $$$ considered) is fair.
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Apr 24, 2015
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Examples on how to setup snapshots via FTP and email on motion detection alarms:

CMS ("Camera Management System")

Any of the same IE ("Internet Explorer") browser configuration settings shown below can also be accessed using the CMS program created by the manufacturer of this series of mini IP Cameras, using its right menu options. System -> Remote Config. Without the need to use a browser to access and change the mini IP Camera configuration settings.


Note: A IE browser must be used if you are not going to use the CMS interface for these mini IP Cameras to be able to access the cameras configuration settings using a browser.

Note: You will need to first configure FTP under the mini IP Cameras NetService configuration settings before you can check the FTP checkbox above and have FTP work properly. To even get snapshots via FTP on motion alarms.

You will also need to setup Email properly under NetService for the mini IP Cameras configuration settings to get emails on alarms. You will also need to set the snapshot settings to timing for alarms. See below.

Note: DirName ("Above") should have at minimum a "/" without the double quotes. Even if the FTP snapshots should not be saved in a sub folder like /Top201

Email motion alarms work fine as well with Gmail., user, sender, Receiver need SSL checkbox checked and using port 465.

Hi everyone,

I'm a novice in setting up this newly bought IP camera. I am not able to save the configurations in NetService, whether it's email or ftp configurations.... Not sure what I have done wrong here. (Thought it would be a straightforward change??)

Hope someone can show me the light. Many thanks.

Jo ٩(×̯×)۶


Apr 25, 2015
Reaction score
Hello everyone,

I need help with flashing firmware, camera is not "TOP-201", but it is very similar model.
Here is the story. Seller have sent me new firmware for this camera. All cameras but one were succesfully updated with this new firmware thru WEB interface.
One camera stopped responding during flashing procedure and I couldn't access it anymore via ip address (no ping response) - DEAD.

Seller shipped me new camera, and that's great, but I know I can bring this camera to life.
Original firmware for this camera is:
System version: V4.02.R12.00006531.10010.1308
Camera model: 53H13

Since camera was not responding to ping, I connected it via serial port to PC, and I had sucessfully flashed update.img from this thread to camera.
Camera is now responding to ping, and everything works "great" except there is no video,lol.
I realized that this is because my camera model is 53H13 and camera from this thread "TOP-201" is 50H10.

So, it would be great if anyone can provide me file update.img for my camera model, because I only have .bin file and I can't flash this via serial port, and If I try to flash it via WEB interface it says "wrong file" or something like this.

Thanks in advance.

btw. seller doesn't want to provide me update.img file, because he has sent me new camera
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Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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You are very welcome.

The instructions are/were very clear and concise when I posted them:

Tech Support for this manufacturer is now on their weekend and won't return into their China offices until Sunday 8:30 PM U.S. CDT.

Why do you need these instructions specifically for your mini IP Camera model/version when your seller is sending a replacement camera?

So that you can have two cameras for the price of one? Since your seller is already replacing this camera.

Which very well maybe why they your seller is refusing to provide the .bin file to recover this camera using a serial connection.

Which I guess means: "My seller is not stupid enough to fall for the fact that I am trying to get two cameras for the price of one. Is anyone in the forum less intelligent than my seller?"

I think the question above, is a fair question to ask. Since it's my time involved in getting this information. Secondly this manufacture of this mini IP Camera series reads this forum thread, from time to time and I am not going to damage my relationship with the Tech Support people of that company for trying to help someone get two cameras for the price of one.

Especially more so, when you have an excellent seller, who is going the extra mile to replace your camera. Because of "Your inability to read my multiple warnings" on using the serial recovery methods with the wrong versions of this series of mini IP Camera models:

Which was/is no fault of the manufacturer or seller in this case.

Because it's an extremely easy way to end up getting two working cameras for the price of one when you have a seller willing to replace the non-working camera and using my time to get the files you need for free.

Worse, what happens when everyone else with a different mini IP Camera version starts doing the same as you are and starts asking me for help getting these files for virtually any of the Mini IP Cameras in this manufacturers series? Especially if they find out who your seller is or finds a excellent seller, like them, to try and do the same thing.

Am I supposed to start running down special .bin recovery files used in the serial recovery of these mini IP cameras, for every possible version of this mini IP Camera series for them in my spare time for free as well? Because they claim they can't read the original instructions I posted for the 6510 version of this mini IP Camera series, so that they can get two working cameras for the price of one?

I mean please "Let's get honest and real here". This forum is filled with posts of people intentionally purchasing Hikvision IP Cameras which are intended to be sold in China only at a cheaper price and hacking them to be able to be used elsewhere ("Outside of China") to save money.

So, because of that fact. What makes you think that some here, won't want to use your concept to get two cameras for the price of one. At the expense of a excellent seller and/or my time?

Note: I am not picking on what others think is ok to do. I also have no desire to be the "What's right world police". I am however, very protective of my free time and how I use that free time. Which I have every right to be protective of.

Translation: People should do as they wish to save money. But do so without my help and time, to help get them two cameras for the price of one.

I don't want to be the cause of turning this forum thread into "How to get two mini IP Cameras for the price of one" when I am willing to help people here, that have a seller that won't be this kind to replace a camera and they truly are stuck because of that. Those people I will continue to help, as I have.

That's not your case here. Had you taken virtually any time to read my multiple warnings about attempting to use the .bin recovery file for serial recovery methods on the wrong mini IP Camera hardware. Before downloading that wrong .bin file. Your faulty mini IP Camera would now be working. Because as my quoted post above says, I would have gone the extra mile to get the correct .bin file for you, but you would have one fewer camera than you soon will have now.

kish89 is not trying to get 2 cameras for the price of one...kish89 was sent firmware which bricked one of his cameras (seems like he purchased multiple cameras)...great, the seller did the right thing and shipped a replacement camera the user has a non working camera, and wants to spend time on their own dime trying to revive the broken camera...kish89 is not getting it for free, rather spending time to revive it rather then tossing it out and filling the landfill..
kish89 did not ask YOU specifically for advice, it was a question for all on the forum...if you dont want to help, dont ..there is no reason to accuse kish89 of trying to get something for nothing..that is clearly not the case here.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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I deleted the post in question prior to you making commentary about it.

That said. The wrong .bin file was used when it was clear in my instructions, that it should not have been used for this camera model:!!)&p=25101&viewfull=1#post25101

I would help under different circumstances. Which I want others who don't have such excellent sellers to know.

My time, my choice.

Kish89 got the firmware from the seller "Seller have sent me new firmware for this camera" there is no indication that kish was using your instructions...



Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Please try and read their post before making inaccurate statements:

The firmware (".bin") file which they used with the serial interface. Was using my post, .bin file and instructions:!!)&p=25101&viewfull=1#post25101

Note: There are no other posts in this thread that include a .bin for for serial recovery for any mini IP Cameras besides mine here!

Read the entire post before making inaccurate statements yourself...the camera was bricked using the sellers firmware...after kish could not revive it kish tried your firmware...
kish never asked for your help but you chose to go on a rant making assumptions and accusations both about kish and what members of this forum may do...


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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1. The camera was bricked.

2. The seller is replacing the bricked camera.

3. The poster tried to recover the bricked camera using "my" recovery download file and instructions provided by me for another camera model.!!)&p=25101&viewfull=1#post25101

4. The poster now wants to undo the bad serial recovery file ("Downloaded and installed from my post above") now presently installed in the camera.

5. Since the seller is replacing the camera and has refused when asked to supply the proper .bin file for serial recovery of the camera, because that seller is in fact replacing the camera.

I choose to do the same thing and not supply the proper .bin file for serial recovery of the camera. In this specific case.

While also letting others know that under different circumstances. I will still help others, with the same mini IP Camera model and other mini IP Camera models, recover their cameras. At my discretion.

Again. My time, my choice.

Yes I understand, problem is with your rant and accusations to a member that asked a legitimate question and your disgusting implication that folks on this forum will intentional lie to seller to get a free camera simply because they purchase china region hikvision - that is absurd .....there is no indication that kish was asked to destroy the broken camera...there is absolutely no reason why kish should toss it in the trash if kish wants to tinker with it...
If you dont want to help just ignore the request...simple as that.


Apr 25, 2015
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My camera is bricked because I was using firmware which seller have sent me, I followed all instructions and it's not my fault for this to happen. All other cameras (same model) from this seller are successfully flashed, so I'm not sure what happened with this one.

Since I needed this camera to work ASAP, I was searching for a solution in this thread. Yes, I have seen that .img file is not for my camera model and I have contacted seller if he can provide me with right file. At first I didn't get any response from seller for about a week, and then he answered me that he will ship me new camera. I still didn't get any confirmation that camera was indeed shipped, so I just flashed this .img file from this thread.
And camera was working again except there was no video.

So, currently I have non working camera, and I'm not sure if or when I will receive a new one. That's the reason why I ask here for a correct .img file.
I'm not trying to get free camera, If seller decided that's its best for him to ship me new camera, I'm not sure why is a problem to try and save this bricked camera if it is possible.

btw. I have bought 15 cameras and 1 NVR from this seller, and spent over 1500$ for maybe this is the reason why I'm getting new camera, getting some respect from the seller


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Thanks for your positive commentary on this matter.

I feel and felt that I owed this poster a detail explanation, after fenderman decided to revive and focus on my deleted post.

I did not revive your deleted post. I responded to your post while it was up. You then PM'ed me asking me to remove my post, not because you regretted what you posted, but rather "because it makes it look like I deleted that post after you posted about it. Which I did not do."
