Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Sep 5, 2016
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I did the same thing. Interesting there are still a couple of research papers on it but both caution on use due to possible heart side effects...

Kinda weird how everything that anyone says may have some effectiveness causes heart issues except the jab, which has now been PROVEN to cause heart issues...

Things that make ya go hmmmmm


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Sep 5, 2016
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For the record, me and Mrs bigredfish both used it per the FLCCC protocol (as well as numberous friends and family) and had no noticeable reactions. And one of the leading heart Docs on the planet, Dr McCullough, promotes its use following the same FLCCC protocol...
Dr Peter McCullough Early Treatment Protocol (2023)

As published in Dr Peter McCullough's substack (Oct 14, 2022):

The current Omicron infection is characteristically mild with limited pulmonary and systemic involvement. For those who are having second and third infections it will be even more mild often indistinguishable from the common cold. All of the agents mentioned in this stack have reasonable supportive evidence. The therapeutic aims are to address viral replication, inflammation, and thrombosis.

Patients at negligible and low risk can self-manage with viricidal nasal washes and the “OTC Bundle” which includes zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, quercetin, famotidine (at four times the package dose—80 mg a day), and it’s reasonable to include aspirin 325 mg a day (Nature).

For very high-risk elderly patients with significant medical problems, for example, oxygen-dependent cardio-pulmonary disease monoclonal antibodies can be given as a one-time infusion preferably on days 1-3.

For those at moderate and above risk, it is reasonable to choose one oral antiviral (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Paxlovid, molnupiravir) and consider combining it with an intracellular antibiotic (e.g., doxycycline or azithromycin) to cover concomitant atypical organisms and superimposed bacterial bronchitis. For fever control and inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (e.g., naproxen) are favored over acetaminophen (R).

In the Omicron wave, corticosteroids can be streamlined to inhaled budesonide and or oral prednisone. Beyond these principles the remainder of the McCullough Protocol© can be stylized to the patient and their particular history and symptoms with the goal of ameliorating the intensity and duration of symptoms and by that mechanism, reducing the risk of hospitalization or death. For example, patients with pleuropericardial symptoms or prior chest surgery, colchicine can be added and is well-supported by the largest outpatient placebo-controlled trial (R). If bedbound, immobile, or tendency for blood clotting, then anticoagulation with low-molecular weight heparin by injection or oral anticoagulants is prudent.

The community standard of care for COVID-19 was developed by doctors in the field who learned how to treat the infection using their clinical judgement and available sources of evidence—not by government agencies, state medical boards, or royal colleges of physicians. Having nearly three years of experience in ambulatory management, Dr. McCullough has learned from experts around the globe that no single drug is necessary nor sufficient to treat COVID-19. Yes, that means that the syndrome can be treated without antiviral agents as reported by Dr. Barrientos (R) in El Salvador and Dr. Chetty in South Africa (R).

Each protocol varies the intensity and classes of drugs based on style and phase of illness. As a general rule, day 1-3 is the golden window for initiation of early treatment, 4-6 agents are required, and the duration of therapy can be as short as 5 and as long as 30 days depending on the circumstances.[R]

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Sep 5, 2016
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Correct. She had it for about a week, moderate flu, then she was fine, back to work at day 7 but a bit tired for another week. Said it really took her energy away. At 12-13 days all symptoms gone.

Nope I never did catch it. I did heavy up on all the pills, per FLCCC guidelines, but not so much as a sniffle. Now I didnt stick my toungue down her throat or anything, but we did what we normally do and didnt take too many precautions. I was sure I'd get it. Luck of the draw? Prior immunity from Dec of 2019? 12mg of IVM I take weekly? I dunno...


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Sep 5, 2016
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hmmmm.. why would CIA want Fraudci's visit to be secret? Why would they pay folks to say it was not a lab leak?... hmmmm

For those playing at home, Mebbe Fraudci was simply a puppet of CIA, mebbe he was on the payroll?, mebbe CIA had to offshore its bioweapon work due to Obama putting the kabash on it here? Seems like a lot of trouble to go to to disprove the lab leak, Why?

Fauci Was 'Smuggled' Into CIA Headquarters To "Influence" Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee
Fauci Was 'Smuggled' Into CIA Headquarters To "Influence" Covid-19 Origins Investigation: Select Subcommittee | ZeroHedge

Dr. Anthony Fauci was smuggled into CIA headquarters, "without a record of entry," where he "participated in the analysis to "influence" the Agency's" Covid-19 investigation, according to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

........This allegation is even more interesting in light of a report from two weeks ago that the CIA bribed analysts to say Covid-19 did not originate in a Chinese lab.

According to a 'senior-level' CIA whistleblower, the agency 'tried to pay off six analysts who found SARS-CoV-2 likely originated in a Wuhan lab if they changed their position and said the virus jumped from animals to humans.'

"According to the whistleblower, at the end of its review, six of the seven members of the Team believed the intelligence and science were sufficient to make a low confidence assessment that COVID-19 originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China," reads the letter from Wenstrup.

"The seventh member of the Team, who also happened to be the most senior, was the lone officer to believe COVID-19 originated through zoonosis.

"The whistleblower further contends that to come to the eventual public determination of uncertainty, the other six members were given a significant monetary incentive to change their position," the letters continue, adding that the analysts were "experienced officers with significant scientific expertise."

Chairman Wenstrup is seeking all documents and communications related to Dr. Fauci’s access to CIA facilities and CIA employees as it relates to these allegations. Also, after becoming aware of additional information, the Select Subcommittee is requesting Special Agent Brett Rowland appear for a transcribed interview regarding Dr. Fauci’s purported movements to and from the CIA. As mounting evidence continues to imply that federal government officials covered-up the origins of COVID-19, investigating any improper influence will ensure future accountability of not only the intelligence community, but also public health officials.

As the Committee noted on Tuesday;

Dr. Fauci’s questionable presence at the CIA, coupled with recently uncovered evidence that he, Dr. Fauci, “prompted” the drafting of “Proximal Origin” — the infamous paper that was used to attempt to “disprove” the lab leak theory — lends credence to heightened concerns about the promotion of a false COVID-19 origins narrative by multiple federal government agencies.
Chairman Wenstrup is seeking all documents and communications related to Dr. Fauci’s access to CIA facilities and CIA employees as it relates to these allegations. Also, after becoming aware of additional information, the Select Subcommittee is requesting Special Agent Brett Rowland appear for a transcribed interview regarding Dr. Fauci’s purported movements to and from the CIA. As mounting evidence continues to imply that federal government officials covered-up the origins of COVID-19, investigating any improper influence will ensure future accountability of not only the intelligence community, but also public health officials.

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Sep 5, 2016
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The more times I read this the more questions come to mind...

Dr. Fauci’s questionable presence at the CIA, coupled with recently uncovered evidence that he, Dr. Fauci, “prompted” the drafting of “Proximal Origin” — the infamous paper that was used to attempt to “disprove” the lab leak theory — lends credence to heightened concerns about the promotion of a false COVID-19 origins narrative by multiple federal government agencies.

"The only organization on the planet with the necessary infrastructure to implement such a huge international plan as Covid was the CIA/NSA, the US security state."

Why Does the US Security state 3 letter salad want to cover up the origin of the virus?
Why would Fraudci want to cover up the origin of the vrius?
Why was Fraudci the highest paid and longest serving US public official?
Why was the US military put in charge of the vaccine response?
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Sep 5, 2016
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Watch this from 37:00 to 41:30

Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Ralph Baric, who collaborated with the laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the coronavirus ‘gain of function’ work) along with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and Moderna, began the sequencing of a spike protein vaccine in November 2019, a month before the Wuhan outbreak happened.

Dr. David E. Martin | Sitzung 60: Die Zeit ist kein flacher Kreis

From the full testimony video
Evidence given to the German-led international Corona Investigative Committee on Friday July 9 by Dr David Martin, who runs a US company monitoring innovations relevant to financial interests. He said a review of more than 4,000 patents issued around the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) coronavirus had led to the dramatic conclusion: ‘We made SARS’.
Dr. David E. Martin | Testimony - July 9th, 2021 | Data Science Association
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Sep 5, 2016
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Of course it originated in the lab. Of course it was funded by the US Government. Of course they tried to cover it up because if they didn't our leadership would be on trial for killing millions worldwide. The first crime was committed by our government and every crime that followed was committed to protect that lie.

You either understand history or You trust the government. You can’t do both.
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Sep 5, 2016
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ok last one. Pure speculation, comments from another board..

Lining up all of our evidence, we can make conclusions as to what actually transpired. In short, the covid SARS-2 gain-of-function virus was created in the United States by the good folks at Fort Detrick. They have a very long history of such things. The Chinese were funded by Fauci, Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak to study gain-of-function in wild bat viruses but those boys didn't give the Chinese all the information and they were unable to perform the chimera on their own.
For Daszak and Baric's purposes, it was enough to be able to prove that the Chinese were working on gain-of-function.

At the Wuhan International Military Games, October 18-27th, 2019 a vial of the virus was 'dropped' and released near the Wuhan Institute of Virology. People got sick and died. "Covid" was on.
Think logically about what then transpired. The Chinese knew they didn't have the gain-of-function completed, so they didn't have an antidote or vaccine to combat the virus. Many Chinese died and the country went on lockdown. The idea that Xi dispersed the virus to the world by allowing everyone from Wuhan to bolt is not true. They had no idea if the virus was terrible or not. When they found out that it caused a really nasty pneumonic infection, they shut down the entire country, including Wuhan.

Our intelligence community makes a big deal of not naming the Wuhan Institute as the culprit and insist on everyone going along with a natural origin, from a bat to a pangolin that was eaten at a wet market. This was a bit of unnecessary misdirection on the part of C_A and may be the undoing of the entire scheme. They were playing, "look...squirrel!" in order to pooh-pooh the idea that the virus came from the Wuhan lab, when they knew that the cleavage sites, etc., clearly showed man-made chimera. They assumed that everyone would turn around and point fingers at the Chinese- and they were pretty much correct about that- but they didn't stop there. Just like with Nixon, it was the misdirection attempt that has the smoking guns.
Now, C_A is 'smuggling' Fauci into HQ, paying off dissenting scientists and insisting that the story of natural origin would stick, when they were actually hoping that it would become 'obvious' that the finger should be pointed at the Chinese in Wuhan.

This is a case of 'the lady doth protest too much, methinks' with their multiple layers of misdirection clearly pointing to far, far deeper involvement of the US military intelligence apparatus in the entire plandemic. Why should they try so hard to deflect responsibility from themselves whilst accusing the Chinese of accidentally releasing the virus?
To me, the answer is obvious: C_A/MI were the ones who constructed and released the virus on the Chinese, who were set up as patsies from jump street. As another poster here likes to say, prove me wrong.

I can't quite wrap my head around why anyone would want to do that, except for societal control. If that were the objective, it failed pretty badly.

To influence the election against Trump and generally get rid of conservative old people to shape the future. 2004 SARS was more or less a test run against Bush but he was too popular due to 911 and governments contained the spread too easily. My guess it was dropped in at least 3 places: China, Italy, and US to ensure it couldn't be contained. Finger points at China whether man-made or not. It wouldn't take many people with the right clearances conspiring to pull it off.

A SMALL part of a LARGER part.
The Ft. Dietrich bioweapon 'gain of function' research was 'illegal' back in 2016-17, so it was sold off and outsourced to CHINA by the likes of FAUCI (The Wuhan labs were funded and supported by USGOV grants via FAUCI and several others).
You apparently only grasp an EXTREMELY SMALL part (given to you by the MSM controllers) of the full and totally evil extent of these decades-long attempts to build the 'perfect' global DEPOPULATION WEAPON.
It DIDN'T WORK, but the 'vaccines' are doing THEIR job NEVERTHELESS...


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Sep 5, 2016
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It goes back over 20 years. There are 72 patents identified by Dr Martin on the chimera. But im focused on how it was used in recent times