Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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As I was getting gas today a car pulled in next to me, a guy in his 20’s, wearing a mask in it alone. As he got out of his car he put on a second mask along with a pair of gloves.

Obviously I walked to the front of my truck to look at the back of his car, it had to be one of the few vehicles on the road still sporting a biden 2020 sticker on it.
I looked and him and said “dude, you don’t need that sticker on your car, everyone knows where you stand.
He started talking about how awful trump is and how he is a traitor, the dude’s face turned beat red as he was talking.

My pump shut off after $135, I said man I miss the days when I could fill up under $50 under Trump.
Yeah the Democracks don't have a leg to stand on at the Pumps...


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
I saw something interesting today on my morning walk. Almost everyday I see this Asian couple out walking. Anyways he does not wear a mask and she wears a full face mask. Well today I finally saw her without a mask. I finally got to see what see looks like. I guess the pandemic is over for her. Hahahahaha


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Yeah, behavioral analysts agree that if they take it off, its finally over and that the rest of us all can take it off as well :rofl: But they seem to be ahead of the game :lol:

I saw something interesting today on my morning walk. Almost everyday I see this Asian couple out walking. Anyways he does not wear a mask and she wears a full face mask. Well today I finally saw her without a mask. I finally got to see what see looks like. I guess the pandemic is over for her. Hahahahaha
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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When Do the Human Rights Tribunals Begin? EU MP Reveals Pfizer Had NO EVIDENCE Vaccines Stopped Spread of COVID19 — ARREST FAUCI, ARREST PFIZER EXECS NOW! (VIDEO)

When Do the Human Rights Tribunals Begin? EU MP Reveals Pfizer Had NO EVIDENCE Vaccines Stopped Spread of COVID19 -- ARREST FAUCI, ARREST PFIZER EXECS NOW! (VIDEO)

As reported earlier, during a recent COVID-19 EU hearing, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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These bums thought this was the perfect time to trial mRNA vaccines on humans, even though conventional vaccines would have sufficed mitigating some extent of this virus's transmission capability. Unfortunately, J&J (typical sh!tty corporation) could not make an effective vaccine without any significant side effects.

When Do the Human Rights Tribunals Begin? EU MP Reveals Pfizer Had NO EVIDENCE Vaccines Stopped Spread of COVID19 — ARREST FAUCI, ARREST PFIZER EXECS NOW! (VIDEO)

When Do the Human Rights Tribunals Begin? EU MP Reveals Pfizer Had NO EVIDENCE Vaccines Stopped Spread of COVID19 -- ARREST FAUCI, ARREST PFIZER EXECS NOW! (VIDEO)

As reported earlier, during a recent COVID-19 EU hearing, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
Reaction score
When Do the Human Rights Tribunals Begin? EU MP Reveals Pfizer Had NO EVIDENCE Vaccines Stopped Spread of COVID19 — ARREST FAUCI, ARREST PFIZER EXECS NOW! (VIDEO)

When Do the Human Rights Tribunals Begin? EU MP Reveals Pfizer Had NO EVIDENCE Vaccines Stopped Spread of COVID19 -- ARREST FAUCI, ARREST PFIZER EXECS NOW! (VIDEO)

As reported earlier, during a recent COVID-19 EU hearing, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.
One thing about The Lie, it can't escape Time...With Videos we can go back and revisit how The Lie was presented to everyone...



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Yes, and I feel for those (most people) who were deceived initially in the early days (like my mother in Feb/March of '20) and in the absence of data and poor leadership from our corrupt medical institutions, accepted the experimental gene therapy. Those who we trusted used fear and a lazy and worthless media (useful idiots) to propagate the lie.

But at some point, enough data leaked out to give anyone with critical thinking skills and a desire to know, enough reason to pause and question. Unfortunately people have been conditioned over their entire lives to accept and believe that their governments and medical establishment were to be trusted as honest guardians of their well being. And worse, people in general have become increasingly lazy and apathetic, allowing the wolves to guard the sheep.

I was born in 1959, and I'm finding as I do my own research through life that we've been routinely lied to about "big" things by our government and institutions since at least 1948. Im not talking about military secrets and such as there can be good reason for governments not to tell everything they know publicly. And not every big event is a conspiracy.
But bold "lies" asserting black is white and up is really down.... weather balloons in the desert that dont resemble weather balloons, or obvious visual video evidence as well as eyewitness testimony by highly regarded physicians like Dr Robert McClelland that certain bullets came from certain (unauthorized) directions, as if to say, "who are you going to believe, Your government or your own lying eyes"?

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months: Study

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months: Study | ZeroHedge

......But against more recent strains, including the currently-dominant BA.5, the effectiveness turned negative.
Against BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5, the effectiveness went negative after 150 days.
Against BA.1.12.1, the effectiveness turned negative after 91 days.

Negative effectiveness means a vaccinated person is more likely to contract COVID-19, the disease the virus causes, than an unvaccinated person.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
When Do the Human Rights Tribunals Begin? EU MP Reveals Pfizer Had NO EVIDENCE Vaccines Stopped Spread of COVID19 — ARREST FAUCI, ARREST PFIZER EXECS NOW! (VIDEO)

When Do the Human Rights Tribunals Begin? EU MP Reveals Pfizer Had NO EVIDENCE Vaccines Stopped Spread of COVID19 -- ARREST FAUCI, ARREST PFIZER EXECS NOW! (VIDEO)

As reported earlier, during a recent COVID-19 EU hearing, Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, admitted that the vaccine had never been tested on its ability to prevent transmission, contrary to what was previously advertised.
Never forget the leftist mantra, which included supposed conservative shaming bumper stickers… “Believe Science!”
View attachment 142358


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
I saw something interesting today on my morning walk. Almost everyday I see this Asian couple out walking. Anyways he does not wear a mask and she wears a full face mask. Well today I finally saw her without a mask. I finally got to see what see looks like. I guess the pandemic is over for her. Hahahahaha
Did she look like she needed to put the mask back on? Some women have been scoring on the dating scene ever since the mask thing became.......a thing......:blankstare:


Getting comfortable
Sep 1, 2020
Reaction score
Yes, and I feel for those (most people) who were deceived initially in the early days (like my mother in Feb/March of '20) and in the absence of data and poor leadership from our corrupt medical institutions, accepted the experimental gene therapy. Those who we trusted used fear and a lazy and worthless media (useful idiots) to propagate the lie.

But at some point, enough data leaked out to give anyone with critical thinking skills and a desire to know, enough reason to pause and question. Unfortunately people have been conditioned over their entire lives to accept and believe that their governments and medical establishment were to be trusted as honest guardians of their well being. And worse, people in general have become increasingly lazy and apathetic, allowing the wolves to guard the sheep.

I was born in 1959, and I'm finding as I do my own research through life that we've been routinely lied to about "big" things by our government and institutions since at least 1948. Im not talking about military secrets and such as there can be good reason for governments not to tell everything they know publicly. And not every big event is a conspiracy.
But bold "lies" asserting black is white and up is really down.... weather balloons in the desert that dont resemble weather balloons, or obvious visual video evidence as well as eyewitness testimony by highly regarded physicians like Dr Robert McClelland that certain bullets came from certain (unauthorized) directions, as if to say, "who are you going to believe, Your government or your own lying eyes"?

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months: Study

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Within Months: Study | ZeroHedge

......But against more recent strains, including the currently-dominant BA.5, the effectiveness turned negative.
Against BA.2, BA.4, and BA.5, the effectiveness went negative after 150 days.
Against BA.1.12.1, the effectiveness turned negative after 91 days.

Negative effectiveness means a vaccinated person is more likely to contract COVID-19, the disease the virus causes, than an unvaccinated person.
The government has earned my distrust and the handling of the covid pandemic is just another example. I didn’t get the jab and my bride did. We both got covid last month. She got it first and tested positive. I didn’t bother testing and assumed I had it since she was positive. Not much worse than the common cold for us. I didn’t feel disadvantaged at all by not being vaccinated.

I find myself chuckling when I get asked “You have your flu shot yet?” by a healthcare provider. Nope. Then you going to get one? Nope.

They used to pressure me now they seem to accept it.

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