Nighttime LPR - No Motion Detected


May 2, 2024
Hello all,

I recently setup the Z12E and have been impressed with the results.

I am able to:
- View license plates and detect motion in daytime clearly
- View license plates in nighttime clearly

I cannot get an event / alarm to trigger during the nighttime when a plate is detected.

My thoughts are because the camera feed is so dark, or the shutter speed is too high it is not detecting motion.

I need to detect motion so I can use the API to send the plate upstream. Any thoughts on how to approach this?
You have to use plain motion detection.

You cannot use SMD or IVS rules at night because the AI is looking for a car and all we see are plates and head/tail lights.
@wittaj With plain motion detection, is there a way to somehow only get the plates?

If SMD worked, I could have used the traffic junction event. With a tripwire or some plain motion detection, it would be for anything moving.
In most of our cases, the image is black except for the plate and head/tail light and nothing else is seen, so everytime it triggers, it is for a plate. A person or animal goes by and the camera doesn't see it and thus doesn't trigger.

Now I will get the occasional bug that gets to close to the camera and will trigger but that is rare.

If that doesn't work for you, then you would need to add AI via third party th as t would look for plates in an all black image.
If you are using Blue Iris then add a spotter cam. Then create a group with includes both the LPR and spotter cam. The spotter cam be set with IVS rules and when a vehicle is detected it will trigger and will then also trigger the LPR cam. And if desired, the LPR can be set without any detection rules. i.e. only ONVIF camera events and trigger camera groups.

If night time light is limited, then setup the spotter cam in B/W with only IVS with no motion detection.
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