Need help TruVision NVR 10


May 23, 2020
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Edmonton, Alberta Canada
HI Guys and Gals
I am attempting a password reset on a TruVision model TVN-1016s - 6T. I am now a board member of a condo association and the beast I refer to is what watches the doors and main foyer and records with motion detection. About 2 months ago it appears the NVR was some how reset. Showing a date of 01 2012 today and it will not accept password. I am thinking perhaps a power outage has caused this? but have honestly no idea. We have had a tech out and have been told that TruVision is no more (Interlogix) and there is nothing they can do. In some research I have found that TruVision was made by Hikvision. I brought the NVR unit to my home as it is 1/2 hour one way to access this beast. I have pulled the hood off of the unit looking for a reset button with none to be found. Also found the cmos battery was .06v instead of the 3v so battery was replaced. Then went ahead and downloaded SADP and ran it and it detected the NVR. I have tried 3 or 4 times using different variations of the serial number with no success to reset the password. I don`t know where to go from here. Perhaps someone has suggestions? I will try anything as I have nothing to loose. The company wants about 5000$ to install a new unit and due to the present situation of the world this is not financially a solution. HELP!!


Staff member
Oct 28, 2014
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In some research I have found that TruVision was made by Hikvision.
OK, we'll assume that's valid.

Then went ahead and downloaded SADP and ran it and it detected the NVR.
Can we get a screen shot? Showing firmware version, serial number?

I don`t know where to go from here. Perhaps someone has suggestions? I will try anything as I have nothing to loose.
Maybe the 'trojan horse Hikvision backdoor method' would work if the device has PoE ports and a backdoor-vulnerable Hikvision camera can be used.
Either already in place, or borrowed and set to 'Inactive' (in which case conect to an NVR PoE port, wait 2 or 3 minutes and proceed).

Suggestion :
Connect the PC to an unused NVR PoE port and check out the cameras, and their firmware versions. And their IP addresses.
If any shows firmware of 5.4.0 or earlier (but also 5.3.0 or later) you may be in luck.
Change the PC IP address to be in the same range and use this URL in the browser, replacing IP address as needed :
If it coughs up a configuration file, zip it up and attach here.
The camera password, which is usually also the NVR password, can be extracted.


May 23, 2020
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta Canada
OK, we'll assume that's valid.

Can we get a screen shot? Showing firmware version, serial number?

Maybe the 'trojan horse Hikvision backdoor method' would work if the device has PoE ports and a backdoor-vulnerable Hikvision camera can be used.
Either already in place, or borrowed and set to 'Inactive' (in which case conect to an NVR PoE port, wait 2 or 3 minutes and proceed).

Suggestion :
Connect the PC to an unused NVR PoE port and check out the cameras, and their firmware versions. And their IP addresses.
If any shows firmware of 5.4.0 or earlier (but also 5.3.0 or later) you may be in luck.
Change the PC IP address to be in the same range and use this URL in the browser, replacing IP address as needed :
If it coughs up a configuration file, zip it up and attach here.
The camera password, which is usually also the NVR password, can be extracted.



May 23, 2020
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Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Also should have said - I have the NVR here but no cameras. Also software version is V2.1.i, build 170512 DSP Build is V5.0, Build 160315
Now have no video to my monitor at all


May 23, 2020
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Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Thank You all - Appreciate the thoughts and replies - Can I just go to the latest and greatest firmware or do I have to go one step at a time.
That firmware version is older than I have ever seen on an NVR.
Have you tried the very old default passwords of 12345 123456789abc 123456 ?
Thanks - I have tried 1234 as listed in the owners manual pdf that I have - will try the others in a bit.


Known around here
Oct 7, 2015
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the OEM's tend to not update their FW as much. You're on 2.1i, and what i linked to is 2.1r.

When you flash new FW via TFTPd, it's generally a complete wipe of what was there before, but a factory reset from the GUI once it's alive again should take care of any residual incompatibilities between the old configurables and the new FW... of course, you'll need to re-add your cameras, which may or may not be trivial, depending on what state they are in and whether they are easy to reset or not. Do you know the camera passwords, for example?

So flashing new FW via TFTP is your last resort, if you cannot recover the password using any of the other methods suggested (which would preserve the existing cam configs).


May 23, 2020
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Edmonton, Alberta Canada
To the best of my knowledge before thrown into this fun - I do not believe any upgrades/firmware have been done. I will look at what is possible before attempting. Camera`s are mounted in the condo building 1/2 hour away. I may have no choice but upgrade firmware and reconfigure the whole thing. 1 question - Will we loose any video data should I have to upgrade the unit?


Known around here
Oct 7, 2015
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i would not count on being able to recover any of the video if you have to flash via TFTP. it may be fine, but if the storage format changed as the FW was updated, you may need to reformat the drive(s)...
if the previously recorded video is important, i would pull that drive out and try to access it in some other fashion...


May 23, 2020
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Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Thanks - need a bit more clarification. I have the NVR at my home - camera`s are 1/2 hour away. Does the NVR need to be hooked up to camera`s while doing the TFTP or can I do it here.
Will it update the NVR plugged into a camera poe? Just a bit of a dummy as not working on with this before. or is there a way to get the camera to spit out a configuration file easy?
Or do I net cable into main net cable input for the NVR?


Known around here
Oct 7, 2015
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The NVR will ARP for IP on it's LAN ethernet port at bootup. it may also do so on the PoE ports, but not sure. That's the NVR trying to find the TFTP server to load and flash the image. So yes, you need to have a PC connected to the NVR, but you don't need cameras connected to flash the NVR. Please keep in mind that when you flash it, it will be like factory-reseting the NVR, so it won't know the passwords that may have been set on your cams. You may want to exhaust all other means of recovering your NVR before resorting to that, unless you alreay know the passwords for the cams or know that they have a reset button somewhere... If the NVR dates from 2015/16 or so and had never been updated, it may well be susceptible to one of the known password-recovery hacks, so please try those first...

Alternative way of recovering HikVision NVR password

my guess would be that your NVR and cams are old enuf that you should be able to extract the info needed to recover them...
Are the cams all wireless? is that why you have no ethernet access at that location? there must a network connection where the NVR was located...

"We have had a tech out and have been told that TruVision is no more (Interlogix) and there is nothing they can do. "

It sounds like perhaps you just need to find a better 'tech' locally to help you out...
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May 23, 2020
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Edmonton, Alberta Canada
The cams are hard wired - Is there an easier way to extract the information fro the cams? I have no video when the NVR is plugged into a monitor via HDMI. I can access only by PC and SADP only so I am going to have to redo everything from scratch by the looks of it. Is there a readme or web page that will tell me how to reset camera`s after I TFTP?


Known around here
Oct 7, 2015
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If you're lucky, the cameras have a physical reset button on or in them somewhere. take one down and have a close look. post some pictures, especially any showing the model number etc...

without a reset button, you'll need to apply the same password recovery tricks documented here on the forum as for the NVR, starting with the password crackers and if that fails, re-flashing
appropriate firmware via tftp. but just make sure it's the RIGHT firmware for your hardware. proper identification of the cameras will help there.

most procedures outlined here for Hikvision systems will work for you.
Hikvision camera admin password reset tool

Hikvision FIRMWARE TOOLS - change language, extract files and create own firmware

R0 / DS-2CD2x32 BrickfixV2 brick recovery and full upgrade tool - enhanced.

"Grey" market camera, forgotten password

yes, it's a lot of information and not all relevant to your situation, but doable, if you have some patience and some tech skills. else, hire someone who does...


May 23, 2020
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Edmonton, Alberta Canada
UPDATE: Well big thank you to everyone who had input. This has been a big learning curve for me. Not quite done yet. I took the NVR back to its home this AM and put in place. I was still having a no answer to password reset as I was getting at my house. I had taken my laptop with me and decided to hard wire into the router/modem. I still could not get an ipconfig comand to work. Into the electrical room and check there was a cable from the Interweb provider that went thru the wall where the NVR was setup. So I moved the router modem back to the spot it originated and hooked the NVR to the modem and also hard wired my laptop in. Yes I got an ip address and tried the SADP one more time. Magic happened and it reset the password to default. I was in. It took a bit of time to reconfig the NVR but I got it. I found out later the caretaker was not getting a wifi signal so he hard booted the NVR and did a reset on the router modem. The NVR lost its settings as the CMOS battery was dead (which I got replaced) Just WOW. Sometimes ya gotta look a little deeper on the hardware end to find perhaps the biggest part of the problem. Have to say thank you to all for pointing me in the proper direction. I would still be lost without the help I received from this group. Kudos to you guys. Previously as a result of not being able to get into the NVR a tech came out with a new NVR and hooked it up with no success. I know he did a reset on the camera and I now have one camera that does not show at all in the NVR. I will be doing more research to find out how to bring this one back and be useful again. Thanks Again all - Happy Camper from Canada :)


Known around here
Oct 7, 2015
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Cool! Glad you got it (mostly) sorted and that we were able to help. Next time you'll have more info and tools at your disposal as well... Cheers!