Morning or Evening

Sep 19, 2021
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Yep, switch is not showing up on my network. This thing is so user friendly it doesn't even let me troubleshoot, lol. 'just plug and play!' Gonn return that and see what the wiki suggests for something that I can get into the guts on after I install it.


Known around here
Mar 30, 2021
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@rehamkcirtap i know you specifically require a POE switch but I recently bought 2 x SG1024DE smart switches for my future vlan set up. As you say i have also found them ,in my limited experience, easy to use and they do what it says on the tin. I had no problems connecting them up to my router. They"just worked". They may make a POE version of this switch.

Regarding your present problem before returning it might be an idea to remove the switch from the system and try the following

Reset switch. See screen grab taken from my manual. Your reset button might be in a different spot

Plug PC into switch with a known good patch cable. With nothing else connected and both powered on

See if you can access the switch WebUI. See screen grab. Again this is taken from my manual but the default IP of your switch should be the same.

If your still having no joy see the last 2 screens taken from manual. It explains what you have to do to get the pc and the switch "talking". The switch has a default IP of so it's important to give the pc another address number. Try for example

If this works works and you can access the switch webUI. Your getting somewhere lol.

The next step is to try @flintstones 1 cam only method

Good luck


Apr 26, 2016
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maybe get an unmanaged switch?
I think this might be an unmanaged switch, at least the installation guide says that on the first page. "Unmanaged Desktop PoE+ Switch "

OP mentions he has a "TL-SG1210P", but maybe double check you don't have the TL-SG1210MP which in the install manual talks about having a feature called "Isolation" that basically blocks all traffic between the individual ports (only traffic from port to uplink works).

I've never had an unmanaged switch not just be plug and play, so if the problem isn't related to isolation feature maybe you just have bad cable or switch itself (especially if you haven't ever had it work out of the box). I would focus on whether you can get two NON-CAMERA, already working devices talking to each other through the switch first, as the default IP of a new camera might add a wildcard you don't need to the initial troubleshooting to make sure the switch is working good. Then proceed with the "one cam at a time" approach. I personally add the camera default subnet to the network card in the PC manually as an additional network, and then connect the camera and pc with a cable (thereby removing the switch from causing any problems during initial setup).
Sep 19, 2021
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I think this might be an unmanaged switch, at least the installation guide says that on the first page. "Unmanaged Desktop PoE+ Switch "

OP mentions he has a "TL-SG1210P", but maybe double check you don't have the TL-SG1210MP which in the install manual talks about having a feature called "Isolation" that basically blocks all traffic between the individual ports (only traffic from port to uplink works).

I've never had an unmanaged switch not just be plug and play, so if the problem isn't related to isolation feature maybe you just have bad cable or switch itself (especially if you haven't ever had it work out of the box). I would focus on whether you can get two NON-CAMERA, already working devices talking to each other through the switch first, as the default IP of a new camera might add a wildcard you don't need to the initial troubleshooting to make sure the switch is working good. Then proceed with the "one cam at a time" approach. I personally add the camera default subnet to the network card in the PC manually as an additional network, and then connect the camera and pc with a cable (thereby removing the switch from causing any problems during initial setup).
I tried 3 cables that I made myself, three premade, and four or five non camera devices. It is returned and either the replacement works or I get a different kind. Because these are supposed to just work and all the things I've ever used switches for just worked.