Looking for guidance - hopefully I've come to the right place ...


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
Reaction score
Evansville, In. USA
yes, this one replace the IPC-HDBW4231F-AS, i will invite @looney2ns to make a review on this small edge one, it's the time to replace his old IPC-HDBW4231F-AS :)
If your place has good light, then use IPC-E3541F-AS-M 2.8mm or 3.6mm. 5mp
Glad to empiretech
yes, this one replace the IPC-HDBW4231F-AS, i will invite @looney2ns to make a review on this small edge one, it's the time to replace his old IPC-HDBW4231F-AS :)
If your place has good light, then use IPC-E3541F-AS-M 2.8mm or 3.6mm. 5mp
Glad to.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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I have a lot of experience with designing, building, and fixing electronics and other things, but not cameras specifically.
Basically I just don't want a giant camera hanging down in your face as soon as you walk in the front or back door. I saw that Dahua have 'covert' cameras available under their 'Special Series' section and I thought "dang; that looks ideal".

The inside view of the front entrance I want:
Option A:
View attachment 73011
or Option B:
View attachment 73012
And the two options of where the camera would be positioned:
View attachment 73013
Not really 'hidden' as such, but not in-your-face. We're renovating the room behind the RH door, so I can easily build access to behind the door pillar now, and I can access the other position from in the attic.

Very nice plate captures @samplenhold. That's exactly what I'm after.
The best spot I can see for LPR for my place is here:
View attachment 73025
It would still work ok I think despite there being a camper parked a bit in the way.
I may also be able to get access to use the telephone pole in the right of the shot, but still waiting on permission for that.

Couple of points on placement - if you want a good facial shot, the cameras need to between 5-7 feet in height. Any higher and all you risk getting close up is a shot of the top of their heads. Most criminals know this and will shield their face further by wearing a baseball cap. Nice and causal on the street not drawing attention like a balaclava but the peak shields the face from cameras mounted above head height.

As for the telepgraph pole, I'd stick to the place where you took the photo! If you mount on the telegraph pole and that van parks there, you'll capture nothing because the van will be in the way. The point from where you took the photo gives a good enough view for plate capture by the pole, but also seems good enough to capure plates of vehicles coming past a van parked there. I am making 1 assumption here, and that is you took that photo probably with a high MP camera ie phone, dslr etc. You'd have to check to ensure a CCTV camera still had enough mp to enable recognition with as a wide a view. The suggested test rig above is exactly ideal for that purpose and a varifocal lens camera ideal by the same reasoning. One other trick you could use if having dicciulty getting a wide enough shot would be angle the camera away from the kerb - you only need the plate of the vehicle which is in the centre, it's you other cameras jobs to capture the rest, so you could position a camera so it's centred on the road but just captures a plate of a vehicle stopping by the post but not the vehicle from the plate towards the kerb and use that extra couple of fett to capture further out at the other side into the road. JUts aprk your car where the van is and adjust the camera so the licence plate is just in the cameras field of view (note only necessary if the wider view doesn't work for you). Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts. BTW for full clarity, I have no experience of LPR.
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Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
Halfway To Somewhere
Ok, so the NVR is now updated to the latest Dahua firmware (thanks Andy). I won't say it was an entirely stress-free operation though ...

I have three of four cameras installed now, two permanently. The front door camera is the covert IPC-HUM8431-E1 and IPC-HUM8431-L3 kit, and looks pretty much exactly how I hoped it would, just needs a dab of exterior paint to complete. Picture quality still needs some minor adjustments, but it is far better than I was expecting for the position to be honest.

The ANPR camera is now also mounted 4m up the telephone pole:

I am having issues setting up the ANPR camera to capture the snapshots correctly. As you can see in the sidebar of the AI live view, it captures people, vehicles, plates, etc. beautifully. However it will not capture a snapshot for some vehicles/people, despite the AI 'boxing' and tracking 100% of everything all the time. It will record it as an AI event in the search timeline, but no snapshot.
Is this because it couldn't get a good capture point or something? I've tried both tripwire and optimized snap.
This is fairly wide - I can zoom in more, but I would like to keep the footpath on the right if possible.