Huisun Mini PTZ request JPEG snapshot over HTTP


Young grasshopper
Jan 22, 2016
Does anyone know the correct URL for getting a snapshot from this camera? with a hikvision cam I believe this should work:

http://<user>:<password>@<camera ip>:<port>/PSIA/Streaming/channels/1/picture

Having no luck with my huisun mini PTZ v2 however :(
iirc it got removed in a firmware update a while back.
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This was because the web request required no authentication, it was considered a security weakness.
I need to find the post - but I found that if you were OK with a snapshot not requiring authentication, adding a symbolic link to the still-existing internal command re-enabled the web request as before, the change surviving a re-boot.
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that's sounds like it could be a viable option for me. Would love to find out more about how to do it. Have searched but no luck so far, was the post on this forum?
Retrieved from the archive:
07-09-2016, 11:07 AM

Just out of interest, I installed the new firmware 3516A_IMX178_W_6.1.25.3 that klasipca posted.
Interesting about the Hikserver, and the somewhat sparse support for the Hikvision IPDM protocols. Presumably it's a work in progress.
But SADP does see it, and the camera connects OK to a Hikvsion NVR using the Hikvision protocol - though it looks like the resolution is limited to 1280x960
But that's another story ... maybe more later when I've had a look at it.

It would have been better for the /snap.jpg to have been retained with an authentication requirement as opposed to being removed completely.
But for those who want it back, even in an insecure way, here is one way it could be done:

alastair@PC-I5 ~ $ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

(none) login: root
Welcome to HiLinux.
None of nfsroot found in cmdline.
~ #
~ # cd /opt/app/www
/opt/app/www # ls -al /dev/snap*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 518628 Jul 9 10:50 /dev/snap.jpg
crw------- 1 root root 10, 231 Jan 1 1970 /dev/snapshot
/opt/app/www # ln -s /dev/snap.jpg snap.jpg
/opt/app/www #
/opt/app/www # ls -al /dev/snap*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 515770 Jul 9 10:53 /dev/snap.jpg
crw------- 1 root root 10, 231 Jan 1 1970 /dev/snapshot
/opt/app/www #

Being an r/w file system - the symbolic link does survive a reboot.
There are other ways - the camera is using the 'boa' webserver. and a minimal configuration file, but a link is simple and seems to work, as the /dev/snapshot device still exists.
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