Hidden in plain sight

I don't get why people want to hide their security cameras.
I want everybody to know my house has cameras so they stay the fuck away from it and instead go to the house with no cameras or the one with hidden cameras.
I don't get why people want to hide their security cameras.
I want everybody to know my house has cameras so they stay the fuck away from it and instead go to the house with no cameras or the one with hidden cameras.

The vivant cameras can be seen on our house and many other houses. I have a few cameras I'm about to install as soon as I can find some dry time now that I'm over the covid. All of them will be pained to better blend in with the house trim. Compared to the vivant cameras, the empiretech cameras are pretty large. I can't imagine they would have an issue but I prefer to not give the HOA any reason to say anything.
I don't get why people want to hide their security cameras.
I want everybody to know my house has cameras so they stay the fuck away from it and instead go to the house with no cameras or the one with hidden cameras.

I don't want to hide my cameras, but I also don't want the cameras to look out of place or dis proportionally
out of place with the surrounding areas.
While a deterrent factor is good, so is having it blend in somewhat to not stick out like a sore thumb.

You can have them noticeable to those on the prowl looking for cameras, but not advertise either LOL.

Plus having a few hidden helps for the perp that then fixates on the obvious cameras and lets their guard down for the hidden cams.
This camera is inside my garage. My thought was that if somebody already broke into my garage I would have a better chance of a good capture if they did not notice it at first.
Friendly visitors also seem to behave differently if they feel they are being monitored, LOL.

It also varies where in the world you are located; in my part we don't have very much crime and cctv cameras on private homes are not very usual. My neighbors and colleagues ask me why I would have cameras at all
I don't get why people want to hide their security cameras.
I want everybody to know my house has cameras so they stay the fuck away from it and instead go to the house with no cameras or the one with hidden cameras.

imho best results are with a mix of obvious and hidden cameras ..

here is a perfect example of why you want a mix of obvious and hidden cameras ..


iirc - leo claims was not pot edibles ..

In a garage hidden is fine.

I agree a mix is best.

Also, shout about your cameras too much and people will just mask up. I often think it's best to have them visible outside but not too shouty so Jo Average comes onto your property to burgle, gets captured on camera and then has an oh shit moment before they actually break in when they realise they're on camera. They will then probably leave giving you both footage of a potential break in and leaving you hopefully untouched. I'd say the ideal solution is one where people walk up your drive without noticing but then as they close on the house suddenly spot the cameras.
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The sign is a legal requirement (can't legally record someone without announcing you are recording them in CA), but there is a camera 9 feet above the sign (under an eave), and two to the right of the sign above the garage. The sign was there before the LPC camera. But those all look at my stuff (yard, driveway, parking). The lpc camera is "stairing lazily off in the distance at waist level", that it just looks weird. At night, the 4 glowing irs make is much less hidden, but my goal was to make that 1 camera less noticable, just to reduce weirded out neighbors
And for when you want fully functional camera hidden, yet is not an option.

1-1/2 feet of scrape ethernet cable siliconed to hole in wall and other cable end stuck in camera base cutout
When silicone drys cut cable in half.
While real cable goes straight thru wall to switch.

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