Fisheye dewarping: Immervision and Panomorph


Mar 2, 2016
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I should post an update regarding panoramic fisheye dewarping. After a bunch of research I have discovered that it's not so simple to dewarp fisheyes, and as I have discovered from firsthand camera testing, it does not work well with generic fisheye cameras not specifically designed for dewarping.

The really good fisheye dewarping is patented, by a company called Immervision. The patent also covers a special type of lens called a panomorph. The patent lasts until about 2022 in the USA, so it's going to be a while before anyone can freely make use of it.

Panasonic's $1400 fisheye has a so-called dewarping, but really all it does is spin the view on the lens center like a plate, and zoom in on the rotated view. It's not dewarped at all.

So, is this why Blue Iris doesn't yet support fisheye dewarping, because they would have to pay Immervision for licensing and/or royalties to access to the software algorithm?

Due to the secretive closed nature of CCTV companies trying to put their name on an OEM product and call it their own, it's really hard for me to find Video Management Systems that can do this.

I managed to dig up a list from a camera product manual, though this info may be dated 6 months or more already.

VMS with Immervision dewarping capability:

Also, I recently learned Avigilon's VMS will do Immervision dewarping, though their installed pricing seemed a bit stratospheric for my tastes.
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