Blue Iris AI & Zones


Oct 27, 2023
Hello all! I have recently set up a few cameras with blue iris and am looking to set up ai now. I have set up different zones that are:
Zone a-all
zone b-my property/driveway
zone c-the road
I would like ai to trigger anytime it finds a person in any zone but only trigger for a car when it enters zone b. Is that something Blue Iris can do?

The reason I'd like it set up this way is because there are often suspicious people that walk down the street and I'd like to capture that with the main stream but at the same time I'd prefer the camera not to be triggered everytime a car passes by

I apologize is this has already been answered but I've looked and only found answers on how to entirely exclude zones from the ai which is not what I want.
Welcome to ipcamtalk!

Your post suggests that you could be helped by a better understanding of terminology. You mention multiple cameras and zones, but describe the zones as they relate to your property, rather than to the cameras. Each camera can have multiple zones, usually set up to differentiate between areas of the image where you want to detect movement and areas where you don’t care about movement.

With Blue Iris, you also need to differentiate between triggers and alerts. A trigger occurs when movement is detected (whether by BI or AI built into the camera.) An alert occurs when the trigger satisfies other criteria. For instance, I have a camera watching the back door of my house. It is triggered frequently by me going in and ou during the day. But I only receive alerts when it is triggered after dark.

Hope these distinctions help you make progress. Apologies if I misunderstood.
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In my previous reply, I neglected to note that many of us record main stream continuous. If you have only 4 or 5 cameras, recording continuous isn’t extremely demanding. For 2 years I recorded about 6 cameras continuous on a 2 TB disc and had about a weeks’ worth of recordings. In most cases at our houses, you will know if you need to go back and look at something within 24-48 hours.
In my previous reply, I neglected to note that many of us record main stream continuous. If you have only 4 or 5 cameras, recording continuous isn’t extremely demanding. For 2 years I recorded about 6 cameras continuous on a 2 TB disc and had about a weeks’ worth of recordings. In most cases at our houses, you will know if you need to go back and look at something within 24-48 hours.

Thank you for your reply!
The reason that I described zones as they relate to my property is that I have 2 cameras that show the road (in different parts of the frame), and 3 more that only cover my property so there is no need for any zone seperation. It sounds like I need to experiment with having all viable motion sent to the ai to validate a trigger, then have criteria in alerts to only fire when the conditions are met within the zone(s) I want (everything except cars in zone c).

Your second reply is awesome because that is exactly what I planned to do and have done with my old Wyze cam setup using SD cards but I got curious when I discovered main streams, substreams and the ability to only record "important" things in HD. In the past year I have setup and been working on building a media server. . .now I have a NAS that houses all that data and it currently has about 9TB left over so allocating maybe 2-3TB to blue iris for (2) 4k cams and (1) 2k cam and 2 of whatever Wyze cam V2 is, should be more than enough with continuous HD recording. Just trying to see how far I can optimize Blue Iris to squeeze out as much utility as I can.
One thing I've noticed when having multiple motion zones is AI doesn't seem to analyze anything that is not covered by a motion zone.