Best video capture action I've seen to date!! This is insane!

It is like he had the gun in his hand while he was sleeping!!

Craziness. Glad the residents did not get hurt.
Amazing and frightening. If I were them, I'd trade a cat or two in on a pair of noise making dogs. Even little yappers will wake you up so the low lives won't catch you asleep.
Wow. If you have to sleep with a gun in your hand, time to live somewhere else. Makes me glad to be Canadian.
Also, why the ___ would you have cats and not dogs????
Hell I live in chicago and sleep with the 12 gauge right next to the bed. saves time, possibility of fucking up and making noise retrieving it from the gun cabinet and in this case i sleep so heavy a bomb could go off and i wouldn't hear it. The lady of the house hears everything i swear she has better ears then the german shepherds some times
Seems strange to me to feel the need to sleep with a gun and yet lack the consideration of putting on some very basic, cheap, and reliable entry alarms. $5-10/piece on amazon.

At least the woman of the house had ears in this case. Things could have gone very south had the guys broken into the bedroom, though I suppose not if you sleep with a gun actually under your pillow.
He did a 30 min video blog about the even here:

Very good watching it. And yes, he sleeps with his gun under the pillow. There's no way in hell I'd do that. I had mine on my nightstand once, and woke in the middle of the night with it in my hand. I had no recollection picking it up. The idea I might twitch or pull the trigger while asleep puts the fear of god in me.
I think it's careless to sleep with a pistol under my pillow. I sleep walk and move around too much to do that. I remember waking up in boot camp one time messing with my wall locker, lol.

I keep my pistol across the room in a secured holster. If the burglar gets past my two boxers and locked door I guess it wasn't meant to be.