2nd Amendment thread

Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
I don't know if there is a better video but this is what I found:

I highly doubt this person votes conservative. In fact I would venture to guess that the majority of criminals who use guns inappropriately vote democrat …

and I highly doubt you will find many conservative woman willing to drop their drawers in a public parking lot to pee on the ground.

View attachment 109846
It really is amazing how far humanity has sunk. Truly pathetic.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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Sounds like Matthew 24:37 -39 coming true.
As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark;
and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.
And Matthew 24: 40 too...
“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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Our 11 year old son’s Christmas gifts were powder, primers, 7 1/2 shot, empty 20ga and 410 hulls. Along with die sets for 410 and 20 to convert two of my old Mec600’s.

As our son is getting reloading supplies because he’s been showing a lot of interest in that (one of my hobbies.). And our daughter is getting equipment and supplies for her sheep farm that she is wanting to expand. All the other kids at the Christmas party’s were getting itune gift cards, video games etc.

On another note, our son is getting into coin collecting. Hes been rummaging through any coins he can get his hands on and looking for pre64 silver coins and wheat pennies. This past week my wife had to go to the bank. He went in with her, hauled out $50 and asked for rolls of coins


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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I bought some coins from ebay for our metal detecting planted club hunts. In a load of mixed dimes, Mercs and Roosies,
I picked up was a 1921 D. One of our "Old Timers" (he gave up his detector a year and a half later RIP) drooled at that 21D
as it was the only one missing from his collection! When I handed it to him as a gift, well, let's just say he appreciated it!

2 people wanted that dime and wanted to bid for it. One guy I gave it to and the other a hunt partner on the week-ends.
I told the other guy don't worry I'll dig one up for you this week-end. (Is it getting deep yet?)

We had hunted a cleaned off lot and the group had found some silver and stuff but were ready to move to another.
They had loaded up in the car and as I came back still swinging, I hit a SWEET SOUND in my headphones. I knew it was
silver and probably a dime!

"Earl" I said "Come on over and I'll dig up YOUR DIME. They all watched as I dug up a dime about 4 inches deep. We could
tell from the back it was a Merc. I handed it to Earl and he was embarrassed to find his 21 D Merc in his hand!
Lone Star TH Club


BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
Let US not forget a "another brave one".
Battle of the Washita 1868.

I wonder why that bumper sticker that was so popular back when?
Custer had it coming.
We could go on and on about how the "west was won"... heck, how ANY of the new world was won. It isn't pretty, it's life whether we approve today or not. The one I posted (relevant to this thread) is specifically gun confiscation.