Here in the US we just let them walk across our open border...
If you ever get the chance to take Mas’s MAG40 class I highly recommend it.
Yeap, it infuriated me when I was 18! San Diego Air Port in Uniform...was almost arrested because I was surrounded by Hare Krishna's (arms locked) and busted my way thru them (might have stiff armed a few...). A Very nice business man pulled me to the side, gave his side of the story to the Security Guards there, then took me to a bar and got me lit. He didn't give two-fuks that I was 18. He was a Vietnam Vet.It sure was funny way back when. An 18yo kid could carry and use a M-16, M-60 machine gun
or a M-79 grenade launcher but, could not buy a beer or a firearm.
The trouble with that one is a quick sneeze and they can blow you away.....or at least your rifle.
That's exactly what we have in the UK. Alll semi auto firearms are banned except for .22lr. We also have a magazine restrtiction on shotguns as well at 2 shots + 1 in the chamber ie 3 overall.Gas Operated Semi Automatic Firearm Exclusion Act
Fortunately, this thing has no chance of becoming law - see the full story at The Reload:
Yeah, I figure one day, long after I'm dead and buried (or cremated), anti-freeze, arsenic, rope, baseball bats and every single conceivable means of killing someone else will be banned.....I guess we'll have to resort to catching home invaders by the throat and strangling them...or tying them to a chair, taping their eyelids open and forcing them to watch re-runs of "Jersey Shore."MassShootingStabbing
Ban All Assault Knifes, you can only have butter knifes...