2nd Amendment thread

Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas

(A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is

(B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians
per year are


(C) Accidental deaths per physician


Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept. of
Health and Human Services.


Now think about this:


(A) The number of gun owners in the U.S.



(Yes, that's 80 million) (2016 data)

(B) The number of accidental gun deaths

per year, all age groups,



(C) The number of accidental deaths

per gun owner



Statistics courtesy of FBI


So, statistically, doctors are approximately

9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.


Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.'




Almost everyone has at least one doctor.

This means you are over 9,000 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as by a gun owner!!!


Please alert your friends
alarming threat.
We must ban doctors
before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!


Getting comfortable
Apr 16, 2014
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Using that logic, In the US, an average of 3,500 to 4,000 people drown per year. That is an average of 10 fatal drownings per day.

Please alert your friends
to this
alarming threat.
We must ban water
before this gets completely out of hand!!!!!!


Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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As an Instructor (very much part time now) and big proponent of 2A all my life, I’ve always had mixed feelings about license-less carry. (And it has nothing to do with money in my pocket, if you want to make a profit in business, Firearm Instruction may well be one of the dumbest businesses to get into)

On one hand, I’ve seen too many students who have “been around guns and owned one all my life, not gonna learn much but I need the cert for my CWL”, who once on the range are downright scary and incompetent with a firearm. Gun safety is my main concern.
Secondly is the false sense of security of having it but not understanding or being trained how to use it.
“Owning a piano doesn’t make one a pianist”

On the other hand, I completely agree with the Constitutional right to own a firearm to defend ones self, and I don’t see anything in that document saying I need to get permission to do so.

The problem is, somewhere between 1960 and today, a good portion of folks, 3 generations, have lost the basic common sense gene, respect for others, respect for the rule of law, and live their lives on pure emotional impulse and immediate self gratification. The lack of a moral compass in a large part of the population gives one pause.

Couple this with a now completely corrupt and decaying government and education system which no longer provides leadership on values, ethics, morals or right vs wrong, and, well you get my point.

Still, if forced to decide, I’ll come down on the side of the Constitution. But you can be sure I’ll be watching hips and hands even closer than I do now.
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
The problem is, somewhere between 1960 and today, a good portion of folks, 3 generations, have lost the basic common sense gene, respect for others, respect for the rule of law, and live their lives on pure emotional impulse and immediate self gratification. The lack of a moral compass in a large part of the population gives one pause.
Boy you echo my thoughts exactly. I also have mixed feelings on this. I RSO at my local club and see so many idiots with guns. My very first carry class was a guy who would interrupt the instructor with questions like "so if the guy does this, I can shoot him, right?"

The nice thing about the permit is that the class covers the laws. Also you get to carry while in other states that recognize your state's permit.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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I did leave out perhaps the most important thing with respect to the moral decay and rapid decline of the country.

Family. Parenting.

It’s a job not a hobby, and many “parents” beginning in the late 60’s decided it was someone else’s job/problem. Liberalism has morphed from “free love” to 2+2can equal whatever you want it to be, to it’s ok if Johnny wants to become a girl at age 5, to math is racist.

Our societal decay is due in large part to the people now in power in our government, who were or are, those parents.

Remember the 4 tenets of liberal “progressive” Democrats, they are coming back to bite us in the ass.
1- Hypocrisy and lying are a way of life
2- No personal responsibility - its always someone else's fault
3- No accountability /consequences for their words or actions
4- Gimmee more free shit


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I did leave out perhaps the most important thing with respect to the moral decay and rapid decline of the country.

Family. Parenting.

It’s a job not a hobby, and many “parents” beginning in the late 60’s decided it was someone else’s job/problem. Liberalism has morphed from “free love” to 2+2can equal whatever you want it to be, to it’s ok if Johnny wants to become a girl at age 5, to math is racist.

Our societal decay is due in large part to the people now in power in our government, who were or are, those parents.

Remember the 4 tenets of liberal “progressive” Democrats, they are coming back to bite us in the ass.
1- Hypocrisy and lying are a way of life
2- No personal responsibility - its always someone else's fault
3- No accountability /consequences for their words or actions
4- Gimmee more free shit
... and saving too many people from Darvwin awards....


IPCT Contributor
Sep 25, 2016
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Evansville, In. USA
As an Instructor (very much part time now) and big proponent of 2A all my life, I’ve always had mixed feelings about license-less carry. (And it has nothing to do with money in my pocket, if you want to make a profit in business, Firearm Instruction may well be one of the dumbest businesses to get into)

On one hand, I’ve seen too many students who have “been around guns and owned one all my life, not gonna learn much but I need the cert for my CWL”, who once on the range are downright scary and incompetent with a firearm. Gun safety is my main concern.
Secondly is the false sense of security of having it but not understanding or being trained how to use it.
“Owning a piano doesn’t make one a pianist”

On the other hand, I completely agree with the Constitutional right to own a firearm to defend ones self, and I don’t see anything in that document saying I need to get permission to do so.

The problem is, somewhere between 1960 and today, a good portion of folks, 3 generations, have lost the basic common sense gene, respect for others, respect for the rule of law, and live their lives on pure emotional impulse and immediate self gratification. The lack of a moral compass in a large part of the population gives one pause.

Couple this with a now completely corrupt and decaying government and education system which no longer provides leadership on values, ethics, morals or right vs wrong, and, well you get my point.

Still, if forced to decide, I’ll come down on the side of the Constitution. But you can be sure I’ll be watching hips and hands even closer than I do now.
Very, very well put sir. I watched the decline of of civilization in the lobby of my previous movie theatre.
We had the typical velvet ropes on portable (heavy 35lb) poles for crowd control at the concession stand.
When I started in 1984, parents in line with their rugrats....er kids. The velvet ropes were a magnet for the kids to want to play with while standing in line.

1984-Parents would tell the kid to stop hanging on the ropes. If a kid pulled a post over while hanging on the rope, most parents would reprimand the kid, pick up the rope and post and put it back as it belonged.

1988-Kids now very rarely being told the leave rope alone by parents, Me and the employees' repeated the mantra 100's of times a day. Went over the parents heads.
If a a pole was pulled over by a kid, only about 50% of parents would pick it up and put it back.

1994-Now when a pole gets pulled over by a kid, kid starts crying, 30-40 people standing in line, not one would look see who's kid it was, let alone check to see if he was ok and put the ropes back. Also, about this time, I had lots of problems with Teenagers causing problems during a movie. I at first made the mistake of calling the kids parents to come get him, problem being, once the parent arrived, you found out really quick why the kid acted like he did. Parents didn't care about what the kid did to get kicked out, they'd get mad at me because I wouldn't refund their ticket price. Not once was did I get an apology from the parent or the kid.

1995-No holds barred, I now call the police, and not the parents. I've witnessed parents stand nose to nose with a police officer and argue with him about the kid not doing anything wrong.
1996-97, I now pay an off duty police officer to stand guard on nights I have a movie that appeals to that age group.

About this time, I have lobby full of folks, I hear a loud crash coming from the mens room, 3 teenage boys come running out and disappear into the crowd before I can react. I go in the bathroom, and a toilet was smashed to smithereens.
Long story short, I called the police, they arrived quickly. I was able to pick them out of the crowd, with the help of a few patrons. The 3 were wrestling, was their story, and one of them fell on the toilet. All 3 underage, and had been drinking. Found open container in the car they were in. Kids hauled to the county sheriffs office. 4hrs later, the father of the one that busted the toilet, was at the door knocking. I had told the police officer that as long as the parents paid for the replacement of the toilet, I wouldn't press charges. Dad was their wanting to pay me then. It was a sat night, I told him sorry, I have to call a plumber to get a price quote on Monday, and would let him know. He insisted he pay me then. But no, I wanted him to suffer for those two days before his kid was let off the hook. Kid was in the car out in the parking lot during this time, no apologies from him or the dad. I always did my own repair work, but this time I wanted it to cost as much as possible for the repair, thus the plumber. Of course dad didn't know that. Ok, off the soap box.

Old Timer

Known around here
Jul 20, 2018
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I'm ok
Very, very well put sir. I watched the decline of of civilization in the lobby of my previous movie theatre.
We had the typical velvet ropes on portable (heavy 35lb) poles for crowd control at the concession stand.
When I started in 1984, parents in line with their rugrats....er kids. The velvet ropes were a magnet for the kids to want to play with while standing in line.

1984-Parents would tell the kid to stop hanging on the ropes. If a kid pulled a post over while hanging on the rope, most parents would reprimand the kid, pick up the rope and post and put it back as it belonged.

1988-Kids now very rarely being told the leave rope alone by parents, Me and the employees' repeated the mantra 100's of times a day. Went over the parents heads.
If a a pole was pulled over by a kid, only about 50% of parents would pick it up and put it back.

1994-Now when a pole gets pulled over by a kid, kid starts crying, 30-40 people standing in line, not one would look see who's kid it was, let alone check to see if he was ok and put the ropes back. Also, about this time, I had lots of problems with Teenagers causing problems during a movie. I at first made the mistake of calling the kids parents to come get him, problem being, once the parent arrived, you found out really quick why the kid acted like he did. Parents didn't care about what the kid did to get kicked out, they'd get mad at me because I wouldn't refund their ticket price. Not once was did I get an apology from the parent or the kid.

1995-No holds barred, I now call the police, and not the parents. I've witnessed parents stand nose to nose with a police officer and argue with him about the kid not doing anything wrong.
1996-97, I now pay an off duty police officer to stand guard on nights I have a movie that appeals to that age group.

About this time, I have lobby full of folks, I hear a loud crash coming from the mens room, 3 teenage boys come running out and disappear into the crowd before I can react. I go in the bathroom, and a toilet was smashed to smithereens.
Long story short, I called the police, they arrived quickly. I was able to pick them out of the crowd, with the help of a few patrons. The 3 were wrestling, was their story, and one of them fell on the toilet. All 3 underage, and had been drinking. Found open container in the car they were in. Kids hauled to the county sheriffs office. 4hrs later, the father of the one that busted the toilet, was at the door knocking. I had told the police officer that as long as the parents paid for the replacement of the toilet, I wouldn't press charges. Dad was their wanting to pay me then. It was a sat night, I told him sorry, I have to call a plumber to get a price quote on Monday, and would let him know. He insisted he pay me then. But no, I wanted him to suffer for those two days before his kid was let off the hook. Kid was in the car out in the parking lot during this time, no apologies from him or the dad. I always did my own repair work, but this time I wanted it to cost as much as possible for the repair, thus the plumber. Of course dad didn't know that. Ok, off the soap box.
This is the biggest reason I hear for getting cameras in business. To be able to pin the troublemakers down and prove it to all the lyres that say they were never there!


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Panic Hoarding Guns Now Enters 16th Month As Biden Seeks Ban | ZeroHedge

"More than likely, many of the 8 million people that bought their first gun in the last year have caught the bug and are buying more guns and accessories," Anderson added. "While ammo remains scarce, Remington's ammunition plant is back online, and we think this will help to mitigate the unprecedented demand. We expect another busy summer, both online and in the store, and another record year."
One of the reasons why the guns and ammo market is in a bull cycle this summer is politics. President Biden has requested lawmakers to pass an assault weapons ban, prohibit high-capacity magazines, eliminate "ghost guns," and make background checks universal.

"I'm the only one ever to have passed an assault weapons ban. I'm the only one that ever got a 10-year ban on assault weapons and clips of more than ten bullets," Biden recently said. "Immediately upon us becoming an office, having an attorney general, I asked him to put together the things I could do by executive order, including dealing with new guns that can be made, you can buy in pieces and put together, and other, and other initiatives."
Background checks and the gun-buying trends suggests Americans are armed to the teeth - waiting for the country to sink deeper into a hellhole under the Biden administration.