Annke WZ500 info


Apr 6, 2024
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Thanks. That helped a lot.


Apr 6, 2024
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Hello friends, I am sending my working link to the camera, maybe it will be useful to someone.
':pass'- your own or blank password

To reboot

To main stream

To sub stream:

led light off:

Beautiful !!!!

btw with mine when the CBR is set after reset the bit rate does not increase to the value set. First you must set to VBR and then back to CBR.

To set to VBR change the BitRateControlSelect=1 to BitRateControlSelect=0
curl -s --user 'admin:pass' ''

then CBR Set to get correct bitrate.
curl -s --user 'admin:pass' ''
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May 7, 2024
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Thanks ya'll for this thread. Found this when searching why my camera was resetting every day at 1am and why the spotlight would keep turn on even when I turned it off via app and set timers to keep them off.
To the point I outright painted over all the lights.
Sometimes it'll automatically recall to my previous ptz preset not just 0. Kept trying to fix the video view for it but the plugin is out of date.
Outside of the daily 1am camera reinit and sometimes when shifting between ptz locations the view sometimes shifts left of what it's supposed to be. Other than these issues I feel it's a good one,
I love this one more than the others I've gotten.

Kind of afraid to check out other options at this point.


Aug 16, 2023
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Some times ago, I updated to V3.2.13-Tuya.

Changes I found so far:
  • PTZ works now in the correct manner, if the camera works upside down (vertical and horizontal mirror).
  • Using the mobile App, switching on the IR lights at night is not longer possible (only white lights for color mode).
    This may have something to do with the settings in the web UI. But I did not dive into that issue.
  • Using the Web UI, switching off the IR lights at night is not longer possible. This includes the usage of curl.
The last behavior in particular makes the camera worthless for my use case. The camera works behind a window. If I can't switch off the IR lights after the nightly reset with curl, the camera can't see anything through the reflective glass.

Does anyone have an idea how to overcome that issue?
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May 7, 2024
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Some times ago, I updated to V3.2.13-Tuya.

Changes I found so far:
  • PTZ works now in the correct manner, if the camera works upside down (vertical and horizontal mirror).
  • Using the mobile App, switching on the IR lights at night is not longer possible (only white lights for color mode).
    This may have something to do with the settings in the web UI. But I did not dive into that issue.
  • Using the Web UI, switching off the IR lights at night is not longer possible. This includes the usage of curl.
The last behavior in particular makes the camera worthless for my use case. The camera works behind a window. If I can't switch off the IR lights after the nightly reset with curl, the camera can't see anything through the reflective glass.

Does anyone have an idea how to overcome that issue?
I have electrical tape over all the lights. When it first started automatically turning on even when I had it off, I couldn't risk it turning on by itself so even though I fixed it in the setting via the Luminence setting, or think it did, I rather be sure it's covered.
SO yeah maybe somewhere one of the settings let you regain control.

I made sure there was no light bleed through. The only problem is IF you haves coming on, it will get hot, so unless you don't mind that or can solve it and turn it off, that's one way to do it.


Aug 16, 2023
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I have electrical tape over all the lights. When it first started automatically turning on even when I had it off, I couldn't risk it turning on by itself so even though I fixed it in the setting via the Luminence setting, or think it did, I rather be sure it's covered.
SO yeah maybe somewhere one of the settings let you regain control.

I made sure there was no light bleed through. The only problem is IF you haves coming on, it will get hot, so unless you don't mind that or can solve it and turn it off, that's one way to do it.
Thank you very much. I have tried this before. But even 3 layers of adhesive tape melted. As far as I know, there is also metal adhesive tape. But then the heat is reflected back into the camera. I don't think that would be so good for the camera. It's a shame that there's no simple solution. As a last resort, I will probably cut the wires.


Apr 6, 2024
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Problem for me too because mine is out in a field and runs off solar and battery. With the previous Reolink I had in that place I could turn off the IR to save battery and just have it trigger the IR on when another camera elsewhere alerted.

Mine also does not ever return to the same PTZ position .. its useless.

All in all a very poor experience with my first Annke which will be my last. I've got 17 other cameras running and while not one is perfect the Annke is the worst and almost entirely useless. It does have a good zoom and reasonible optics and is low priced. You could say you get what you pay for but the best PTZ I have so far was a $150 from Aliex Express .. a very generic looking PTZ with 30x zoom and awesome IR .. also has endless 360 rotation.
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May 7, 2024
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Thank you very much. I have tried this before. But even 3 layers of adhesive tape melted. As far as I know, there is also metal adhesive tape. But then the heat is reflected back into the camera. I don't think that would be so good for the camera. It's a shame that there's no simple solution. As a last resort, I will probably cut the wires.
Yup. I was avoiding cutting things if possible.

I have just 1 layer covering it with the cheap duck brand electrical tape off amazon and I check at usual times to see if the light is on or not since it does still show through the center ambient sensor.

If you are afraid of the heat issue that you're not checking on them periodically then yes, you need to be able to turn it off or use a metal kind of cover to dissipate it.
Something like this 1-1/4 in. Chrome-Plated Steel Iron Pipe Size Split Flange Escutcheon Plate from Home Depot.
But I didn't measure the diameter for it but that would had been my next attempt. I'd paint it over black and then tape that over it.

Or folded sheets of aluminum foil cut to size with the camera side painted black if I couldn't find a prefab solution.

Problem for me too because mine is out in a field and runs off solar and battery. With the previous Reolink I had in that place I could turn off the IR to save battery and just have it trigger the IR on when another camera elsewhere alerted.

Mine also does not ever return to the same PTZ position .. its useless.

All in all a very poor experience with my first Annke which will be my last. I've got 17 other cameras running and while not one is perfect the Annke is the worst and almost entirely useless. It does have a good zoom and reasonible optics and is low priced. You could say you get what you pay for but the best PTZ I have so far was a $150 from Aliex Express .. a very generic looking PTZ with 30x zoom and awesome IR .. also has endless 360 rotation.
Which one is that? All the ones I have seen or consider are 355 degrees or mispresented values in terms of zoom.
Right now I'm toying with a Ctronics 550C which seems to be better than this because I can control but doesn't have as much options and needs more tinkering and not sure if it has the same exact position alignment issues on calls like this one.

I fix this on the Annek with a preset that forces it straight down and to the furthest left or right.


Apr 6, 2024
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Which one is that? All the ones I have seen or consider are 355 degrees or mispresented values in terms of zoom.
Right now I'm toying with a Ctronics 550C which seems to be better than this because I can control but doesn't have as much options and needs more tinkering and not sure if it has the same exact position alignment issues on calls like this one.

I fix this on the Annek with a preset that forces it straight down and to the furthest left or right.
That one was brandless, I bought it about 3 years ago. It was advertised as a 30x but it is possible that it's 20x times optical. It's a bit of a lucky dip finding a good one. I then bought 2 more that had brand names for $299 (Vimal) and they are not as good as my original one as they suffer from soft images and poor focusing.


Aug 16, 2023
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I have good news and bad news regarding the lights that can't be turned off. I accidentally found out that if you press the "private mode" button in the app at night and then re-activate the camera, the lights will stay off completely.
Unfortunately, I am not a network expert and am unable to research whether this approach may be possible via a curl command or some other trick.
It would be nice if someone could research this.


Getting the hang of it
Apr 26, 2022
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Reportedly in the Area
Good day folks.

Not much useful information out there on these cameras except what has been so unselfishly contributed here. Many thanks to all for at least keeping me from going totally nuts trying to figure out the V1.04.11-230511 version I recently acquired.

My platform is Blue Iris. Having read somewhere (probably an Amazon review..., ahem...) that the app wasn't necessary to get one of these working, I tried every way I could think of and every RTSP MRL address I could find and every port i discovered from a port scan with zero joy.

Then I tried ONVIF Device Manager to see what the hell was going on. No ONVIF. Hmmmm....

It then occured to me that Hik, Dahua and others occasionally implement an additional security layer via an 'ONVIF User' authorization step that enables ONVIF -- if ONVIF is selected along with RTSP -- both of which seem like ridiculous 'feature control options' in the first place, let alone requiring an additional user auth layer to be activated.

Interestingly, the option doesn't exist in the above firmware. I tried just adding a second user but that didn't work.

Ok, then. Let's see if actually registering the device via the Annke Smart app opens things up. Bingo! I mean..., ONVIF!!! RTSP!!! Blue Iris discovers and configures(?) all of the PTZ stuff automagically!.., (to the limited and erratic extent of the firmware itself as described here previously). The coolest discovery was the on screen PTZ control via the mouse without any pre-configuration of anything..., just the default ONVIF (OXML) protocol automatically selected in the PTZ/Control section of the camera configuration during Inspect/Disvover. I'll take it and worry about presets later.

Long and short is registration of the device seems to be required before full functionality is realized, or perhaps more accurately put, possible. On one hand this is an aspect I hadn't read anything about and seems like a fairly valuable piece of information to get one of these things up and running like any normal camera with an otherwise better webUI and firmware platform. On the other hand, the whole cloud thing is in all probability responsible for the 'mind of its own' behaviour in the first place, so 'Catch-22' there.

Just deleting the device from the app seems to kill its ONVIF functionality at the next reboot and you're back to square one unless a workaround is implemented or the device is re-added to the app (re-registered). The easiest approach would obviously be the ability to just establish the required authorization in the firmware and be done with it. Then again, I may have killed the auth via a factory reset as well. I haven't circled back to check how that actually played out.

Oddly, Tuya is the active p2p link selected. Maybe the Tuya app itself has a better interface than Annke Smart for managing this? Haven't checked that yet either.

FWIW, not having an active p2p connection resulted in zero reboots or timestamp issues. Intentional reboots retained settings and returned the camera to its previous position prior to reboot. This was going on 48hrs. before I logged the camera back in to the p2p session to see if doing so would fix the ONVIF/PTZ issue, which it did.

Next experiment will be saving/exporting the cam config and settings to see if the PTZ stuff is retained in BI without cloud support, unless the .reg config posted earlier does the same thing but better. Still don't quite have my head wrapped around that and the curl stuff yet.

Also, it turned out that RTSP is functional without registration using '/1/h264major' as the address string for main regardless of the encoding setting in the firmware. '/1/h264minor' is the sub.

As far as the basic performance of the camera goes otherwise, I'm impressed with both the image and the available feature set..., at least the features that actually work and don't disappear when the browser is closed. Too bad someone hasn't been handed this project to clean up the broken glass from such an abomidible preliminary effort that doesn't appear to have ever been completed.