Do you have a pedophile infestation?

Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota

A convicted pedophile who had almost 5,000 images and videos of CHILD porn on his phone has been released from prison, and his rich daddy is buying him a house in MY fucking neighborhood that has dozens of little kids. This 36 year old fucker used to walk around town in a SANTA suit.... The house that Daddy bought him is 50 feet outside a 500 foot exclusion zone from parks, schools, etc. Nothing can be done about it. The neighborhood has a group chat on Facebook messenger and had a meeting about this to see if the sale could be blocked. Apparently it can't. In fact, the person asking neighbors for assistance on this was told by their lawyer to STOP all activity about it, or it could be used by the pedo to SUE them and everyone else for harrassment. I do not have line-of-sight to that house.

Fuck.... any thoughts? Daddy spent almost $400k on that house-- he could have put this F'er in a trailer home out on an empty farmstead. Nope-- puts him right in the middle of a bunch of kids.



IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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The house that Daddy bought him is 50 feet outside a 500 foot exclusion zone from parks, schools, etc. Nothing can be done about it. T
Then what's the point of anyone defining an exclusion zone if it has no meaning?

I'd call a neighborhood meeting quietly and see if others are willing to pool some money, appoint different people to different tasks, including a secretary AND a treasurer, and hire an attorney from outside the area but within your state that specializes in civil rights and/or criminal law and look into the infraction.......

Don't you think a local TV news station would be interested in this alleged infraction of the exclusion zone?

At the very least most states have in-place web sites and guidelines that allow the public to know where they live. I know where they are out here and we're a little podunk county in AL because the state has an online site ==>> Sex Offender Registry | Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
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Dec 6, 2014
Reaction score
South Dakota
Then what's the point of anyone defining an exclusion zone if it has no meaning?

I'd call a neighborhood meeting quietly and see if others are willing to pool some money, appoint different people to different tasks, including a secretary AND a treasurer, and hire an attorney from outside the area but within your state that specializes in civil rights and/or criminal law and look into the infraction.......

Don't you think a local TV news station would be interested in this alleged infraction of the exclusion zone?

At the very least most states have in-place web sites and guidelines that allow the public to know where they live. I know where they are out here and we're a little podunk county in AL because the state has an online site ==>> Sex Offender Registry | Alabama Law Enforcement Agency
50 feet outside, meaning the property is about 550 feet from the park. If it were 51 feet closer, he could not live there. So--He CAN live at that address per those rules. I am disturbed that the family put him THERE-- instead of out in the country somewhere with NO neighbors immediately next door and a LONG ways away from any kids. Why put him in a neighborhood FULL of KIDS??? What the hell is wrong with them?

SD also has a searchable map of sex offenders. I am wondering how much my PROPERTY VALUE will take a hit when a Pedo dickhead takes up residence 340 feet from MY property. This has been mentioned among other homeowners as well.


Getting comfortable
Feb 25, 2022
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Nothing you can do about it except keep an eye out on kids.
Hate to say it, but there's a VERY good chance you have a lot of sex offenders close to your home that you didn't even know they were there.

Look at the national sex offender list and see what shows up. I have 20 offenders listed within 1 mile of my house. Nothing you can do but ensure neighbors know they're around, tell children etc.. they are there, and keep your eyes open.

Though, do make sure this person registers as a sex offender, if they are required to. Which I would presume they are since they were in prison. If they don't register, THEN law enforcement can and WILL do something about it.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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50 feet outside, meaning the property is about 550 feet from the park. If it were 51 feet closer, he could not live there. So--He CAN live at that address per those rules.
I got you.....I misunderstood.
Why put him in a neighborhood FULL of KIDS???
The daddy raised him, is probably a pedo himself.
What the hell is wrong with them?
It's difficult for reasonable, intelligent people to understand the what and why of what stupid people do, think and say.....
I hope nothing bad develops out of this and that he keeps to himself, literally...but if not, I hope he's caught red-handed and LEO gets to him before that child's parent, brother or uncle does.


Getting comfortable
Jan 12, 2020
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Lubbock, TX
I just checked the sex offender website for the zip code I live in and there are four registered people that live near me out of forty-four pictured. I now know that I walk by three of the addresses where they live on my daily walk and the fourth address is just four houses off of my walking route. One thing I noticed is most of them have mustaches and/or beards. My detective instincts, such as they are, lead me to a conclusion about how to identify them. :oops:


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Just secure your property and make sure you have good camera coverage,

If you have Wizmind series, you could engage facial recognition and put him in the database if you have some good photos so you can receive alarms if he enters sight of your cameras. Nothing you can do, but you can keep an eye on him especially if you have children yourself.

If you have children yourself, I'd put an 8ft locked gate on the entrance to your back yard that cannot be seen through eg solid timber with no knot holes or blocked ones if there are any, and a high fence all around - as high as regulations permit and preferably
over 8ft. - a high wall better still as no knot holes to peek through. If as over here you're only allowed a 6 foot fence without planning permission, consider putting prickler strips on the top all round or actual spikes if allowed in your jurisdiction to prevent anyone coming over. I'd also put a wizmind camera as described watching the rear yard - maybe something like a 180 degree camera to give total coverage. Don't let your kids out the front.

I'm pretty sure there will be some geofenced devices that children can wear to alert you if they leave he back yard either voluntarily or under duress.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
It's difficult for reasonable, intelligent people to understand the what and why of what stupid people do, think and say.....
I hope nothing bad develops out of this and that he keeps to himself, literally...but if not, I hope he's caught red-handed and LEO gets to him before that child's parent, brother or uncle does.
I personally hope the parent, brother, or uncle gets to any pedo before law enforcement does.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
The whole problem is that, as per law, he has 'paid his debt to society'. So any coordinated actions against him will be considered harassment.

But we all know that most pedos can't control themselves and will strike again. Unfortunately, the law does not take that into account.
EXACTLY-- on both points you made. So as a neighborhood we sit and wonder what this creep might do, and who the victim might be, while the courts, law enforcement, parole officers etc. all sit around with their thumbs up their asses trying to say "it's OK"

EDIT: If he wants to hand out candy at Halloween-- I am going to make a sign and picket in front of his fucking house to warn people. We have a generous neighborhood and many people from all over town come here.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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EXACTLY-- on both points you made. So as a neighborhood we sit and wonder what this creep might do, and who the victim might be, while the courts, law enforcement, parole officers etc. all sit around with their thumbs up their asses trying to say "it's OK"
Not that it will make you feel better but there are probably more pedophiles living next to you but they have yet to be caught or were never convicted of the offense. I would be more concerned about those. It is unfortunate but kids need to be taught to be cautious.
I just happened to watch this last night. They can be anywhere...
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
in all most all cases of child molestation they have a long period of parole with strict rules for the rest of their lives
True. And even with those restrictions, the recidivism rates where these creeps offend again is very high... Look particularly at the rate for an additional non-sexual offense that is VIOLENT...


Nothing about this chart makes me feel better. If they have had multiple types of sexual offenses, they have a 46% rate of recidivism. The n at the top of each column is the number of offenders in that category tracked in the study. A larger n is better, but these numbers do provide statistical significance.

full study:
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Getting comfortable
Jul 2, 2023
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On the Range
i would find a way to introduce myself to said useless piece of shit
and casually let him know that shit wont do well here
i would honestly have no issue if someone like that disappeared, and being involved in his disappearance
that is one sick fuck. And id bet money the apple didnt fall far from the tree.
Daddy was/is a pedo as well


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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The whole problem is that, as per law, he has 'paid his debt to society'. So any coordinated actions against him will be considered harassment.
* This. It's very easy to find yourself the wrong side of the law if you're not careful.

I'm guessing his parole will be tight with probably an ankle bracelet and restrictions enforced such as not entering the school zone. From the profile you mentioned ie Santa Suit, it sounds as though Christmas and Halloween will be the danger times as kids may come to his door especially if he wears a costume. I don't know if it would be considered harrassment if the information of his address is publically available, but maybe the local school could warn children to stay away from his house. I guess that's one to discuss with lawyers, Police an the school.
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