Package thief caught by bad ass neighbor Along with a Benny Hill Theme


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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very nice!

Notice how once he got close to the target he put his hoodie on.
Apr 26, 2016
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Love that! Turned out as good as possible! Thank goodness he wasn't a gun-toting thug, and that the good Samaritan in the truck didn't hit him (assault with a deadly weapon) -- and police response was pretty fast too (10 minutes end to end seems like).


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
I agree. Very fast Police response. I like the ending. Plus there is actual video of him taking the package.


Getting the hang of it
Feb 27, 2018
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the music with the video is great.

Talk about neighbor of the year award.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Hope you bought him some beers.

Actually, this 2nd comment brings me onto a good point. I work in retail and we used to have thieves in our store. Despite standard safety advice not to confront them, most managers actually wanted us to - it's just the company policy, since doing that, we have almost zero thefts. Still the odd attempt / theft, but generally most of the regulars avoid us like the plague because it's easier to steal elsewhere. Obviously you need to have regard for your safety when confronting someone and know when to let them go (you can usually tell - 3 types - those who give up, those who make threats but aren't serious about carrying them out (all mouth!) and those you can tell mean it). However, it shows you can create a no-go area for thieves if you make it hard enough. Many thieves know other thieves, especially when they're druggies, and word gets around it's not worth it in your area. That said, you always need to be aware of you personal safety from knives, needles and in the US, guns.

Maybe if you can persuade other neighbours to put cameras up, you could actually get permission to put neighbourhood watch style 24hr monitored video surveillance signs on lamposts in the neighbourhood. That said, it might just drive your thieves, being burglars, to disguise their faces. Swings and roundabouts, but it would be interesting to see the crime result if criminals thought there were monitored systems watching 24/7 on the entire estate.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Criminals in the UK and elsewhere have guns as well. Its just the law abiding citizens who cant own.
Gun crime is almost unheard of in the UK outside of drug gangs internal wars and terrorism.

I've lived 50 yrs in my area and I've never heard of anyone being threatened with a gun. In fact 99% of the UK population have never even seen a real gun in person, friendly or otherwise.

Official crime stats for 2016, show that out of 664,000 domestic burglaries, only 256 involved guns.

Most of those, will have been in burglaries on high value targets by criminal gangs ie homes of the super rich, or at the homes of known criminals ie gang on gang crime.

Over here, simply carrying a gun without a permit and a reasonable excuse ie your taking it to the gunsmith or on route to a shoot, or possessing a gun at home without a permit is 5yrs minimum compulsory prison. Many get longer. A Liverpool man recently got 6.5 yrs for possession. He was a criminal although it was stated the guns history had nothing to do with the sentence. They were unable to connect him to any crime so sentenced for pure possession.

Using a gun in any crime, carries at least 10 yrs.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Gun crime is almost unheard of in the UK outside of drug gangs internal wars and terrorism.

I've lived 50 yrs in my area and I've never heard of anyone being threatened with a gun. In fact 99% of the UK population have never even seen a real gun in person, friendly or otherwise.

Official crime stats for 2016, show that out of 664,000 domestic burglaries, only 256 involved guns.

Most of those, will have been in burglaries on high value targets by criminal gangs ie homes of the super rich, or at the homes of known criminals ie gang on gang crime.

Over here, simply carrying a gun without a permit and a reasonable excuse ie your taking it to the gunsmith or on route to a shoot, or possessing a gun at home without a permit is 5yrs minimum compulsory prison. Many get longer. A Liverpool man recently got 6.5 yrs for possession. He was a criminal although it was stated the guns history had nothing to do with the sentence. They were unable to connect him to any crime so sentenced for pure possession.

Using a gun in any crime, carries at least 10 yrs.
Lol, please, stats say otherwise. A simple Google search would suffice.
Punishment does not deter gun use or crime. Only legal gun ownership can and does protect human life, your foolish gun laws not withstanding. Defending ones life limb and property is a human right. Do you know that in 50 percent of US counties there are zero gun related murders? Our gun deaths are also gang related. Except we can and do protect ourselves and our families, unlike the neutered UK population.

J Sigmo

Known around here
Feb 5, 2018
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I don't think you can say it much better than the old bumper sticker slogan from way back:

When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.

The notion that a criminal who is already prepared to commit murder will be deterred because a gun charge could also be levied is ludicrous.

I've lived in Wyoming my whole life, and we can carry open or concealed with no permit whatsoever. In Chicago, guns are highly restricted. Guess which area has the higher per-capita gun-related violence? I know where I'd much rather live.

Everywhere I go here, I know a lot of the folks are packing. And it makes me feel more secure, not less so. The good guys outnumber the bad guys here, and many normal every day citizens are armed. And this fact is more likely to be in the mind of a would-be robber or rapist than worry about what the laws are.

Who would you rather try to rob: A typical unarmed Brit, or a random redneck in Wyoming?

As another saying goes: When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

And lastly, you need to remember that the colonists fought a little thing we call "The Revolutionary War" to gain independence from the British. And when they decided to form a union of the states, the fear of a repressive overall federal government was very fresh in their minds, so they added a little amendment to the constitution to assure that the citizens would never again be disarmed by would-be tyrants who come to power.

Allowing yourselves to be willingly disarmed places your population in a precarious situation. A situation we've seen exploited by dictators over and over again throughout history. Disarmament of the population is almost always the first step despots use when taking over.

Many of the people of the US take this aspect of gun ownership seriously, too. It's not just about defense against small-time criminals.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Gun crime is almost unheard of in the UK outside of drug gangs internal wars and terrorism.

I've lived 50 yrs in my area and I've never heard of anyone being threatened with a gun. In fact 99% of the UK population have never even seen a real gun in person, friendly or otherwise.

Yeahbut there seems to be a growing Knife problem :rolleyes:

See the thing is, Bad Guys will always find a weapon.
Knife crime rises in England and Wales as London murders surge
What's going on with knife crime?

The difference is, for now, I'm allowed to own a firearm and stand a better chance of defending myself. I believe Britain along with most of Western Europe is simply in denial. Its sad to see what it is becoming...


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Using a gun in any crime, carries at least 10 yrs.
And 1st degree or capital murder can be life in prison or possibly death row......but people still murder. Proof that laws and subsequent punishment do not deter or discourage crime of any type.

Who would you rather try to rob: A typical unarmed Brit, or a random redneck in Wyoming? this a multiple choice question? I'll take door #1, Bill.

As another saying goes: When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
And where I live, likely 1/2 hour....long enough for the body temp of a home invader to get a little chilled as it lies halfway across my door threshold.


Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Lol, please, stats say otherwise. A simple Google search would suffice.
Punishment does not deter gun use or crime. Only legal gun ownership can and does protect human life, your foolish gun laws not withstanding. Defending ones life limb and property is a human right. Do you know that in 50 percent of US counties there are zero gun related murders? Our gun deaths are also gang related. Except we can and do protect ourselves and our families, unlike the neutered UK population.
TBH you seem to think I'm against gun ownership. Nothing could be the further from the truth. I actually would like to see ownership with a right to defend yourself subject to UK background checks and security arrangements which work well in keeping guns out of the wrong hands.

As for stats, the above figures were taken from here (Official Home Office Figures):

Crime in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

As I said, currently in the UK, there's virtually no gun crime outside of armed robberies, high value burglaries and gang on gang violence. As an ordinary citizen of the UK, the chances are you'll never witness a shooting unless you live in an area controlled by drug gangs. The figures above for burglaries reveal the truth, 664,000 burglaries with 246 firearms used.

That's 0.0003% of burglaries involving guns in the UK.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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TBH you seem to think I'm against gun ownership. Nothing could be the further from the truth. I actually would like to see ownership with a right to defend yourself subject to UK background checks and security arrangements which work well in keeping guns out of the wrong hands.

As for stats, the above figures were taken from here (Official Home Office Figures):

Crime in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

As I said, currently in the UK, there's virtually no gun crime outside of armed robberies, high value burglaries and gang on gang violence. As an ordinary citizen of the UK, the chances are you'll never witness a shooting unless you live in an area controlled by drug gangs. The figures above for burglaries reveal the truth, 664,000 burglaries with 246 firearms used.

That's 0.0003% of burglaries involving guns in the UK.
wait, so you said there is virtually no gun crime outside of armed robberies, high value burglaries and gang on gang violence? Its EXACTLY that way in the US. Folks stealing your porch packages are not armed, they can barley tie their shoes and get their sweats on. I think you have a misconception about gun violence in the US.

BTW your own link provides stats that contradict yours.
You claim to not be anti gun yet you purposely cite stats to your favor, why pray tell did you choose burglary and not robbery, violence, criminal damage etc. about 9500 gun related offences. My original point was your post falsely implied that there is a risk of danger from a person armed with a gun only in the US. Not the UK, which as you can see from YOUR states that I posted below, completely false.



Known around here
Sep 25, 2017
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Because armed robbery is usually professional armed robberies against banks etc and violence on the person involving guns is almost exclusively drug gangs on drug gangs. Most criminal damage is kids with air rifles. Any that isn't, is probably drug related once more.

An innocent civilian in the UK being threatened with guns is almost unheard of.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Might want to look at the latest report, not the one you linked to from 2016
Crime in England and Wales - Office for National Statistics

"The police recorded 41,884 offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in the year ending June 2018..."

The point is that while the UK may indeed have fewer gun crimes, KNIFE crimes are off the charts. Which gets us back to my point, Bad Guys will always find a weapon. Outlawing guns for most in Britain did NOTHING to slow down the violent crime or homicides. The bad guys just changed tactics.

In the US, 2/3 of all "Gun Deaths" are suicides. About 10,000 remain, of which about 70% happen in and around 10-12 counties where gang/drug activity is heavy.

The biggest problem we have in the US with Guns, is the fake and predictable leftist/progressive/socialist slant in our media which routinely lies to the American public because they know a high percentage of them will believe anything they're told.