Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more!

Blue Iris Tools - Weather Overlay, Watchdog & more! 1.6.0

I'm very happy to introduce Blue Iris Tools to everyone. Blue Iris Tools was created to act as a companion to Blue Iris and has a bunch of features built in to help maximize your Blue Iris experience. Works with BI5, BI4 and BI3.

Some of the core features of Blue Iris Tools are:
  • Weather Overlays
    • Easily add the local weather to your camera feeds,
    • Easily create Macros for Blue Iris right from BI Tools,
    • Ability to assign all weather conditions to 1 Macro!
    • Retrieve & overlay weather from multiple locations
  • Watchdog
    • If Blue Iris crashes or closes, BI Tools will re-open it
    • Monitor Blue Iris (whether running 'normal' or as a service)
    • Monitor Blue Iris' web server. If BIT cannot connect, activate alerts
    • CPU monitor + CPU Overlay
    • BI folders monitor
    • IP Address monitor (notify if change)
    • Notifications - Get notified if BI crashes via e-mail, push notifications via Pushover (download BIT icon here), by playing a sound, pinging / launching a URL.
  • Web Server File Management
    • Insert Google Analytics into web server files easily,
    • Search & Replace in web server files - manually or automatically
  • Language
    • Create and import custom language phrases and definitions. Language files are available in the 2nd post of this thread. If you created your own, please share it!
  • DDNS Updater & IP Management
    • Automatically update DDNS providers when your IP address changes
    • Integrated with IPCT DDNS. Our free DDNS solution.
  • Log
    • Log all BIT related actions (BIT open / close, etc.)
    • Watchdog (Anytime the Watchdog is triggered - if BI is closed, etc.)
    • Weather Updates (anytime the weather is updated)
    • DDNS Updater (when your IP changes, etc.)
    • CPU Usage (log CPU usage during alerts, etc.)
    • Overlay IP address on camera
  • BI Update Manager
    • Keep previous versions of Blue Iris
    • Easily restore previous BI versions
  • BIT Cloud
    • BIT Cloud Remote - Connect to BIT from another remote BIT to view / manage settings and control BIT / BI, etc.
    • BIT Cloud Web Server - A personal website for you to connect to from any browser on any device to check your BIT / BI, including stats, weather, log, cpu, settings, etc.
    • BIT Cloud Watchdog - Remotely monitor a BI or BIT install - with watchdog alerts.
  • Add-ons (v1.3.0+)
    • Create your own or install from the community for more control of BI and BIT
    • BIT Event Handlers installed for interaction with BIT & BI
    • View add-ons wiki here

BI Tools uses WUnderground to gather the weather. You can find your nearest station here. I plan on adding more weather providers in the future.

Here are some screenshots of Blue Iris Tools.
weather-tab.png watchdog-tab.png web-server-tab.png options-tab.jpg settings-screen.png weather-overlays.png macros.png language.jpg results.jpg ddns-ip-management.jpg ddns-ddns.jpg log.jpg upload_2018-4-25_19-59-36.png upload_2018-4-25_20-0-14.png bit-cloud.jpg bit-cloud2.jpg bi-watchdog.jpg webserver.jpg update-manager.jpg web-server-screen.jpg

Here are a few examples of the weather on your video feeds. You can select which conditions to show, what units to display and more.
weather3.jpg weather1.jpg weather2.jpg

I have put together athread to act as a 'help file' or a place that provides details and explanations on how to use the software, what each feature and setting does, etc. If you cannot find the answers you are looking for in the help file then you may ask for support in this thread.

A big thanks to the beta team for helping get BIT where it is! Blue Iris Tools was built by me and is offered for free to everyone. I ask that you don't redistribute the software, rather direct people here to download it. I am not a programmer by trade, I just wanted to put together this software to help out the Blue Iris community. I expect bugs to crop up throughout the early releases but I plan on building and maintaining BI Tools long term, so if you do find bugs or have issues don't worry, whatever it is I will take care of. Just let me know. Please don't hesitate to leave your suggestions or feedback as well. I want to build and expand BI Tools as much as possible and have a lot of really good ideas that will make their way into future releases.

I plan on updating this thread when I release updates and will use it as a centralized location to discuss BI Tools. Please visit this thread for the help file and see the 2nd post in this thread for language files.

Current Release
Jan. 18, 2020 - v.1.6.0 - If you already have BIT then update via BIT. If not, download the installer.

-Send commands via BIT Cloud Web Server pages
-More info & controls from BIT Cloud Web Server and BIT Cloud Remote
-"My BIT Cloud" - Personal storage space to backup BIT, BI & more.
-BIT Cloud API
-Add custom CSS and HTML to the web server pages

Download & Installation Instructions
  • Blue Iris Tools v1.6.0 - For new installations download Blue Iris Tools v1.6.0 and extract the files. From there, run setup.exe. If your web browser or firewall flags it, disable during installation. If you encounter errors during the install, please 'ignore' them if possible. If you have a previous version of BIT, make sure it is closed. Always check for an update after installation.

  • - If you are upgrading from a previous version of BIT that did not use the installer then download the file, close BIT if it is running and extract the contents over your previous installation of Blue Iris tools. You may also download and install via the installer if you like. All future versions will be updated via BIT itself.

  • error-files only for - Only use this if you are unable to properly install or run BIT, then download the contents of "error-files only for" and extract them to a directory of your choice. Run BIT from there. If you are still having issues then please post in this thread.
I have been asked several times about accepting a donation for my work, so I finally decided to set up an easy way to do so. While it's not obligated, it's certainly appreciated. Blue Iris Tools is free and always will be free, but if you would like to make a donation, you may do so by clicking here - Donate to Blue Iris Tools

Click here to view / reply to the BIT thread.
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Latest updates

  1. 1.6.0 - Fixed broken weather!

    Fixed WUnderground API issue! Completely new weather system Added "Dew Point", "Solar...
  2. 1.5.0 - Blue Iris v5 Compatible!

    Works with BI5! Auto detect BI version on load option added View my post here.
  3. 1.3.2

    Introducing IPCT DDNS! Introducing IPCT DDNS! Free DDNS service for all IPCT members! Misc. bug...

Latest reviews

Awesome. Allows you to add useful data overlays and help keeps an eye on the system to make sure everything is running smoothly.
Thanks for the review! :)
Love it