You ain't taking my gas cooktop


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
What the idiots in Washington forgot to tell you is the study was based out of southern Cali. Just put a Prop 65 sticker on it and keep on truckin. Everything in Cali is bad for their health.



Pulling my weight
Jul 10, 2016
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They'll walk it back now then bury it in the next omnibus abomination.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Excerpt from the above report:
"Conclusions: Reducing pollutant exposures from NGCBs should be a public health priority. Simulation results suggest that regular use of even moderately effective venting range hoods would dramatically reduce the percentage of homes in which concentrations exceed health-based standards."

If they absolutely, positively MUST pass a law and justify their regulatory jobs, then on new gas ranges, ovens and stovetops that are sold from this point on require that a range hood of the proper capacity be properly installed and vented to the outside....DUH!

I've lived here in NW AL over 18 years now and for the first time we've had a few scheduled, rolling power outages due to the 5 to 10 degree F temps for a few days around Christmas and the subsequent strain on the power grid. And MANY folks in this area heat with propane or wood. So what will happen down the road if we are moved away from gas cooking/heating toward electric cooking/heating and away from non-electric vehicles to EV's which require charging on that same, over-taxed electrical grid?

We all know the answer to that...... :mad:

c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
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If the Feds back off of this, Mommy Dearest here in NY already has spouted off about doing this for all "NEW" construction in NY. No Worries though, she is doing a study to get to the root cause on why people are leaving NY. Makes total sense,
I sleep well at night knowing we are in such good hands. Hochul backs eventual ban on gas furnaces and stoves in new buildings


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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If the Feds back off of this, Mommy Dearest here in NY already has spouted off about doing this for all "NEW" construction in NY. No Worries though, she is doing a study to get to the root cause on why people are leaving NY. Makes total sense,
I sleep well at night knowing we are in such good hands. Hochul backs eventual ban on gas furnaces and stoves in new buildings
The ban on NG furnaces is the scary part. As if they didnt increase our energy costs enough....Bottom line is this, the folks that make parts for the NG appliances, the NG suppliers, pipeline maintainers have learned what can happen if you dont grease public officials. Other industries better learn from them and be proactive.

c hris527

Known around here
Oct 12, 2015
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The ban on NG furnaces is the scary part. As if they didnt increase our energy costs enough....Bottom line is this, the folks that make parts for the NG appliances, the NG suppliers, pipeline maintainers have learned what can happen if you dont grease public officials. Other industries better learn from them and be proactive.
Sometimes, I wonder if all this total Insanity talk is just a diversion or "LOOK OVER HERE" to run cover for the main stories of the day, it could serve as a 2x purpose, To run Interference to the elephant in the room and launch a trial balloon to see how the public reacts
to the Ideas of taking away what people really like and use because "They know better" And divert your attention to the real time destructive results of their insane policies that are unfolding before our eyes. So much Insane ideas are being thrown at the wall at once to see what sticks it hard to keep up and seems to have a numbing effect on a lot of people. I know this is a stretch, but would it be funny if the Republican House speaker "SHOW" was to divert attention to the Jan, 11th "SHOW" that the Democrats had planned.
If that was the case, It sure worked.


Pulling my weight
Jul 10, 2016
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or this...

I came here to post a link to this same article and you beat me to it.

Actually, probably not.

Considering that, according to Bloomberg, some 40% of US homes use gas stoves to cook, an outright ban would be impractical to the point of madness. You can’t criminalize 40% of the country. It would be almost unenforceable...But most likely of all is that this was never really about banning stoves in the first place.

What we’re seeing here looks to be your classic bait-and-switch. Having established a “problem”, the powers that be suggest a solution they have no intention of ever carrying out (the more unreasonable the better).

When this measure is inevitably rejected by the public, the government will then proceed to suggest – or pay an NGO to suggest to them – a “compromise” measure.

The compromise is no compromise at all, of course, but actually what they wanted to do from the beginning. Nevertheless, the whole process is sold in the media as a victory for whichever party happens to be in opposition, and cited as evidence that “the system works”.

Tellingly, as I am writing this, Biden has already “ruled out a ban due to backlash”, and Vox were already using the “compromise” a lot in an article they published yesterday.

However, what that “compromise” would be in this case isn’t clear at first, you have to do a little digging.

One clue is present in the National Review article [emphasis added]:

The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers argues that cooking produces harmful emissions regardless of the kind of stove used. “Ventilation is really where this discussion should be, rather than banning one particular type of technology,” Jill Notini, a vice president at the association, told Bloomberg. “Banning one type of a cooking appliance is not going to address the concerns about overall indoor air quality. We may need some behavior change, we may need [people] to turn on their hoods when cooking.”

And you’ll find another in the abstract of the original report on “Cooking With Gas, Household Air Pollution, and Asthma: Little Recognized Risk for Children”, published in the Journal of Environmental Science in April 2021:

The impact [of gas stove cooking] on children can be substantial because […] indoor air is unregulated.

“Ventilation is where this discussion should be”, after all “cooking produces harmful emissions regardless of the kind of stove” and a ban wouldn’t address “concerns about overall indoor air quality” which is currently “unregulated”.

Do you see where this is going?

It’s not about gas stoves, and it’s not about asthma – it’s about “indoor air pollution”, and more importantly how they plan on “regulating” it.

In one of those startling coincidences we’ve all got so used to witnessing in modern geopolitics, just as the US is talking about indoor air quality because of gas stoves, other countries around the world are doing the same thing for totally different reasons.

Singapore is considering new regulations on indoor air quality too, but because of formaldahyde.

Last month The Conversation was running articles claiming “indoor air pollution kills”, while Sir Chris Whitty, the UK’s chief medical officer, was “demanding action on indoor air pollution”.

On Monday, in a Guardian lifestyle piece purportedly about scented candles, Svetlana Stevanovic calls indoor air quality a “going concern”.

Two days ago The Tyee, an “independent” Canadian magazine which receives some funding from the Canadian government, ran an op-ed headlined:

We Need a Revolution in Clean Indoor Air

Which attempts to link improving indoor air quality to “ending Covid” (whilst making sure to sufficiently fluff the vaccines, of course).

Just yesterday the Irish Times published an article about the dangers of poor indoor air quality.

In a rather interesting piece of timing, the air hygiene technology company AeroClean and Molekule, a market leader for air purifiers, finalised a public stock merger…also just yesterday.

Two days ago it was announced IKEA would be selling their own smart air monitors, the same day Samsung announced their new “smart air purifier”.

Earlier today Chinese tech giant Xiaomi issued a media release about their new smart air monitoring technology.

A recent report expects the global air monitor technology market to swell to nearly 6 billion dollars in the next three years.

But I’m sure this is all just a coincidence.

Well, if I had to guess I would suggest some new “smart” technology is coming that will monitor air quality and indoor C02 emissions. Like smart electricity and water meters, but for your air.


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
They started bans on wood burning stoves in the US over 10 years ago. That was the beginning of it all. Shut down all the US manufacturers of wood burning stoves. Then, it was get rid of all ICE cars. Now it is Get rid off all gas appliances. "Electricity is the answer".....they say. No, electricity isn't the answer. But, just think how many trillions of dollars the US tax payers could save if they just did away with 2 building sites in DC??


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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I reckon it'll go something like this:

"C'mon, FBI men / FBIden! We gotta warrant, let's go confiscate TonyR's two AR-15's, a shotgun, 6 pistols and his ammo stash.....
What's this? A GAS STOVE !!! HOLY CRAP!
CUFF HIM! Can't be too careful.....he's white and a Vietnam vet! "

:headbang: :lmao: