What to do with DC Pigtails Outside


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Mar 9, 2014
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I await your links to your supporting sources fenderman,

You keep repeating that - glossing over the fact that your links are 1) useless 2) do not support your position 3) are advertisements
You are asking me to prove a negative. Your contention is that use of desiccants can increase camera life two to four fold. The ONLY way to test that is a long term study.
Your position makes no sense at all. Its a waste of time.
Please prove to me that rubbing olive oil on cameras does not increase it life span. You cant. Stop selling snake oil.


Getting the hang of it
Nov 10, 2014
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So funny! Really! So much effort put into a easy fix.


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Mar 9, 2014
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If you aren't willing to provide links from respected sources that support your claims fenderman, that refute my claims made here. Then why not let this topic stay on topic?

Since all you keep doing is stating your opinion without ever backing it up with respected supported evidence and it's getting way old, as you keep doing that! Over and over and over.

Causing anyone subscribed to this thread, to get an email each and every time only to see you simply going on and on, each and every time with your continued personal opinions and no facts or new supporting evidence.

You once again, gloss over the FACT that your sources are invalid and do not support your premise. Every thing you posted is YOUR baseless opinion. Pot calling the kettle black? You keep pointing to the same studies and links...I have already explained multiple times why they are irrelevant.
You are the one who keeps repeating himself over and over and over..Not only that but you keep editing you posts over and over and over. Why dont you prepare a cohesive thought before you post.
I am not concerned about folks subscribed to this thread...if they do not want emails they can simply unsubscribe.


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Mar 9, 2014
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Not once again fenderman.

You just can't stop with your opinions based on speculation and conjecture. Because for whatever reasons as usual you refuse to read the data and information I have provided and presented here.

a. Not all my respected sources I provided links to here confirming my claims are selling competing products to silica desiccant.

b. Many of the respected sources I provided links to here confirming my claims are trying to get those IP Camera manufacturers that do currently go the extra mile to help extend the life of the IP Cameras they sell to switch from silica desiccant to their competing products.

c. All of the respected sources I provided links to here confirm my claims and agree that silica desiccant for IP cameras does have positive benefits some however saying and trying to show that their competing product is better trying to convince IP Camera manufacturers that are currently using silica desiccant in their IP Cameras to switch to their products.

So. What's your point fenderman. That all these respected source and myself are lying about these confirmed benefits that silica based desiccant do help extend the lifespan of IP Cameras and their connectors?

Because none of them are not selling silica desiccant. Not one!

Their marketing is geared to try and get the IP Camera manufacturers to stop using silica based desiccant. Which is in fact why I used them as respected sources here. As well as other respected sources not selling any products.

So. Please Put-Up or Shut-UP. Meaning/Translation: Prove using your respected sources with links here that my respected sources already linked her are lying or move on!

Because everything else is unsubstantiated opinion.

I honestly cannot read you posts anymore....they are too damn long....I will not shut up though..I know that bothers you..too freaking bad. You cannot have me banned as you have in the past. Your sources are not respected - they are manufactures claims..you cited 3 sources 2 of which are advertisements. 2/3 are ADS! Only one mentions ipcameras and NONE study longevity. The third has nothing to do with ip cameras or longevity.
NONE of your "respected sources" have tested the longevity of IP cameras using desiccant verses not using any desiccants - NONE!!! so stop using the studies to purposely MISLEAD readers into believing that the cameras will last longer. Its doesnt matter how many times you call your sources respected - they are ads! You are simply, as often you are, full of crap!


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Mar 9, 2014
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I will paypal 100 dollars to you if you can point to the study you linked earlier that supports this false statement you made about the ip cameras and desiccants.
"Because they have a negative bias about silica desiccant but yet still confirm the lifespan extension benefits that silica desiccant provides for IP Cameras"
The study does no such thing...its was a 10 day "study"..10 days....its a load of marketing crap that you bought hook line and sinker. They NEVER tested longevity..they simply "concluded" that based on moisture content accumulated in their specific ip66 rated chamber.


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Mar 9, 2014
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The one link you reference was a study comparing a vent product a company is trying to push on IP Camera manufacturers that are using Desiccant trying to show the IP Camera manufacturers the down sides of using desiccant in their IP Cameras as they do vs. using there competing vent product. Which proves really that you are the one confused about this 10 day test.

Because even in the short 10 day test. It still confirms my claims, because the desiccant had positive benefits during the study just coincidentally not as positive benefits as the competing vent product did. Which I write off as a marketing ploy. But I am not trying to suggest to IP Camera owners here to use this vent product. I am instead showing the positive benefits of using silica desiccant to extend IP Camera lifespan. Which even this short 10 day test still exposes a window of.

Please don't get caught up in the 10 day test not being a 5 year test fenderman. It's easy to see even during the 10 days that the desiccant had positive benefits. So please stop assuming that I bought anything. LOL


There is NOTHING that can be extrapolated about longevity in 10 days.
Furthermore the entire study is seriously flawed. They dont tell you what ip66 rated container they used. The simulate rain with two 10 minuet showers each day and by the fourth day "From Day 4onward, the sealed camera with desiccant experienced seriouscondensation, with related degradation of image quality."
That is total bull. How come i dont seen image degradation in my cameras after 80 minuets of hard rain! They are full of it. Simply marketing lies.


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Mar 9, 2014
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The marketers further simply lie in the way they couch the studies questions.
"• Test #2 compared the effects of harsh conditions on thetwo camera enclosures, and the related effects on camerafunction and reliability"
Stop using this marketing drivel as your "respected sources"...


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Mar 9, 2014
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Note: Had this study used a "Control IP Camera" that had no desiccant and not vent product being used and that data was included in the above document as well. Then the silica desiccant benefits to extend the IP Cameras lifespan would have been even more prominent then what the data above shows when simply comparing the competing vent product to silica desiccant.

No it would not...nothing in that study tested longevity - NOTHING!!!!!!!
You are just not making sense. Please point to where longevity was tested?
Instead of modifying your posts every minuet why dont you go read the study.


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Mar 9, 2014
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it's extremely easy to see what was going on inside this camera during a 10 day period at a maximum of 85% RH. ("Well below your 95% RH").

Do the math times whatever number of years you need to do. What's shown in the 11 days easily proves the life extension benefits of silica desiccant.

Like I said, you are making it up. There is simply no data about longevity. The dont even tell you what enclosure they used. They LIE in their study and mislead - there is no longevity test even though they try and give you that illusion. I dont trust them for a second.


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Mar 9, 2014
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it's extremely easy to see what was going on inside this camera during a 10 day period at a maximum of 85% RH. ("Well below your 95% RH").

Do the math times whatever number of years you need to do. What's shown in the 11 days easily proves the life extension benefits of silica desiccant.

Again. Locate/Find respected sources refuting my claims and the claims of my respected sources and stop whining that the 4 respected sources here don't "Live up to your expectations" when you can't locate one respected source that refutes my respected sources claims or my claims.

So now you admit that the study doesnt support your claim..but now its "extremely easy to see" if "do the math"...it proves NOTHING.
Their study is one big scam...How come i dont see image degradation after days of rain with no desiccants...
I challenge you to find a single study that supports your claim...you have not.


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Mar 9, 2014
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I admit no such thing.

All I admit to is that you can't locate a single respected source to refute my claim and the claims of my respected sources that in fact silica desiccant does extend the lifespan of IP Cameras and their connectors and that you as of now have no facts and only an opinion on this subject matter.

So, I will wait until you have some respected and tangible and respected sources to backup any current opinion you have. That's not asking much since I have already done that here providing links to four respected sources and you have yet to even start!

Good luck on your quest. I feel no need to respond about this unless and until I see links to respected sources that refute my claims here. So do as you must.

Another post with the same useless drivel....see my earlier posts.
To everyone else out there please do not open your cameras to add desiccant packets - its a waste of time and may damage your camera.


Getting the hang of it
Mar 11, 2014
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Thanks for the clarification, the silicone tape is something I can get locally as opposed to getting from Amazon. Although I'm not one to have connections exposed to the elements without some form of mechanical protection, I'll keep some silicone tape on hand regardless.


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
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Thanks for the clarification, the silicone tape is something I can get locally as opposed to getting from Amazon. Although I'm not one to have connections exposed to the elements without some form of mechanical protection, I'll keep some silicone tape on hand regardless.
I wrap all connections in coax seal, even if they are in a junction box or in a wall...it cant hurt....


Getting the hang of it
Mar 9, 2015
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The wild wild west
HAHAHA holy hell i thought i was drunk and seeing the same post over and over. But i wasn't it was actually posted over and over WTF