What Am I Doing Wrong With Autocycle?


Getting the hang of it
May 30, 2016
Reaction score
So I just read thru a dozen or more threads about autocycle, but still can't get it to work.

I'm using the latest rev of BI5 on a win10 PC with six cameras. All else works perfect. In my setup, I have two monitors. One of them has a camera open in a desktop frame and the other monitor shows the other five cameras in a "1 up / 1:4 view.

No matter which selections I make in the autocycle menu, nothing happens?

Ideally the monitor showing the five cameras would cycle thru each camera making it the larger view of shown, or even better, cause the triggered camera to become the larger view. Seems I'm missing something entirely as nothing occurs when I enable the autocycle, with or without the 'solo selected camera' enabled.

Thanks for any pointers.
