Vacation Schedule Mixed with Work/Home/Night


Getting comfortable
Jul 11, 2014
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Struggling a bit with the scheduling system even after reviewing the videos. What I want to do is have a few different schedules:

1. Night (say 10 to 5am each day)
2. Work (say 8 to 6pm M-F)
3. Home - basically the other hours

I set that up and started with home and basically made it all hours, then set night and it coloured in 10 to 5am and the rest was the same colour as home. Then I added work, and it added in a different shade for 9-5.

First question is, doing the above, is "home" still the entire day? Or since now the shaded area is only 5am to 8am and 6pm to 10pm is that what is considered home?

I ask, because I setup a 4th schedule being "vacation", and basically that is 24/7 and colours over the first 3?

Or would I setup new "Schedules" vs doing all of the above profiles in the default schedule?