US Elections (& Politics) :)

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Remember, we've already had at least one Glowie here (I suspect many of us are on "The List") ... sad to see the country go the way of Nazi Germany so quickly.

FBI = Following Biden's Instructions?
FBI = Following Biden's Instructions? | ZeroHedge

The FBI is categorizing Donald Trump’s supporters as terrorist suspects, according to a new report in Newsweek. The FBI created “a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers,” Newsweek revealed. The FBI is relying on the same counterterrorism methods honed to fight al Qaeda to go after the incumbent president’s political opponents.
Naturally, the latest Washington crusade against extremism has more malarkey than a White House summit. Federal bureaucrats heaved together a bunch of letters to contrive an ominous new acronym for the latest peril to domestic tranquility. The result: AGAAVE—“anti-government, anti-authority violent extremism”—which looks like a typo for a sugar substitute.

Recently, the FBI vastly expanded the supposed AGAAVE peril by broadening suspicion from “furtherance of ideological agendas” to “furtherance of political and/or social agendas.” Anyone who has an agenda different from Team Biden’s could be AGAAVE’d for his own good. The great majority of the FBI’s “current ‘anti-government’ investigations are of Trump supporters,” William Arkin, a highly respected investigative journalist, reported in Newsweek.

The FBI crackdown is following some of the most overheated political rhetoric of our era. Biden has denounced Trump supporters for “semi-fascism.” Biden tweeted last November, “Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country.”

Biden’s FBI views Trump supporters as a deadly threat to democracy, thereby justifying subverting or crippling Trump supporters’ ability to oppose Biden and other Democrats.

The FBI is required to have (or claim to have) solid information before launching a criminal investigation. But the bureau needs almost zero information to open an “assessment.” The FBI conducted more than 5,500 domestic-terrorism “assessments” in 2021, a 10-fold increase since 2017 and a 50-fold increase since 2013. “Assessments are the closest thing to domestic spying that exists in America and generally not talked about by the Bureau,” Arkin noted. The House Weaponization Subcommittee warned that “the FBI appears to be complicit in artificially supporting the Administration’s political narrative” that domestic violent extremism is “the ‘greatest threat’ facing the United States.”

Those assessments could prove perilous because the official demand for terrorists far exceeds the domestic supply. A top federal official told Newsweek last year, “We’ve become too prone to labeling anything we don’t like as extremism, and then any extremist as a terrorist.” “Trespassing plus thought crimes equals terrorism” is the Biden standard for prosecuting January 6 defendants.
FBI whistleblower Steve Friend complained of current FBI leadership, “There is this belief that half the country are domestic terrorists and we can’t have a conversation with them. There is a fundamental belief that unless you are voicing what we agree…you are the enemy.”


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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If a conservative actually is able to get elected, I hope they let the city’s burn. Just set up a perimeter and let the rats consume their own.

In 2020 I felt bad for the businesses that got caught up in the middle of the mostly peaceful protests. But now they have seen the writing on the walls, and if they are still in these liberal dump cities, shame on them.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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If Trump were to actually win city‘s across this country will burn to the ground from mostly peaceful protests.

I hope We The People are able to overcome the 2am ballet dumps this time around.
My hope after Trump wins:

Day 1: Clean out the WH staff, hire vetted loyalists
Day 2: Trump deploys military to enforce Insurrection Act
Day 3: Trump dissolves FBI, creates new bureau from the ground-up.
Day 4: Trump rebuilds DOJ.
Day 5: Trump dissolves IRS, creates new revenue service 1/10 the original size, reduces tax laws to 10 pages.

EDIT: 11/7 0619CT: decided day 1 should be to clean out the WH staff
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Conservative Watchdog Alleges Retaliatory IRS Audit After Exposing Biden Nominees
Conservative Watchdog Alleges Retaliatory IRS Audit After Exposing Biden Nominees | ZeroHedge

In what appears to be a brazen echo of the Lois Lerner scandal, a conservative watchdog group says the Biden administration is unfairly targeting it with an IRS audit in retaliation for its work which put a critical spotlight on would-be occupants of the Biden administration's inner sanctum.

AAF President Tom Jones sees this move as nothing short of a politically motivated crackdown, given the timing and nature of the IRS's audit request. According to Jones, the demand for records tied to current elected officials is a clear sign of targeting against the AAF's research and education activities. He has termed it a "deliberate attempt to punish and suppress" the foundation's work.

"This sudden request by the IRS is not random," Jones said in a statement, insisting that the records request is "clearly a sign that they are targeting our research and education activities."
"It's a deliberate attempt to punish and suppress AAF's activities. It is surely no coincidence that AAF—the very organization that exposed the weaponization of the IRS—is now the target of it," Jones added.