US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Can anyone here please explain to the peabrained marxocrat base, why what this professional liar says is actually somewhat true?

Ok, I'll take a stab at it. Because it took Trump a year to get the USA energy independent and loosen the domestic oil restrictions that Obama had in place. (FYI, it takes much longer to ramp up then it takes to just put the brakes on and stop things immediately) And then it took Biden less than a year to reverse that historical feat by the Trump administration. So only because of what Trump accomplished during his Presidency is this statement actually somewhat true.

But it is actually not true anymore, since they reversed everything Trump accomplished. Production being at its highest was only in the first few months of the biden regime.

So really, if it is only somewhat true, then it is actually a lie in the way she spins the narrative hoping to get peabrains to think it is because of biden that production was higher.

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BIT Beta Team
Jan 5, 2016
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SE Michigan USA
Oct 16, 2018
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Florida, USA
When the plandemic hit, we bought a stand up freezer and proceeded to stock up on meat, eggs, dry goods, cheese, etc. before the hoarders bought everything. We really didn’t feel that we we needed the extra stock, but thought, hey why not?

Now, with a President who puts America last, we are so glad we stocked up. Biden needs to go!

I want to add that we are blessed and can do this. Others are not so fortunate.
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Aug 3, 2015
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Some new discussion regarding Putin and Trump.
Thought some of you might appreciate the added perspective.

Another fascinating article by Patel Patriot

There has been endless speculation on the topic of whether or not Trump could be working with Putin to take down the deep state. I’ve become somewhat annoyed over the constant media lies about Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. It’s also difficult to combat the mainstream narratives when we don’t have the full picture of what’s really going on….

So let’s connect all the dots here.

Putin says he is striving for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine
The Russian embassy in Canada releases a statement saying they are ending wars rather than starting them, in similar manner to Trump.
The Russian embassy statement reinforces that Russia’s goal is the denazification of Ukraine, and specifically names the neo-Nazi group “Azov”.
Azov was funded by Kolomoisky.
Kolomoisky is almost certainly the owner of Burisma.
Burisma hired Hunter Biden.
Joe Biden as VP withholds $1 billion in loan guarantees to get the prosecutor looking into Burisma fired.

Putin’s denazification of Ukraine connects to Joe Biden’s entire Ukraine scandal. Think about how significant this connection is. Putin has declared war on Nazism in Ukraine, and I believe this is a common enemy he shares with Trump.


There is a fascinating Substack series titled “Prussia Gate” that makes an extremely compelling argument for who Trump’s hidden enemy really is.

Has Trump been hinting at a war against fascism and Nazism this whole time? The Prussia Gate series makes a convincing argument for that being the case and it sheds light on the reality of Ukraine.

If Ukraine is truly the deep state epicenter, at some point, somebody has to go in and remove the rot from within. Sometimes to remove a cancer you have to go in and cut it out. Maybe that is exactly what Russia is doing.

The timing of this effort is so important. Putin has sought to liberate the post-Soviet countries from Nazi Fascism for decades. He invaded such countries during the tenure of every President we have had going back to the year 2000, except for one - Trump.

Putin’s goals of liberating post-Soviet countries didn’t change during Trump’s time as President. So why didn’t he invade Ukraine earlier? Could it actually be that in Trump, Putin finally found an ally to fight against the deep state and the hidden enemy? Invading Ukraine on Trump’s watch would have been a political disaster. Trump told us he was going to get us out of wars. Publicly, that’s exactly what he did.

Remember, the most important aspect of the 2020 election was that Donald Trump won in a massive landslide. If it hadn’t been a landslide, the deep state wouldn’t have had to cheat so brazenly, and the fraud wouldn’t be so obvious. If Trump needed a landslide, then he couldn’t afford any major political setbacks. He was already up against constant attacks and lies from the MSM, the democrats, big tech, social media etc.

He got his landslide anyway.

Even Russia says the election was stolen. Clicking this link https:/ takes you to a video of the Russian Ambassador to the UN saying, “and with the support of the United States where the legitimately elected president of the country was overthrown”.

A Russian incursion into Ukraine on Trump’s watch would have certainly been a political nightmare that could have derailed that landslide. Now, with Biden in office, there is no better time to deliver a critical blow to the enemy, a massive red pill to the masses, while annihilating the deep state in the process.

I’m merely making connections trying to figure out what I think is happening in Ukraine. I still don’t have all the answers, but I do know this. The MSM has lied to us about:

Russian Collusion
2 weeks to slow the spread
Masks work then don’t work
Trump tried killing people pushing HCQ
Vaccines Work
Vaccines are effective
and much more
Biden Corruption
Hunter Biden Laptop
Election Fraud
January 6th
Every single aspect of Joe Biden’s Presidency

I could go on and on. So when the MSM is telling us that Russia and Putin are the enemy, I can be almost certain that they are not.

I can’t tell you definitively that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are working together. I am not privy to their private conversations. However, they have a shared goal, and they share a common enemy. This wouldn’t be the first time these two have set out to defeat a common enemy to reach such a shared goal.

The deep state is the greatest enemy of the United States of America.
The deep state is also the sworn enemy of Russia.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.



Aug 3, 2015
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Also a newsworthy announcement today:

On Friday 25 March, during the Celebration of Penance at 17.00 in Saint Peter's Basilica, I will consecrate #Russia and #Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. #PrayTogether #Peace



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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iirc that is what logic we used during WWII .. somehow the Poles, the Baltics, and many others got Royally screwed in that game ..

Note, Russia also has a deep state, as does each state, .. so not certain if I would really call Russia our friend either way ..

"The deep state is the greatest enemy of the United States of America.
The deep state is also the sworn enemy of Russia.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend. "

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
Some new discussion regarding Putin and Trump.
Thought some of you might appreciate the added perspective.

Another fascinating article by Patel Patriot

There has been endless speculation on the topic of whether or not Trump could be working with Putin to take down the deep state. I’ve become somewhat annoyed over the constant media lies about Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. It’s also difficult to combat the mainstream narratives when we don’t have the full picture of what’s really going on….

So let’s connect all the dots here.

Putin says he is striving for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine
The Russian embassy in Canada releases a statement saying they are ending wars rather than starting them, in similar manner to Trump.
The Russian embassy statement reinforces that Russia’s goal is the denazification of Ukraine, and specifically names the neo-Nazi group “Azov”.
Azov was funded by Kolomoisky.
Kolomoisky is almost certainly the owner of Burisma.
Burisma hired Hunter Biden.
Joe Biden as VP withholds $1 billion in loan guarantees to get the prosecutor looking into Burisma fired.

Putin’s denazification of Ukraine connects to Joe Biden’s entire Ukraine scandal. Think about how significant this connection is. Putin has declared war on Nazism in Ukraine, and I believe this is a common enemy he shares with Trump.


There is a fascinating Substack series titled “Prussia Gate” that makes an extremely compelling argument for who Trump’s hidden enemy really is.

Has Trump been hinting at a war against fascism and Nazism this whole time? The Prussia Gate series makes a convincing argument for that being the case and it sheds light on the reality of Ukraine.

If Ukraine is truly the deep state epicenter, at some point, somebody has to go in and remove the rot from within. Sometimes to remove a cancer you have to go in and cut it out. Maybe that is exactly what Russia is doing.

The timing of this effort is so important. Putin has sought to liberate the post-Soviet countries from Nazi Fascism for decades. He invaded such countries during the tenure of every President we have had going back to the year 2000, except for one - Trump.

Putin’s goals of liberating post-Soviet countries didn’t change during Trump’s time as President. So why didn’t he invade Ukraine earlier? Could it actually be that in Trump, Putin finally found an ally to fight against the deep state and the hidden enemy? Invading Ukraine on Trump’s watch would have been a political disaster. Trump told us he was going to get us out of wars. Publicly, that’s exactly what he did.

Remember, the most important aspect of the 2020 election was that Donald Trump won in a massive landslide. If it hadn’t been a landslide, the deep state wouldn’t have had to cheat so brazenly, and the fraud wouldn’t be so obvious. If Trump needed a landslide, then he couldn’t afford any major political setbacks. He was already up against constant attacks and lies from the MSM, the democrats, big tech, social media etc.

He got his landslide anyway.

Even Russia says the election was stolen. Clicking this link https:/ takes you to a video of the Russian Ambassador to the UN saying, “and with the support of the United States where the legitimately elected president of the country was overthrown”.

A Russian incursion into Ukraine on Trump’s watch would have certainly been a political nightmare that could have derailed that landslide. Now, with Biden in office, there is no better time to deliver a critical blow to the enemy, a massive red pill to the masses, while annihilating the deep state in the process.

I’m merely making connections trying to figure out what I think is happening in Ukraine. I still don’t have all the answers, but I do know this. The MSM has lied to us about:

Russian Collusion
2 weeks to slow the spread
Masks work then don’t work
Trump tried killing people pushing HCQ
Vaccines Work
Vaccines are effective
and much more
Biden Corruption
Hunter Biden Laptop
Election Fraud
January 6th
Every single aspect of Joe Biden’s Presidency

I could go on and on. So when the MSM is telling us that Russia and Putin are the enemy, I can be almost certain that they are not.

I can’t tell you definitively that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are working together. I am not privy to their private conversations. However, they have a shared goal, and they share a common enemy. This wouldn’t be the first time these two have set out to defeat a common enemy to reach such a shared goal.

The deep state is the greatest enemy of the United States of America.
The deep state is also the sworn enemy of Russia.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.



The Devolution part 18 was very interesting, thanks for posting. https:/