US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
This is written from a far left viewpoint anyway. I have not looked into the Qanon movement or beliefs, is the pedophile story something that all of them believe and a main part of the movement?

"If only QAnon’s beliefs were that straightforward, benign or grounded in reality. The core tenet is that Trump, backed by the military, ran for office to save Americans from child-abusing devil-worshippers in the government and media. Backing the president’s enemies, the theory falsely claims, are prominent Democrats who extract hormones from children’s blood.

The theory spins off from there. In some versions, John F. Kennedy Jr., who died in a plane crash in 1999, is alive and hiding in rural Pennsylvania, biding his time until he reemerges to back Trump’s reelection bid. Other iterations feature celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres and religious figures, including Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama. UFOs sometime make appearances, as does the 9/11 “truther” movement and anti-vaccine beliefs."

Personally my perceptions of this is that anything that is conservative or pro-constitution will be attacked with a narrative that is conspiracy theory in it own right. To me it seems that they took some of these "beliefs" from social media that was intended in jest of the left, not actual core beliefs. Were, or are, these core beliefs?
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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It should be clear, that Kamala is dangerous to our liberties as she has no trouble abusing her power for political gain.

There was no reason to have these 3 men paraded in prison garb in a court room cage in front for TV cameras. These men's constitutional rights were clearly trampled upon.

Kamala Harris' Dishonest Campaign To Destroy

The vice-presidential candidate opportunistically painted the site's co-founders as villains when they were actually helping law enforcement to catch sex traffickers.

Before Senator and former California Attorney General Kamala Harris was chosen as Joe Biden's running mate in the 2020 election, she played a role in a campaign to force a website called to stop operating on the grounds that it was used to facilitate sex trafficking.

" needs to shut itself down, when it has created as its business model the profiting off of selling human beings and the purchase of human beings," Harris said at a 2012 press conference.

She would go on to spread misinformation about the site and its co-founders, Michael Lacey and James Larkin, and she co-filed criminal charges that were quickly dismissed but succeeded at garnering headlines and photo ops that raised her political profile. In reality, had become a powerful tool for law enforcement to help catch sex traffickers because of the cooperation and commitment of the site's founders to that cause, whom Harris and many other states' attorneys general had painted as villains.

Reason's Elizabeth Nolan-Brown revealed secret Justice Department memos showing prosecutors spent years trying to build a child sex trafficking case against Backpage but failed "to uncover compelling evidence of criminal intent or a pattern of reckless conduct regarding minors." Instead, Justice Department officials found Backpage was "remarkably responsive" to law enforcement requests and proactively sent ads containing minors to authorities

The memos revealed a story that didn't match the characterization that Harris and other politicians, attorneys general, and activists had been pushing for years.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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1 week ago
Yep, Biden and Harris are so progressive that they locked away innocent minority men for small drug charges.

News Now Adirondacks
1 week ago
Biden made his selection based upon race and gender not content of character.

Kamala Harris: Drug Warrior, Vice Cop, Draconian Prosecutor



BIT Beta Team
Aug 23, 2019
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Kamala Harris - no issues lying in the debates...

Ben Shapiro does a good job framing this. From anti-Biden to Biden's running mate.

Media Ignore Kamala’s SUPER Awkward Admission On Late Night Show
Pence needs to address this in the debates. After she says something negative about him or Trump, he needs to ask her if she is being serious or if she is just debating like she said last time.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
For those that may have doubted my comment regarding teachers being worried that parents may find out what they're actually teaching, here's a school district trying to stop parents from observing what is being taught. In a "red" state, too. Go figure! But that's how the socialists operate, gain a little foothold and spread from there using whatever means necessary.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Will President Trump be the first candidate to get a bump from both conventions? :)

'Fact check: True': Trump’s approval rating surges during Biden’s convention.....

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

During this week’s Democratic National Convention, which was supposed to launch Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's ticket into the fall election with good feelings and high poll numbers, President Trump’s approval rating surged...... The Rasmussen Reports daily average for Trump, which is spread over three days, hit 51% this week — and has stayed there.

In a reaction to Rasmussen’s poll, which was looked at over 250,000 times, a commenter wrote, “It’s not uncommon for candidates to receive a bump after a national political convention. It’s just that usually the convention is their own and not their opponents.”

Rasmussen Reports responded, “Fact Check: True.”

It rose as the president was taking hits at the virtual convention from former President Barack Obama, 2016 foe Hillary Rodham Clinton, and a host of other prominent Democrats.

But it also came as he hit the campaign trail in advance of next week’s GOP convention to slam the Biden-Harris ticket and talk up his successes, including the new peace agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Portland riots intensify; balloons with feces thrown at cop cars

Heeding the advice of critics, Portland police say they repeatedly tried to deescalate with protesters Friday night. It didn’t work.

As many as 200 demonstrators rampaged near a police station in the Oregon city, pelting a protective line of unoccupied police vehicles with golf balls, softball-sized rocks, metal railroad spikes, paint-filled plastic eggs and balloons filled with feces.

A torn-up street sign was also used to smash cars, with tires slashed and windows broken, police said...



Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Football legend Herschel Walker calls out DNC for 'playing the race card way too much'

Football legend Herschel Walker ripped into Democrats on social media Thursday during the fourth and final night of Democratic National Convention over their fixation on racial issues. Walker, who has a friendship with President Donald Trump and has been a vocal opponent of the often violent nationwide protests that have taken place this summer, essentially accused Democrats of pandering for votes. “Wow Democratic Convention, you’re playing the race card way too much tonight!” Walker wrote. @HerschelWalker Wow Democratic Convention, you’re playing the race card way too much tonight! You all have been in office for years and have done nothing for African Americans. Every four years you do this for a vote. And the violence and death in our communities, yet you say nothing?



Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Portland riots intensify; balloons with feces thrown at cop cars

Heeding the advice of critics, Portland police say they repeatedly tried to deescalate with protesters Friday night. It didn’t work.

As many as 200 demonstrators rampaged near a police station in the Oregon city, pelting a protective line of unoccupied police vehicles with golf balls, softball-sized rocks, metal railroad spikes, paint-filled plastic eggs and balloons filled with feces.

A torn-up street sign was also used to smash cars, with tires slashed and windows broken, police said...

Those leftist in charge of Portland and Oregon have allowed this to happen. It's like letting a child go down a path of bad behavior and actions. It is enabling. An enabled person feels that they can continue as such, maybe even empowered to do so.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Of course I'm preaching to the choir here. But starting at 7:58 is Ana Navarro. What she espouses is pure racism and prejudice. And the CNN fake news anchors just laugh and smile and nod their heads approvingly in the background.
What gets me is that now anyone who is not of European descent can piggyback themselves onto what they "imagine" as the racial oppressed tied to slavery, of which was abolished in the U.S.A. in 1865, over 148 years ago. Why live here if you don't like it here, and over 243 years of U.S.A. history is pure utter despicableness to you?
It is amazing how they can say that we need to end racism. Being racist and prejudice is all the left has been doing for many years now and it's getting more brazen all the time. And recent immigrants who have little to no deep family history here find this country so detestable, that is has to be "reimagined"? But for some odd reason they choose to be here and not where they came from?
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