US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
John Kerry Says Great Reset is Needed to Stop Rise of Populism

"Former Secretary of State John Kerry attended a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum during which he asserted that a great reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism.
Kerry vowed that under a Biden administration, America would rejoin the job-killing Paris Climate Agreement but that this was “not enough.”
“The notion of a reset is more important than ever before,” Kerry said. “I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”
The former Senator made it clear that this “reset,” which is merely a re-branding of the same new world order that has faced stiff resistance for the past two decades, is necessary to extinguish populism."

John Kerry Says Great Reset is Needed to Stop Rise of Populism – Summit News

My comment: Kerry and his ilk are all about pushing Globalist overlords and squashing dissent and sovereign liberties. There are some Republicans who support him such as Romney and Sasse.


Getting comfortable
Mar 9, 2014
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My comment: Kerry and his ilk are all about pushing Globalist overlords and squashing dissent and sovereign liberties. There are some Republicans who support him such as Romney and Sasse.
Sasse is the product of vinegar and water trucks colliding--I wouldn't vote for him this go-around; left the ballot blank there. He also never acknowledged my 'letter to the senator' hosted on his website, in which I asked him to support President Trump on some issue or other this past summer--Sasse had been flapping his gums against Trump of late and I asked him to do his job and quit trying to get attention.

I look forward to a day when snakes like Romney, Graham, Sasse and others face REAL conservative challengers whose interests don't lead them to ignore policy that is clearly working for all law-abiding Americans; like Trump's policies.
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
But eventually the barrel glows Red :rofl:


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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CNN probably regretting leaving this video up...

"Do you believe right now we are in a position where the election in 2020 will be hacked?" - CNN reporter Laurie Segall ( see end of video about 6:00 )
"Oh without question...the 2020 election will be hacked no matter what we do.. " -

We watched hackers break into voting machines
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
John Kerry Says Great Reset is Needed to Stop Rise of Populism

"Former Secretary of State John Kerry attended a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum during which he asserted that a great reset was urgently needed to stop the rise of populism.
Kerry vowed that under a Biden administration, America would rejoin the job-killing Paris Climate Agreement but that this was “not enough.”
“The notion of a reset is more important than ever before,” Kerry said. “I personally believe … we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”
The former Senator made it clear that this “reset,” which is merely a re-branding of the same new world order that has faced stiff resistance for the past two decades, is necessary to extinguish populism."

John Kerry Says Great Reset is Needed to Stop Rise of Populism – Summit News

My comment: Kerry and his ilk are all about pushing Globalist overlords and squashing dissent and sovereign liberties. There are some Republicans who support him such as Romney and Sasse.

Hermun Munnnnsterrrr :winktongue:



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Takin’ it to the Streets

  • An election campaign where President Trump could draw capacity crowds of up to 60,000 or more people to an airport in any state on 48 hours’ notice, while Joe Biden couldn’t draw 25 people to any event anywhere.
  • Election night behavior by the MSM and Dem-controlled swing states that simply does not pass the smell test. President Trump was running away with another solid Electoral College victory, when ‘stop-the-counting’ suddenly popped up in all the critical states. And lo and behold, in the days following November 3rd, mail-in ballots erased Trump’s leads by just the right amount -- sometimes with the great fortuity of receiving a batch of 100,000+ votes, all for Biden, and all voted only for Biden (no down-ballot votes recorded).
  • Election results where (1) not one incumbent ‘R’ House member lost; (2) 16 out of 17 so-called ‘bellwether’ counties that have voted for the eventual presidential winner in every election for the past 36 years voted for Trump; and (3) 27 House races rated by the ‘experts’ as ‘toss ups’ went for the ‘R’ candidate -- in all 27 races.

Americans by the millions are not going to ‘unsee’ any of this. And when they put it all together, they know for an absolute certainty that they, the American people, did not elect Joe Biden as President. They know Biden did not get the most votes in the history of American presidential candidates. They know President Trump won re-election.