UI3 Questions


Getting the hang of it
May 11, 2016
Reaction score

I am beginning to understand why people keep the BI app at 1FPS – because they don’t use that as a viewer – they use UI3. Sorry I am late to the party. My PC is an I7 4790 with 16gb ram & a SSD.

I have a few questions:

1. Can I restrict the UI3 interface to a specific group (say Exterior as the group)?

a. If the user tries to click on a group, It wont work?

i. Current Group doesn’t show other groups as option?

2. Which is less CPU intensive for UI3 & the server? HD JPG or 2MP video?

3. Can I have a default URL which opens specifically in HD JPEG & another URL for 2MP video?

4. Why does the UI3 Server Status show 80% usage on the web interface but the PC itself shows 65%? Ram seems perfectly accurate.

5. Does UI3 on multiple devices use significant resources?

a. If I wanted to have UI3 display full time on 2 TV’s – would that have significant impact on the server?

6. Is it possible to have a JPG view but still listen to audio?

7. Can I listen to audio only as an option?




Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
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1) No, but you can restrict a Blue Iris user to a specific group.
a) Unavailable groups will not be shown.
2) Depends on the frame rates being encoded. Jpeg is probably less CPU intensive.
3) No. But if you use two different browsers you could have each configured with different settings.
4) CPU usage can spike up and down. Consider the average value over time.
5) Yes, each connected UI3 or mobile app will increase CPU usage on the server.
6) No
7) No. If you want to save bandwidth, you can create a UI3 streaming profile that does H.264 with very low bit rate and FPS so that the video is inconsequential.