UI3 click on camera shows wrong camera?


Getting the hang of it
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
Metro Detroit
Last weekend I built a new BI PC, installed BI version 5, pushed up to the latest stable update, activated/deactivated, imported my config, regenerated the database, and all is well on the new BI computer. My network is closed and BI is not exposed to the interwebs. I access the BI server via pfSense VPN when outside my home.

This is the weird part: I have a raspberry pi in my home office connected to a large HDMI TV monitor that I only use to launch the pi's desktop browser to my BI server (ui3.htm). I have 15 cameras of varying types and configs and all are showing up as expected in UI3.htm on all computers (and my Android). When I launch the browser on the pi I see all 15 cameras but when I click on "frontporch" I get video for the "backyard". Not one single camera that is shown in the ui3 matrix shows the proper camera when clicked. With the new BI computer I did update the IP for the url, cleared the pi browser cache/history/cookies, and bounced it but it still happens. I see the UI3 camera matrix, click on "DoglooCam" and I get ... "BasementCam". WTF? I have clicked through every camera on the pi browser but none shows the correct camera...

I also run an Ubuntu desktop and when I open UI3 with any browser (chrome, firefox, brave), everything works right. Same thing on my Pixel/Android phone, too.This has got to be something simple and silly on the pi but I have yet to figure it out. Any ideas?


Staff member
Mar 10, 2014
Reaction score
Hi. There are some things you can do to try to troubleshoot.

1. Turn on UI3's camera labels (ctrl + L, or UI Settings > Camera Labels > Camera Labels Enabled). This will have UI3 draw its own camera labels at the top of each camera, so we can see where UI3 thinks your cameras are located versus where they are actually located.
2. Right click the video, open the "Stats for nerds" panel. This tells us some related information such as the viewport size, the stream resolution, whether it was a dynamically sized group or not, and if Blue Iris didn't honor the requested resolution and sent something different instead, it will have an additional row saying what the requested resolution was (oh, that last bit is only applicable if you are on the latest update, not the latest stable).

While you're on the all cameras view with the labels enabled and the "Stats for nerds" panel open, Take a screenshot or picture . Then resize the browser, and take another screenshot. Resize some more and do it again. Do this several times for some significantly different browser window sizes, because to determine what might be wrong, it is helpful to see how things change as the video player resizes.

You should also try the latest update, not just the latest stable, to see if the issue has already been fixed.

The Profit

Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
I have the same issue when clicking on a specific camera in the All Cameras view in the BI app (iOS version) as well. It has been happening for a few months. If I click on one of the cameras that are all listed on the left hand side then I get the correct one in the main view.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Getting the hang of it
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
Metro Detroit
Updating to fixed the issue. Weird how it was just that one browser on that one computer. Thanks!