Two zone trigger.


Young grasshopper
Jun 20, 2016
Is there any way to set zones so two zones need to be active to trigger? For example I have a horizontal line at 2ft and 5ft., when someone walks it triggers, but light or shadows on only one zone does not trigger it. It seems if i put AB either zone triggers. If I put "A+B", it behaves like "AB". I know crossing is ">", but two zone trigger would eliminate a lot of false triggers.
Is there any way to set zones so two zones need to be active to trigger? For example I have a horizontal line at 2ft and 5ft., when someone walks it triggers, but light or shadows on only one zone does not trigger it. It seems if i put AB either zone triggers. If I put "A+B", it behaves like "AB". I know crossing is ">", but two zone trigger would eliminate a lot of false triggers.
A-B would require the object to cross from one to the other (though would not work to require both at the same time)...also not that you can set alerts to only fire ""when motion occurs in specific zones in either an "any" (any one of the zones) or "all" (the motion travels through all specified zones) mode" - from the help file
I think i know what you're getting at, but your engrish seems a little broken today! just re-read your response, takes some interpretation ;-)
For the amount of awesome free advice/help given here, I'm fine with occasionally having to interpret it. lol