Two DHCPs...Should I turn one off?


Getting comfortable
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
I have your standard internet provider supplied AP\Router\Wifi with 4 ethernet ports.
It is set to do its standard DHCP assignment thing like they all do.

I also now have a 48 port POE Switch (LinksysSRW248G4P...way overkill currently but it was cheap and allows me to dream).
It also runs DHCP by default I believe as it is currently set up when I got it.

The switch is the only thing plugged into the back of the AP\Router.
I have it set up as follows:
(Internet from DSL -> AP\Router -> Ethernet to Gig E port on Switch -> Everything else plugged into switch. Computers, couple cameras so far, phone, backup drive)

Not knowing really how this all works in tandem I am concerned it could cause an issue if both products are trying to assign IPs whenever I plug something new into the switch.
At the least, I'm not sure how I would tell which product is doing the IP assignment or if there could be conflicts.

I'm assuming this is not a best practice and could maybe muck something up eventually?

Should I turn off DHCP in one of the devices and if so, which one?

Also, for down the road once I'm more familiar with this, I believe they both have the capability to set up \ control things like QOS if I ever need that (priority to my IP phone vs a movie download to a laptop for example) and more important, both can somehow setup a VPN on them (not sure how yet)...So which would I use for these functions?

Thanks for any advice.


IPCT Contributor
Jul 16, 2014
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Denver, CO
running more than one dhcp server is very bad; disable one.. whichever one you like managing the least, dont matter.


Getting comfortable
Dec 15, 2015
Reaction score
The switch has a much larger feature set...not that I know how to use it all yet.
But now that I think about it, turning off DHCP in the WIFI router AP would mean any time I have a guest over who wants to connect to the internet would require the guest password AND I'd have to log in and manually configure an IP for them since it won't be auto assigned.
So guess that answers which one I'll turn off.