TruVue Camera Issue Rebooting in daylight only

Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
Hey Guys,

First time poster, love the forum

I have been battling with this camera i purchased for for the last week.
Much to my frustration is was not a cheap camera, i forked out $336 dollars for it =(.

Please see the below specs.

The issue i am having is during sunlight hours the camera will reboot and become unreachable.
I set up a trigger to capture the frequency of the reboot in blueiris and they are as follows.

Thu 06/20/2019 14:10:41.07 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Thu 06/20/2019 14:11:49.45 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Thu 06/20/2019 15:16:20.62 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Thu 06/20/2019 15:17:28.90 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Thu 06/20/2019 16:15:58.64 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Thu 06/20/2019 16:17:17.31 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Thu 06/20/2019 17:29:00.96 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Thu 06/20/2019 17:30:09.43 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 7:56:25.84 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 7:57:33.98 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 9:23:46.66 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 9:24:54.50 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 10:38:54.89 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 10:40:33.12 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 11:13:51.16 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 11:14:59.37 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 12:43:18.38 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 12:44:26.72 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 13:08:35.71 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 13:09:03.71 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 13:53:17.12 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 13:54:45.99 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 15:01:08.17 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 15:02:16.13 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 15:54:29.56 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 15:55:34.80 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE
Fri 06/21/2019 17:05:05.95 FOHC SIGNAL-LOSS
Fri 06/21/2019 17:06:55.10 FOHC SIGNAL-RESTORE

Additionally a contentious ping script was setup from an independent computer on the same network and it would report the device as unreachable during the reboot.

To take things a step further to get an idea of what was happening during the reboot i setup an onviv probe and it appears the device would on restart would come back online with a 169 address for a short period of time before returning to its original address.

After doing alot of digging it appears that there was a foscom camera that sounded like it almost had the same issue as this, however they seemed like they were very low res cameras and this unit is a 4k camera.

Has anyone had any experience with this?
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Young grasshopper
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
United Kingdom
is the camera in direct sunlight and do you live somewhere excessively hot? if so, might be a thermal issue


Staff member
Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
wow it turns out when i have shut down BlueIris the camera no longer reboots. i have been monitoring 1 day and counting no issues.
First, you have not confirmed that blue iris is causing a reboot, its impossible for blue iris to be rebooting your camera.
More than likely the camera is rebooting when its constantly sending a video feed. Test by streaming to vlc or another (non OEM) vms.
Second, $336 is an insane ripoff for that camera. Truvue simply rebrands TVT cameras.
Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
First, you have not confirmed that blue iris is causing a reboot, its impossible for blue iris to be rebooting your camera.
More than likely the camera is rebooting when its constantly sending a video feed. Test by streaming to vlc or another (non OEM) vms.
Second, $336 is an insane ripoff for that camera. Truvue simply rebrands TVT cameras.
Thanks for the prompt reply,
I have been streaming from the URL from the camera that only works in IE (activeX ), with no reboots.

I will try with VLC player and report back. Just add it to capture the stream ?

If it is infact a RTSP issue does BlueIris support active X streaming could be an option?

I’m from Australia so that price in USD would be a lot cheaper our dollar sucks here.
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Young grasshopper
Nov 1, 2018
Reaction score
United Kingdom
active-x is not a streaming protocol, its just an outdated plugin type for internet explorer. Try using a different streaming method in blue iris and see if the issue still happens (if you are using RTSP, try MJPEG)
Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
active-x is not a streaming protocol, its just an outdated plugin type for internet explorer. Try using a different streaming method in blue iris and see if the issue still happens (if you are using RTSP, try MJPEG)
Thanks Mate :)

Also thanks for your reply above i thought i responded to it, its Winter here at them moment its cold as hell.
I think i may have solved the issue by upgrading the firmware as this is infact a clone of a TVT.
So i figured why not load a TVT firmware into it.

The Camera is running better then ever i am going to monitor it over the next 24 hours with Blue-Iris and see how it goes.

Fingers crossed!!!!!!
Jun 19, 2019
Reaction score
Hey All,
I might be a little jumping the gun here.

However i updated the camera with a TVT firmware (The model TruVue cloned from).
Seems like i am the only one out there with this camera that has had this issue, however if there is someone that comes across this issue its nice to forward on the information.
I tried to attach the firmware however the forum will not allow me to.

Will monitor this over the next few days, but i believe it is fixed, as i would get intermittent signal loss counters, random fps along with every hour a reboot.
Since the update over night i have not had a single frame drop signal loss or anything =D

Will monitor for 48 hours then mark this as solved if the issues is no longer
